GNU Shepherd 0.10.2 Service Manager Fixes Some Long-Standing Issues

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67391

    GNU Shepherd 0.10.2 Service Manager Fixes Some Long-Standing Issues

    Phoronix: GNU Shepherd 0.10.2 Service Manager Fixes Some Long-Standing Issues

    GNU Shepherd is the Guile-written service manager for handling daemons that is most notably used by the GNU Guix project as an alternative to the likes of SysV and systemd. With today's GNU Shepherd 0.10.2 some long-standing issues have finally been resolved...

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  • krzyzowiec
    Senior Member
    • Jun 2021
    • 245

    Guile/scheme is such a pleasant language to use.


    • V1tol
      Senior Member
      • May 2016
      • 612

      Any alternative to mainstream be like: we are better, use us!
      Also alternative: rapid development/bugfix, best configuration language and overall being user friendly.


      • andyprough
        Senior Member
        • Feb 2012
        • 2457

        I haven't run Guix for a couple of years, this is a good reminder I should install it again this summer, see how its progressed.


        • gotar
          Senior Member
          • Dec 2021
          • 251

          Looking at that example I wish them good luck. I can guess that ';' is for comments, '#:something' defines an action, apostrophe itself is used before strings, but is not being closed, parentheses are for lists ...and everything is a list. There was a joke:

          A spy manages to steal the last 50MB of the Lisp program governing U.S. missile launches. Fortunately, it was all closing parentheses.


          • cynic
            Senior Member
            • Oct 2011
            • 1096

            looks interesting but I'm not sure I like the service syntax very much


            • waxhead
              Premium For Life
              • Jul 2014
              • 1153

              I am not familiar with shepperd at all but I too think the syntax seems messy and not very readable.

              Sure, this is a preference and one learned it might have many benefits for all I know, but as already proven such syntax might scare people away which may not be such a good design choice



              • slalomsk8er
                Senior Member
                • Apr 2010
                • 375

                Originally posted by waxhead View Post
                I am not familiar with shepperd at all but I too think the syntax seems messy and not very readable.

                Sure, this is a preference and one learned it might have many benefits for all I know, but as already proven such syntax might scare people away which may not be such a good design choice
                Doesn't matter as it isn't existing in a vacuum. GNU Guile is the language of choice for GNU and especially GNU Guix the main distribution deploying shepherd.
                So it fits well and because it's a programming language it's very powerful and there is a lot of tooling that makes working with the syntax comfortable.


                • gotar
                  Senior Member
                  • Dec 2021
                  • 251

                  Originally posted by slalomsk8er View Post
                  GNU Guile is the language of choice for GNU and especially GNU Guix the main distribution deploying shepherd.
                  So it fits well and because it's a programming language it's very powerful and there is a lot of tooling that makes working with the syntax comfortable.
                  Yeah, the GNU/choices are well known to be obscure (but ideologically compatible).

                  Learning the entire programming language just to use and configure system - a new level of insanity. Is this some kind of compulsive disorder?

                  Sorry, let me fix my myself, translating to GNU/speak:

                  Learning the entire programming GNU/language just to use and configure GNU/system - a new level of GNU/correctness. Is this some kind of GNU/wake?


                  • skeevy420
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2017
                    • 8684

                    Originally posted by waxhead View Post
                    I am not familiar with shepperd at all but I too think the syntax seems messy and not very readable.

                    Sure, this is a preference and one learned it might have many benefits for all I know, but as already proven such syntax might scare people away which may not be such a good design choice
                    That's how I feel about Scheme (never really looked into it until this). If it didn't use so many damn parentheses I'd be a lot more open towards it. For whatever reason, all those parentheses make it difficult for me to easily read it.

