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X.Org Women Outreach Program Only Turns Up Two Applicants So Far

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  • Originally posted by TheBlackCat View Post
    Oh right, that explains why so many MRA have been bullied into silence with threats of violence. Oh wait, it is the feminists who are being bullied into silence with rape and death threats.
    How would you even know about the threats if they were silenced effectively?


    • Originally posted by nils_ View Post
      How would you even know about the threats if they were silenced effectively?
      Because just before they go silent they explain why they are gong silent.


      • Originally posted by curaga View Post
        In your universe MRAs are not bullied into silence? It may not be with threats of violence but instead threats to ruin one's life with other methods, big fucking deal.
        I consider threats of rape and murder to be "a big fucking deal". People are leaving the discussion because for they fear for their life, and the lives of their family members. You do realize that is a crime, right? Unfortunately in practice it is almost impossible to prosecute and police don't seem to care enough to try in most internet cases, but it is nevertheless a crime.

        And even if you were right, the very fact that we are seeing threats of violence predominately from those opposed to feminism shows that blackiwid's statement is transparently false. But it is used an excuse to justify still more threats of violence.


        • I meant "big fucking deal" as in "there is little difference in a threat of violence and a threat of ruining one's life". They are both serious issues.

          I know MRAs who regularly get threats of fake rape allegations, among other things. Do you know what one of those does to the target? And how the source has no repercussions for making one?


          • Originally posted by curaga View Post
            I meant "big fucking deal" as in "there is little difference in a threat of violence and a threat of ruining one's life". They are both serious issues.
            Yes, there is a major difference. Especially when it isn't just threats against the life of the person, but threats against their family as well. Threats of ruining someone's life are terrible too, but there is nevertheless a huge difference.

            Originally posted by curaga View Post
            I know MRAs who regularly get threats of fake rape allegations, among other things. Do you know what one of those does to the target? And how the source has no repercussions for making one?
            Regularly, as in "many a day" like many prominent feminists get? And how many MRA who have made rape or death threats have gotten punished for it? Again, false rape allegations are a terrible thing, but pretending that what MRAs have to deal with anything remotely similar to the severity or volume of what feminists have to deal with is either blindness or dishonesty. And claiming that MRAs have it worse than feminists in this regard, which is what blackiwid claimed, is just fantasy land.


            • Originally posted by TheBlackCat View Post
              Oh right, that explains why so many MRA have been bullied into silence with threats of violence. Oh wait, it is the feminists who are being bullied into silence with rape and death threats.

              If they are not violent who is?

              Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

              And here is that "hate" speech they had to fight against!


              • They just wanted to hire some chicks....


                • Originally posted by TheBlackCat View Post
                  Because just before they go silent they explain why they are gong silent.
                  And they always give screen captures for evidence. We all know that screen captures can't be faked:

                  The incredibly obnoxious millennial badgering the man in Toronto in the video I posted was part of a group standing in the hall leading to a lecture room shouting into a bullhorn doing everything they could to disrupt a talk on the parental rights of men before one of them pulled a fire alarm to effectively silence the talk given by the group CAFE.

                  Social justice is about equality, something that is clearly not being worked towards by modern feminists and social justice warriors. Now if the superhero neckbeards of Xorg want more women involved, why don't they hire more women instead of posting random SJW screeds in random forums on the internet?


                  • Originally posted by yogi_berra View Post
                    And they always give screen captures for evidence.
                    Of course, they must be lying because they don't agree with you. Nobody who disagrees with you could possibly be telling the truth. Going to a twitter stream and seeing for yourself would be far too much

                    Originally posted by yogi_berra View Post
                    The incredibly obnoxious millennial badgering the man in Toronto in the video I posted was part of a group standing in the hall leading to a lecture room shouting into a bullhorn doing everything they could to disrupt a talk on the parental rights of men before one of them pulled a fire alarm to effectively silence the talk given by the group
                    And can you prove that it was a feminist who pulled the fire alarm? Conspiracy theories cut both ways.

                    Originally posted by yogi_berra View Post
                    Social justice is about equality, something that is clearly not being worked towards by modern feminists and social justice warriors. Now if the superhero neckbeards of Xorg want more women involved, why don't they hire more women instead of posting random SJW screeds in random forums on the internet?
                    That is simply a blatant lie. Yes, you can find examples of people acting in an extreme way, or being assholes. This is true of any group on any subject. But the opponents of feminism prop them up as representatives of feminism, when in reality feminists as a whole pay not attention to them.


                    • Regarding feminists... by definition, they are working to remove any sort of gender bias and the like to make all genders equal.

                      However, many people, male and female, take up the name feminist. This is true with many beliefs and philosophies, there will always be people out there giving bad names to something. The issue is that feminism is the 'cool' thing because they are often very vocal to a lot of social media and popular celebrities, especially on youtube.

                      You know what they say, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

                      TL;DR Feminists are known as a loud minority, because just like any group, there are idiots that leave a bad name for everyone else. I would like to see equality myself. Will it ever happen, probably not. If it does happen it will most likely be executed poorly.

