Originally posted by tomtomme
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I never used OpenSUSE and, AFAIK, KDE is still shipped AND considered as a viable DE for Fedora.
- why do you want to kill KDE / Qt / Ubuntu (CLA stuff) instead of Windows / MacOS?
I don't want to kill KDE, it is still going strong. I don't want to kill Qt, it is still going strong, it is still being open source and it will be like this until the end of the times (where do you guys take these ideas from???). I don't want to kill Ubuntu, it's killing itself. And finally, I'm a Windows user.
- why so destructive?
- What feature exactly was killed in KDE that you are actually missing and where you / "the users" were not consulted before? When did you use KDE the last time?
I used KDE on Kubuntu (12). It was awesome, but I really missed some tools from Gnome. But Cinnamon kicked in and, well, I never looked back.
- Why do you accuse people of twisting your words and in the next step are doing it yourself, like "Thank you for confirming that KDE is dying.", when the author stated the exact opposite...
Windows is dying, do you see it vanishing in the next ten years? Just a troll would assume that.