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Adobe To Use TransGaming's SwiftShader; Remember Cedega?

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  • smitty3268
    Originally posted by jntesteves View Post
    V!NCENT, I presume you do not speak english because, based on what you are saying, I think you did not understand a single word (apart from cocoa, maybe) of what smitty3268 said.

    And, on a side note, Linux don't need no NextStep shit.
    Yeah, the fact that Apple still has Carbon applications shows that the transition to Cocoa hasn't been easy even for them.

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  • jntesteves
    Originally posted by V!NCENT View Post
    Oh yeah what a freaking change has that been <_<'

    Get outa here, troll... Cocoa is a rename of the Unix cross platform API that came from NextStep. This universal API is now (freaking finaly) implemented on Linux in the form of GnuStep.
    V!NCENT, I presume you do not speak english because, based on what you are saying, I think you did not understand a single word (apart from cocoa, maybe) of what smitty3268 said.

    And, on a side note, Linux don't need no NextStep shit.

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    Originally posted by smitty3268 View Post
    As someone who works with .NET at work, I can tell you that the API churn there is incredible. And I think everyone is aware of how often OSX has changed APIs and how difficult it has been to switch from Carbon to Cocoa. So i find complaints about Linux APIs changing too much to be a little humorous.
    Oh yeah what a freaking change has that been <_<'

    Get outa here, troll... Cocoa is a rename of the Unix cross platform API that came from NextStep. This universal API is now (freaking finaly) implemented on Linux in the form of GnuStep.

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  • XorEaxEax
    Originally posted by jntesteves View Post
    We are getting there faster than the speed of light, thanks to Gecko's and Webkit's contributors.
    Music to my ears, so I really hope you're right

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  • smitty3268
    Originally posted by jntesteves View Post
    Sorry if I wasn't clear on that. GCC is not an Apple project, of course, but they use it and they do contribute code back uptream.
    Apple used to contribute back to GCC, but that stopped a while ago. When they switched to the GPLv3 license. Apple decided to fund LLVM instead.

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  • jntesteves
    Originally posted by XorEaxEax View Post
    Ehh, no GCC is definately NOT Apple's. Webkit is a fork of KHTML so it's not as if they created it from scratch, also LLVM is not made by Apple, although they are certainly the largest (only?) corporate contributor as it stands.
    Sorry if I wasn't clear on that. GCC is not an Apple project, of course, but they use it and they do contribute code back uptream.
    But LLVM, frankly, Apple is the one paying everybody that works on it fulltime. But big and core open-source projects like those don't "belong" to any single institution as they really shouldn't. Not like some other enterprises who think they can own open-source projects forever. (cough, sun, cough)

    Apple (back in 2001!) started Webkit from KHTML's codebase, but, saying that today it IS KHTML with a couple Apple patches is far from truth. With help from Apple, Google and many independent contributors it became a bigger project. KHTML did the harder work of starting it all, but, today Webkit > KHTML.

    Originally posted by XorEaxEax View Post
    As for flash, I certainly have no love for it either. Here's hoping HTML5 and webm manages to wrestle away parts of flash's market. Open source based standards benefit competition, and competition brings better end products. Monopolies on the other hand sure as hell don't.
    All the main pieces are in place now for HTML5 to blast Flash's market:
    audio and video elements, audio API (FF4), SVG + SMIL, MathML, canvas element, WebGL (+ typed arrays as an very welcome extra), touch API, local storage, Indexed DB, @fonts, CSS transforms.
    But a lot is still missing, like: audio and video input (mic, cam), miscellaneous input events (gamepad), video API.

    We are getting there faster than the speed of light, thanks to Gecko's and Webkit's contributors.

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  • XorEaxEax
    Originally posted by jntesteves View Post
    LLVM, GCC and, most importantly, Webkit, which drove the web to compete at a whole new level of quality, speed and standards compliance.
    Ehh, no GCC is definately NOT Apple's. Webkit is a fork of KHTML so it's not as if they created it from scratch, also LLVM is not made by Apple, although they are certainly the largest (only?) corporate contributor as it stands.

    As for flash, I certainly have no love for it either. Here's hoping HTML5 and webm manages to wrestle away parts of flash's market. Open source based standards benefit competition, and competition brings better end products. Monopolies on the other hand sure as hell don't.

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  • jntesteves
    Originally posted by devius View Post
    Yes, I read that thread last week or so. I fail to see where it goes agains what I said? Maybe a specific reply?

    Originally posted by devius View Post
    Well, Apple does make CUPS and is in charge of server 1.9.
    LLVM, GCC and, most importantly, Webkit, which drove the web to compete at a whole new level of quality, speed and standards compliance. Firefox4 is only geting as good as it is because Webkit is around, slowly eating their market. Without Webkit Chromium would never have seen the light of a day.

    You know, as near as five years from now, most of our apps will be web based. So, that is the most important technology to put money on now. That's why Adobe won't give up Flash, ever.

    Originally posted by devius View Post
    The only real problem I have with flash right now is that it crashes at least 10 times every minute... or something like that. It also makes my netbook feel slower than a 486 with 4MB of ram running windows 7. It's also stupid to use vector animation software to display movies.
    There are bigger problems with Flash that software developers understand a lil better. 1 example:
    There's only one full implementation and it's proprietary and from a company that has a monopoly of almost all of the markets it competes on. Now THAT's a problem!

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  • NoEffex
    Originally posted by V!NCENT View Post
    Adobe has always been Sony's Betamax and MiniDisc; deaperately trying to own the market with fonts and shit like Flash.

    If they open source Flash then they can no longer de the sole creation vendor of Flash. Simple...

    Adobe is as horrible as Microsoft!
    Flash is their platform. It's not an open standard per say.

    Rather than bitch about it not being open..move on like everyone else is doing..html5 is catching on. Once youtube completely moves then it'll just be a matter of time because quite honestly that's the primary user of flash.

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  • devius
    Originally posted by jntesteves View Post
    At least, Apple and Oracle doesn't treat free software as public enemy.
    While Microsoft still thinks open-source is the devil. (they just don't admit it publicly anymore, but they still think it, I know)
    Maybe you didn't read this thread:

    Well, Apple does make CUPS and is in charge of server 1.9. The only real problem I have with flash right now is that it crashes at least 10 times every minute... or something like that. It also makes my netbook feel slower than a 486 with 4MB of ram running windows 7. It's also stupid to use vector animation software to display movies.

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