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Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund Now Supporting FFmpeg

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  • #81
    Originally posted by dragon321 View Post
    I wouldn't be against supporting open source software from my taxes. Better that than paying foreign companies like Microsoft for running critical infrastructure.

    looks like the german government is not happy with Microsoft runnning critical infrastructure.

    microsoft are criminals thats clear.
    Phantom circuit Sequence Reducer Dyslexia


    • #82
      Originally posted by mdedetrich View Post
      As an Australian that now lives in Berlin (Germany), this is completely wrong and its kind of obvious that you haven't actually lived in a European city with good public transport that is structured around ~5 level apartments with the bottom levels being shops/cafes/restaurants.
      For starters, such cities have much healthier people because they can actually go about their daily business by walking instead of having to drive everywhere to do shopping because in "car friendly" cities, everything is concentrated into shopping centers/industrial districts which basically means people are forced to drive, in other words you have free exercise. Aside from cities like NY, US is the worst example of this where you are forced to get a car to even do basic things like groceries. Where I live there are ~4 different types of groceries just around the block where I live, ontop of 2-3 markets. There are also cinema's, clubs, theaters etc etc all within walking distance or max 25-35 min by public transport.
      Oh and it goes without saying that you can still drive if you want to, and a lot of people have licenses. Its just that rather than owning a car, they hire a care when they actually need it rather than driving everywhere with a car.
      There is also much less pollution, and its easier to congregate and be social.
      why do all the anti-car people life in berlin ?
      i was in berlin multible times it is a shit city a complete garbage dirt black hole a real shit-hole
      berlin is full of delusional drug addicts who reject to do anything usefull but party and doing drugs.
      and all the corrupt politicians they love berlin and do ther dirt shit homosexual transsexual shitshow there
      these left-liberals are complete shit everywhere they show up everything turns into shit its dirty and looks like toilet who is never cleaned
      yes and these complete broken people they are anti-car
      by the way Berlin is the only big city in germany who is deficient they only life of subsidies of other german areas and cities.
      this means in stuttgart and München they earn money and are forced to give it to berlin and in berlin they burn it with fire they literally destroy the money.
      Berlin has the most people on wellfare of all areas in germany. they can not even make them work in job even if they pay high subsidies and they pay a lot of subsidies for example they pay immigrants on wellfare more than 30€ per hour to just pick up their own plastic trash they intentionally drop on the street and also they drop the same plastic trash in nature to.​
      Phantom circuit Sequence Reducer Dyslexia


      • #83
        Originally posted by hsci View Post
        And the memory releated ones are better controllable through memory-checkers like -fsanitize or Valgrind. While unlikely for C we will probably see relevant safety improvements for C++ (which allows some migration path). And C++ did already much (smartpointers, containers, a lot less undefined behavior regarding operators and so on).
        Those are all runtime measures. If you don't exercise the relevant code path, you don't catch the bug.

        As Dijkstra said when arguing for more work on type systems (i.e. what Rust is better than C or C++ at) and formal verification, “Program testing can be a very effective way to show the presence of bugs, but it is hopelessly inadequate for showing their absence.”

        Originally posted by Isedonde View Post
        However, there's a big difference between choosing Java, C#, Go or JavaScript for a project like FFMPEG, or Rust. The former all need some kind of relatively heavy runtime to work, which comes at a performance cost any often makes interoperability with other languages difficult or impossible. Rust is very similar to C or C++ in that aspect - they simply produce binaries that can be used directly without installing any type of runtime environment, and without bundling a runtime like e.g. Go, and they don't suffer from runtime performance degradation caused by something like an interpreter, a "VM", or a JIT compiler.
        Even in contexts where performance isn't an issue, garbage collectors are solitary creatures.

        Originally posted by Isedonde View Post
        Rust may be at a very slight runtime performance disadvantage because it has some automatic runtime checks built-in (e.g. when indexing a vector or array), even in places where a talented C/C++ developer might find that they are not strictly necessary
        That's why Rust has pub unsafe fn get_unchecked on things like Vec. So you have a checked-by-default setup where, when the profiler identifies a check as having a cost that's significant in the overall timing, the programmer can verify it's safe to remove and then do so.

        Originally posted by Isedonde View Post
        I do think Rust would be a better choice for projects that expose a huge attack surface (processing lots of untrusted input) like FFMPEG.
        Or wuffs. A domain-specific language specifically for parsers can outdo a general-purpose language on both safety and performance.

        My only issue is that, being written in C and compiling to C, it makes the build process and cross-compilation experience for what would otherwise be a pure Rust codebase significantly more bothersome as soon as you start doing FFI.
        Last edited by ssokolow; 17 May 2024, 08:52 PM.


        • #84
          Originally posted by qarium View Post

          why do all the anti-car people life in berlin ?
          i was in berlin multible times it is a shit city a complete garbage dirt black hole a real shit-hole
          berlin is full of delusional drug addicts who reject to do anything usefull but party and doing drugs.
          and all the corrupt politicians they love berlin and do ther dirt shit homosexual transsexual shitshow there
          these left-liberals are complete shit everywhere they show up everything turns into shit its dirty and looks like toilet who is never cleaned
          yes and these complete broken people they are anti-car
          by the way Berlin is the only big city in germany who is deficient they only life of subsidies of other german areas and cities.
          this means in stuttgart and München they earn money and are forced to give it to berlin and in berlin they burn it with fire they literally destroy the money.
          Berlin has the most people on wellfare of all areas in germany. they can not even make them work in job even if they pay high subsidies and they pay a lot of subsidies for example they pay immigrants on wellfare more than 30€ per hour to just pick up their own plastic trash they intentionally drop on the street and also they drop the same plastic trash in nature to.​
          This is so true.... All European capitals are sh1tholes of epic proportions thanks to leftism. Most tourists never see it because the tourist agents try to avoid many places, and many well off permanent residents, especially leftists since communists are in power in EU these days, never witness the destruction of their actions because they live in expensive suburbs....


          • #85
            Originally posted by qarium View Post

            isn't germany the only economy worldwide with decline of economy for multible years now ?

            not only that now they miss 82billion euro in tax revenue because more and more people from the boomer generation goes into pension and more and more countries leave germany and go to more conservative countries like poland.

            germany is clearly collapsing right now. they collapse so fast the bankruptcy is unavoidable.

            as you say they are on a downhill path and this will result into bankruptcy.
            It is fitting. The Germans deserve to become bankrupt more than any other nation on the planet. I am Greek, i know...

            What many people don't know is that the Germans are not the superior race like they (covertly) believe, they are not more intelligent or more hard working than other people in Europe. In fact, it is quite the opposite, they are the laziest people and the most incompetent, relying on plundering others to survive. Germany after the world war, was rebuilt because their debts were all erased (and they had HUUUUUGE DEBTS before), they were allowed a lot of leeway into not paying their war reparations right away (for example they never paid Greece and they owe hundrends of billions of modern day euros in war reparations that they blatantly refuse to pay by strongarming greek puppet governments into forfeiting them), they were granted a lot of financial help especially from the US, and a lot of people from Europe (again, for example, from Greece) migrated in Germany to rebuild it with their hard work.

            Then, the EU happened, the best thing that ever happened to Germany. The EU was supposed to be an economic union, but honestly it is more of a tool by Germany 1st and France 2nd to exploit the rest of Europe and conquer them without tanks. By removing all trade protections they exploited their economies of scale and destroyed any industry in the smaller countries to force literally everyone to buy from them. Greece for example used to have a booming industry in the 60s and 70s that literally produced everything, from white appliances to cars. We even did exports back then. All of it was destroyed when we were forced to enter the EU in order for the German industry to dominate. Now we are tourism beggars, we just beg for rich americans and europeans to visit in the summer or we will starve, thanks Germany!

            Of course, while Germany insisted on no internal trade protections so they could conquer the european industry and either erase the competition or buy it outright (anyone wonders why the corrupt Volkswagen Group pretty much have bought most european car industries everywhere?), they are also adamant on installing market protections vs other competitors, like the Chinese or the Americans..... Got to protect their industry, after all (free trade is for the other suckers).... They are also pushing convenient and made up excuses like "man made global warming" for their financial benefit, for example all the eco rules for cars are meant to prevent many competitors (even Japanese, many Japanese models are not imported, even the Suzuki Jimny got cancelled...) from entering the EU market. German companies don't even have to meet those eco requirements (hello dieselgate!) because they can fake the tests and no one in EU will punish them unless the US decides to expose them.... And a lot of "eco taxes" meant to prevent us from buying other cars. For example i want to buy a Ford Mustang but i can't, not in the EU. In the US it is a cheap sports car, in the EU it is extremely expensive with all the taxes it gets, it is cheaper to buy a Porsche or even an entry level Ferrari....

            And let's not talk about the intentional power infastructure destruction of the EU states to favor Germany.... Oh boy... They heavily pushed the removal of coal energy production for other countries and forced them to buy wind turbines (produced in Germany, obviously...). They knew that this would make all countries dependent on natural Gas to complement the wind turbines... Germans didn't care, they had the exclusive Nord Streams from Russia and got all the cheap gas they needed, the rest of the Europeans did not, poor them.... So Germany had the cheapest energy costs (except France with their nuclear energy) while enforcing all other countries to have rising energy costs, thus ensuring that their industries would have a huge handicap to compete.... Gotta love those Germans, they are so good "friends" to have....

            Of course now that the americans made sure that russian gas is a no-no (Thanks Joe Biden, one of the only things i applaud that grandpa for...), Germans are burning coal like crazy to help their industry, "the planet be damned" (it was all a bunch of BS anyway and we all know it). The Germans forced the EU to ban all gas powered cars and force everyone to move to electric cars by 2030 only because they thought they had the upper hand in electric cars, but their industry is having a huge problem in the electric car market and the Tesla/chinese competitors are much better, and now are having second thoughts and postpone the deadlines or are talking about removing them altogether.... Strange how the EU only makes the rules as they fit the German industry, right?

            And of course the Euro, a currency designed to make Germany and France rich at the expense of others. The bane of my country, the moment we abandoned our own currency, we were doomed... And the corrupt Germans and French lend a lot of money to some Greek banks and later when those banks collapsed they came to the Greek government and strong-armed them to basically bankrupt the country and destroy the Greek population in order to save the French and German banks who weren't supposed to lose any money from the 2008 crisis (ironic, they say all debts must be repaid, except the German debts from WW2, those do not have to be repaid).... Don't forget, they even made a political coup (in a EU country) by enforcing the removal of the Prime Minister in 2011 because he wanted to do a referendum before signing the deal.... They also have the boogey man, Turkey, as an enforcer to threaten to invade if we don't comply... So our governments destroyed us as a nation, true genocide, we are the most depopulated country on the planet, in order for the Germans to make more money.... All the while they kept calling us lazy bums....

            So yeah, it is Divine Justice if they get bankrupt. It is Karma. I will celebrate it. They do deserve it, let them burn. The whole EU which is a communist abomination needs to be abolished.
            Last edited by TemplarGR; 17 May 2024, 09:44 PM.


            • #86
              Originally posted by TemplarGR View Post
              This is so true....
              yes exactly... i just speak out loud what is fact and all the left-liberal full idiots always avoid to tell or admit.

              Originally posted by TemplarGR View Post
              All European capitals are sh1tholes of epic proportions thanks to leftism.
              absolutly right if you go to Paris or London in some areas you do not even want to enter this no-go area
              its complete shit-hole...

              in some black-hole streets in paris you see plastic garbage on the street and in nature everwhere they just trow away every plastic waste they have they never put it in a recycling-bin.
              in this black-hole streets they intentionally even put bed mattresses​ everywhere in the street they sit on it and smoke shisha on the street this bed mattresses become wett and dirty in rain and also you can see optically yellow color in these bed mattresses is urine and black/brown is shit i mean real shit and they never clean these bed mattresses. NEVER!!! and they never out new ones there because well they cost money.

              it is really worst than sodom and gomorra because 2000 years ago in sodom and gomorra they had no plastic waste they intentionally put into nature just because they don't care.

              Originally posted by TemplarGR View Post
              Most tourists never see it because the tourist agents try to avoid many places, and many well off permanent residents, especially leftists since communists are in power in EU these days, never witness the destruction of their actions because they live in expensive suburbs....
              right the tourists never see it because it is not the streets and places the tourist visit but it is not far away means only 2-3 streets away in paris are the black-hole areas but yes the tourist never go there.

              you are absolutly right in europe communists are in power the EU is in reality a EUDSSR...

              exactly rich people who live in expensive Gated-Community areas in Save-Houses they never witness the destruction these communists do.

              exactly you say it... people mostly do not even unterstand communism what it is i did read managment books and the so called high-managment thats people don't unterstand is communism...

              communists believe they can have a central point like Berlin or Brüssel and from this central point they try to perform high-managment means to dictate and mange every detail of all humans.

              these communist really go to Yale university (thats where the rich kids go after high-school) and then they learn high-managment in the Yale universities and these burocrates then sit in Brüssel or berlin and dictate how people 1000-2000km away should life... the UN is even more hostil they dictate how people 10000km away should life.

              people really do not unterstand that high-managment is in fact communism.

              Phantom circuit Sequence Reducer Dyslexia


              • #87
                Originally posted by qarium View Post
                not only that now they miss 82billion euro in tax revenue because more and more people from the boomer generation goes into pension and more and more people leave germany and go to more conservative countries like poland.
                Germany has economic problems because of the Ukraine war. Our natural gas prices are now much higher because liquid gas from US is not cheap.

                My company is still hiring more people from Poland. And many told me they left because of the former government.

                Originally posted by qarium View Post
                germany is clearly collapsing right now. they collapse so fast the bankruptcy is unavoidable.

                as you say they are on a downhill path and this will result into bankruptcy.
                Germany has a much lower debt to GDP ratio than other G7 nations. So bankruptcy is really unlikely. The bigger problem is that we are investing not enough money in infrastructure like new high speed rail tracks.

                Maybe you should change your news channels. 😉


                • #88
                  Wow, looks like we are going into conspiracy bullshit mode again.

                  And yeah saying that Germany is losing people to more conservative countries like Poland is fuken hilarious, its actually the opposite in the extreme (i.e. we are getting insane migration into Germany from countries like Poland, Hungary, Ukraine and Bulgaria).

                  In fact the reason behind a lot of the issues in Berlin is because of the insane amounts of migration its getting which the city cannot really handle.

                  And if you don't believe me, you can look at the stats yourself
                  Last edited by mdedetrich; 18 May 2024, 03:04 AM.


                  • #89
                    Originally posted by mdedetrich View Post
                    Wow, looks like we are going into conspiracy bullshit mode again
                    That post are so inconsistent that I am not sure they are bots or simply repeating bot bullshit. Well made conspiracies are much more elaborated. 😎

                    But so long they repeat their stories, their stories are spreading. Reminds me about the Roman guys, who killed a Germanic general in the Roman army, becausehe wasnot Roman enough. They then were surprised as the Germanic troops in the Roman army took over. 😚


                    • #90
                      Originally posted by mdedetrich View Post
                      Wow, looks like we are going into conspiracy bullshit mode again.
                      And yeah saying that Germany is losing people to more conservative countries like Poland is fuken hilarious, its actually the opposite in the extreme (i.e. we are getting insane migration into Germany from countries like Poland, Hungary, Ukraine and Bulgaria).
                      both is right companies leave germany and go to poland and also highly skilled workers go with these companies to these countries.
                      and of course at the same time unskilled uneducated people who want to life on german wellfare system come to germany.
                      for example 80% of all ukraine people who did come to germany are on wellfare...

                      Originally posted by mdedetrich View Post
                      In fact the reason behind a lot of the issues in Berlin is because of the insane amounts of migration its getting which the city cannot really handle.
                      And if you don't believe me, you can look at the stats yourself
                      you are absolutely right. it is like you say it is.

                      but that berlin has problems is not something new if you know you know and i can show you old movies who show exactly this berlin problem and in the last 30-40 years nothing has changed about berlin.

                      Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

                      see this movie it is from 1983 it is movie from berlin nothing has changed in over 40 years.
                      Phantom circuit Sequence Reducer Dyslexia

