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Linux Kernel Preparing New Guidelines For Using Inclusive Terminology

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  • Originally posted by iwantlinuxgames View Post

    Again, McCarthyism is STILL alive and doing well in America(disclaimer: I am an American).

    "Commuinsim" has done no such thing as NO ONE to date has achieved a truly communist model. Those murders were comitted by dictators, of which, SOME of them implemented socialist policies. Perhaps a non-McCarthy explanation:

    Socialism- the means of production AND the people are the PROPERTY of the state

    Communism - the means of production and the STATE are the PROPERTY of the people.

    Capitalism - the means of production, and eventually the government, are the PROPERTY of those with the most money.

    Marxism - A subset of Socialism which seeks to detroy the family unit, furthering the idea that the people are the property of the state.

    Dictatorship - EVERYTHING is the property of ONE GUY(pretty much the model employed by the DPRK(*cough*))

    In the Linux ecosystem, those who have the skill "give you" the software to meet your need. If you also have the skill, and you see a need in the software, you may make contributions back to the community, AS LONG AS you DO NOT deny others of doing the same. You, and I, may give that software to others AS LONG AS we DO NOT deny them the same(they may give it to others). The authors maintain attribution for the authorship, but the software becomes communal property. Said authors also own and possess the means of production(I'm treating Corporations and individuals who make contributions the Linux ecosystem as equal. Yes i know it's an oversimplification).

    To claim Communism has comitted over a million murders is a false premise and intellectually lazy. This assertion claims that an economic model that seeks to treat everyone equally is going to somehow devolve into a murderfest, whereby the people start killing the people is, in the words of the great Dr. Spock, "highly illogical". THAT is called Anarchy. And to believe otherwise means you have swallowed, hook, line, and sinker, the propaganda put forth by the small percentage of the US populace who owns the majority of the resources and want to hold onto that, out of fear that suddenly, they no longer have anyone to make themselve superior to.
    you are clearly a communist and you use standard wording(change the meaning of words) tactics to support your communist world view.

    Anarchism is NOT chaos and destruction Anarchism means: Order by free will

    compared to this Statism (communism) means: Order by Government Force.

    I clearly prefer order by free will compared to order by government force (Police brutality)

    just for you to educate you even more your chaos and destruction murderfest is called:

    normal in this meaning means: order


    and no order your "murderfest" is called anormal or Abnormalism.
    Last edited by qarium; 06 July 2020, 11:33 PM.
    Phantom circuit Sequence Reducer Dyslexia


    • qarium, I forget. Were you the one I was arguing with over whether it makes sense to trust some random conspiracy blog claiming that the U.S. government went bankrupt?


      • someone should check this
        Last edited by qarium; 12 July 2020, 07:01 PM.
        Phantom circuit Sequence Reducer Dyslexia


        • Originally posted by Qaridarium View Post

          The FED and US Corporation 'Act of 1871' in the District of Columbia and the chasarish jewish mafia (or you can call it the 322 skull and bones people) who operated it both where bankrupt in the end of 2019 for a short period of time after the Chinese government rejected it to send more goods for FIAT paper US dollar bills .

          after this very short period of time the FED was bailed out (you can say the 322 people selled it to the 1776 republic people) by 2 billion dollars in gold. now the FED is only a department of the Department of theTreasury

          this is fact... and i really do not care if you believe it or not.
          Thanks. I just wanted to know whether you were the same un-credible source I remembered before.


          • Wow, i haven't followed the last page but it seems we have reached Godwin's stage.

            That said, if there are still normal people who follow, do you remember that little polemic because a kernel dev had joked that some prog should replace "fuck" by "hug" or something like that ? And how some thought it was a silly joke ? Well, he or she wasn't far off.

            There was a time when i was curious about the development of Linux. Now i am just glad i am not a kernel developer.


            • Originally posted by coder View Post
              You're twisting my words to mean something completely different (which suggests your intent is to suppress rather than engage the discussion). What I meant is not a handful of phrases, but an entire spoken language. And cultural practice meaning cultural festivities, ways of dress, religious practices, etc. Forget apples vs. oranges, that stuff isn't even on the same planet as the notion of changing a few words in the kernel.

              No, I didn't say anything about those. It's legitimate to have a debate about the education curriculum, but not related to the topic a hand. And it's not just one group that's guilty of trying to use childhood education to further its agenda.

              Really? Changing a few words in the kernel is destroying western civilization? No, I believe in thinking adults and people being considerate, proportionate, and reasonable. Not always, but I don't take this move as evidence to the contrary.

              Which "these people" are you talking about, because I get the sense that we're talking about different people.

              There sure is some outrage in this thread. I'll grant you that.
              I twisted no words, and I was very clear about what I meant, you are twisting mine, taking them out of context and then answering them out of context and furthermore refusing to acknowledge any of my arguments, I was trying to tell you it's apples to apples, you insist it's anything but, I still insist it's an apples to apples comparison with everything you added, now please at least consider it instead of denying it out of hand.

              I was not talking about a few words in the kernel and you know this damn well.

              These people includes you and a large amount, if not the vast majority of liberals and just about anyone who identifies themselves as a feminist (there's a lot of words you can use to declare yourself a supporter of equality, feminism is not one of them, not anymore at least, although let's avoid broaching into that subject here).

              I will acknowledge that the liberals aren't the only political side trying to influence kids through education, but I will insist that they are the worst one at this time, by far, and I never actually claimed to be on the side of the right. You see I don't really care about left wing or right wing politics, what I care about is censorship and preservation of my own culture, the former of which liberals have (ironically, considering they call themselves liberals...) taken a firm stance of supporting the former and opposing the latter. This is horrifying on the same level as when the nazis were censoring and burning books and destroying cultural and historical artifacts (not that only nazis did that but still, it's everyone's favorite example on the internet ain't it?). In fact it's even worse than that, because they're doing it on a much larger scale than the nazis could ever have dreamed of doing it.

              I personally think enforcing political ideologies through education is way worse than enforcing religion through it. It's important for kids and adults alike to be allowed to form their own views on things, or they will never learn to think for themselves, they will just listen to whatever nonsense they're spoonfed at school and through the news and take it all at face value. But it's nonsense, whether the liberals are doing it or the democrats are doing it or the church is doing it, all of it is nonsense, all of it should be prevented. I don't see how this is different from Kim Jong-Un lining up his people in front of guns while they're 'voting' so that they don't vote for anyone else than him. A prison with guns and a prison through brainwashing, personally I'd pick the guns, at least then there'd be a measure of honesty.
              Last edited by rabcor; 07 July 2020, 05:36 AM.


              • I personally don't really care. If it won't break ABI and it's so important to someone that they want to spend time with it... but virtue signalling aside... we are engineers and a few renamed variables and files are nothing we cannot quickly adjust to so I don't really vibe with the uproar.


                • Originally posted by novhack View Post
                  I personally don't really care. If it won't break ABI and it's so important to someone that they want to spend time with it... but virtue signalling aside... we are engineers and a few renamed variables and files are nothing we cannot quickly adjust to so I don't really vibe with the uproar.
                  I doubt many people around here are Engineers. But I agree, renaming stuff is not an issue. Actually, being able to rename stuff is quite important as finding good names is hard.


                  • Originally posted by oleid View Post

                    I doubt many people around here are Engineers...
                    No kidding?!!
                    Where, and when, did you get your first clue? But, in order to compensate for not knowing what in the bloody hell they're talking about, the Dunning-Kruger Effect is wildly rampant, and in full bloom. It (the Effect) goes light-years towards making up for any semblance of knowledge, and for inferiority complexes you could drive an oil tanker through, don'cha know?

                    Cue the clueless, brain-dead idiots...some more...


                    • Dueling needs to be legalized again. So all who feel offended can gun down offenders or be gunned down. Or shut up out of fear.
                      Either way, this shit is going to end then sooner or later.

