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Linux Kernel Preparing New Guidelines For Using Inclusive Terminology

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  • Originally posted by oleid View Post

    Really? Link please.


    • From The Heritage Foundation--

      “... As the Austrian political philosopher Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn dryly observed in his book “Leftism,” the crucifixion of Jesus was “a democratic event.”... was the condemnation to death of Socrates, who was found guilty by a democratic contingent--approximately 280--of 501 Athenian jurors (to make absolutely certain the verdict was reached ‘democratically’).


      • See, this is why context matters. This is obviously a question about number systems and symbols for constants, not about mathematics.

        I recall some US architect wanted to define Pi as 3, since it is easier to calculate with. That is of course stupid, since the value of that constant depends on your base.

        Having studied mathematics, I always wondered why people need numbers anyway. Pure math doesn't use numbers
        Last edited by oleid; 06 July 2020, 03:14 PM.


        • Originally posted by cynical View Post

          <snip>Really? You're going to ask what's wrong with Communism? They've murdered hundreds of millions.<snip>
          Again, McCarthyism is STILL alive and doing well in America(disclaimer: I am an American).

          "Commuinsim" has done no such thing as NO ONE to date has achieved a truly communist model. Those murders were comitted by dictators, of which, SOME of them implemented socialist policies. Perhaps a non-McCarthy explanation:

          Socialism- the means of production AND the people are the PROPERTY of the state

          Communism - the means of production and the STATE are the PROPERTY of the people.

          Capitalism - the means of production, and eventually the government, are the PROPERTY of those with the most money.

          Marxism - A subset of Socialism which seeks to detroy the family unit, furthering the idea that the people are the property of the state.

          Dictatorship - EVERYTHING is the property of ONE GUY(pretty much the model employed by the DPRK(*cough*))

          In the Linux ecosystem, those who have the skill "give you" the software to meet your need. If you also have the skill, and you see a need in the software, you may make contributions back to the community, AS LONG AS you DO NOT deny others of doing the same. You, and I, may give that software to others AS LONG AS we DO NOT deny them the same(they may give it to others). The authors maintain attribution for the authorship, but the software becomes communal property. Said authors also own and possess the means of production(I'm treating Corporations and individuals who make contributions the Linux ecosystem as equal. Yes i know it's an oversimplification).

          To claim Communism has comitted over a million murders is a false premise and intellectually lazy. This assertion claims that an economic model that seeks to treat everyone equally is going to somehow devolve into a murderfest, whereby the people start killing the people is, in the words of the great Dr. Spock, "highly illogical". THAT is called Anarchy. And to believe otherwise means you have swallowed, hook, line, and sinker, the propaganda put forth by the small percentage of the US populace who owns the majority of the resources and want to hold onto that, out of fear that suddenly, they no longer have anyone to make themselve superior to.


          • missing all the important details... is playing a part in the sentiment here.
            Yeap, definitely, like the fact that twice more white policemen are killed by black criminals than the other way around. 12 times more whites killed by blacks than the reverse. 30,000 black on white rapes vs... 0 W on B. Important "Details" Matter (IDM)

            You are right that changing words is not going to end racism/hate/exclusion. There is no "simple solution". The hard truth is (as far as I understand it) it is "death by a thousand cuts", so removing one of the swords won't solve the problem - but removing them one by one will certainly help.
            There's no white on black "racism/hate/exclusion". 30,000 rapes are a bit more than cuts, that might be a better target for you bent "sword".


            • oleid If you've studied math, you're going to love James Lindsay. A math PHD delving into critical theory:


              • Oh hug.


                • "Commuinsim" has done no such thing as NO ONE to date has achieved a truly communist model. Those murders were comitted by dictators, of which, SOME of them implemented socialist policies.
                  Lamest excuse ever: "Commuinsim dindu nothing, it was a good boy recovering, started going to church the day before unjustly killed by police"

                  We can say the same thing about Nazis: "Nazis dindu nothing, these were dictators not true to true glorious Nazism, stop the hate!"

                  In fact commies killed > 100 million around the globe.

                  Again, McCarthyism is STILL alive and doing well in America(disclaimer: I am an American).
                  Well... me too... REVERSE McCarthyism is alive, yes - every major social and unsocial media will censor you if you aren't a devout commie. Evey major corporation will cancel your life, job, bank account, etc if you dare utter something that sounds slightly right of Che Guevara.


                  • Originally posted by blabs View Post
                    Lamest excuse ever: "Commuinsim dindu nothing, it was a good boy recovering, started going to church the day before unjustly killed by police"

                    We can say the same thing about Nazis: "Nazis dindu nothing, these were dictators not true to true glorious Nazism, stop the hate!"

                    In fact commies killed > 100 million around the globe.

                    Well... me too... REVERSE McCarthyism is alive, yes - every major social and unsocial media will censor you if you aren't a devout commie. Evey major corporation will cancel your life, job, bank account, etc if you dare utter something that sounds slightly right of Che Guevara.
                    didn't take long for this to get Godwin'ed.......


                    • found something interesting
                      Last edited by qarium; 12 July 2020, 06:59 PM.
                      Phantom circuit Sequence Reducer Dyslexia

