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Fedora Adopts A New Vision Statement

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  • Volta
    Originally posted by birdie View Post

    Well do fuck off.

    It's not just MS fonts which are utterly broken.
    I know. Windows has much more problems.

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  • birdie
    Originally posted by Volta View Post

    Some stupid M$ fonts aren't major issues.
    Well do fuck off.

    It's not just MS fonts which are utterly broken.

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  • Britoid
    Originally posted by andyprough View Post

    Sounds super-duper inclusive.
    You can't complain unless you're willing to do the work yourself, which you aren't.

    Stop being self-entitled, people don't have to do work (or free) because you don't want to come into the 21st century.

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  • r_a_trip
    A new vision statement, just as effective as all the others that came before it. Just another thing to remember when it is time to toe the party line. When it comes to work, you don't need to be buddy-buddy. Just be courteous and professional. The more emotional distance you keep to your colleagues, the easier it is to work with them.

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  • Britoid
    Originally posted by TemplarGR View Post
    I never understood why people use Fedora without getting paid for it.
    Because it's a good distro if you want something that isn't gonna shove non-free/commercialization in your face, has up to date stock packages and has all the newest things.

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  • Britoid
    Originally posted by gregzeng View Post
    Debian code is preferred by the vast majority of Linux system creators & users. Fedora and other RPM users have deep architectural reasons why they are so hostile to end users.
    Fedora, Red Hat, Centos etc are based on the RPM package manager. Third party applications have trouble about which version of RPM to use. The several code creators generally stay with DEBIAN package managers. Canonical etc are pioneering greater innovation and community participation than Fedora.
    Unless Red Hat redesigns their RPM package, the RPM communities will stay small and very divided. The unresolved bug reports will increase far beyond salvage.
    Red Hat & Fedora also face the preference of hardware suppliers. Both Debian & Canonical seem to be preferred, compared to the very confusing RPM groups.
    RPM doesn't need to be redesigned, it's not complicated but there are advanced features if you want to use them.

    Anyway, it doesn't matter anymore given containers are used to package and ship applications instead.

    Canonical etc are pioneering greater innovation and community participation than Fedora.
    Yes, with projects like systemd!

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  • Volta
    Originally posted by TemplarGR View Post
    I never understood why people use Fedora without getting paid for it.
    It's very good OS now. Much better than it was in the past.

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  • TemplarGR
    I never understood why people use Fedora without getting paid for it.

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  • mos87
    Originally posted by King Mucus View Post

    On a more serious note, this statement is sober, neutral and casts no stone on anybody. Just perfect.

    "be excellent to each other" appears twice, whereas "safe space" and "inclusive, welcoming, and open-minded" appears once. In some time all this lingo will fall in disuse altogether and people will be nice to each other again.

    All around me I see leftists outlets losing traction (as well as the alternate news source often deemed right wing, some of which are resorting to anti-rape narratives to appeal to emotions and failing miserably). And people with a clear "minority" profile are being reasonable and nice to hang out with – much nicer than some former Law school colleagues that actually fit no minority profile at all! And I'm not seeing people making an excessively big deal of Trump, Bolsonaro & co. either!

    Seems like the end of the apocalypse is near!
    Cheers to this, Sir

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  • mos87
    BTW, megacorps with history of screwing clients and public in general by advocating proprietary closed-sourceness on all levels are now the new darlings of the inclusiveness guardians.
    M$ has won again.

    Making policies based on the feeling of bitterness (or feelings in general for that matter) is a poor choice.

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