Intel Reverts Plans, Will Not Support Ubuntu's XMir

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  • johnc
    Official Fanboy
    • May 2011
    • 2276

    Originally posted by dee. View Post
    Actually, it rather seems they will be using vanilla Gnome shell, and "Tizen shell" is an extension, kind of like classic mode or the Cinnamon precursor MGSE.

    The OS will support Gnome extensions, and you can assumedly even run any DE on it that you can on normal Linux distros. Tizen OS is aimed at "developers and gamers", it's basically just a Linux distro but has all the Tizen HTML5 frameworks added that allows you to run HTML5-based Tizen apps.
    So how many Tizen laptops were announced at IDF this week?


    • dee.
      Senior Member
      • Jan 2013
      • 1477

      Originally posted by DDF420 View Post
      condescending as ever......nothing new
      Oh honey, when you start acting like a kid throwing tantrums, you'll be treated as such. If you want to be treated like a grownup, act like one and don't call people names.

      Stop the bullshit rhetoric.Unity works on other distros albeit not perfectly
      Nnnope, it really doesn't. No other distro is offering Unity, why do you think that is? Oh don't tell me, it's probably just "everyone hates Canonical because they're all jealous" or something, right?
      Apart from requiring the entire graphics stack to be updated, and that it's hard to get Unity to even compile outside its natural environment, the full functionality of Unity is also dependent on closed-source server side code. I'm referring to the smartscopes addition. Don't know if anyone would even want to use that, but it depends on proprietary code to function.

      When Unity8+Mir comes out, the situation will be even worse.

      Blah blah the parrot is at it again
      Wow, what an intelligent, well-reasoned argument. Welp, I'm convinced!

      They are doing the work,stop making out like they never had any intention not doing so.
      Yes they are going to have to do it now, after trying to push the work to others.

      Stop the bullshit rhetoric
      This isn't about the work they have or haven't done.Or that upstream should or shouldn't accept the patch Its about the reason for a patches rejection. "We do not condone or support Canonical in the course of action" that goes against a lot of what Intel have portrayed with their opensource efforts/vison and the "their can be only one" leaves a rather bitter taste
      Take a step back, hotshot. Intel has done nothing to hinder Canonical's efforts to create their own graphics system. They haven't changed the code in ways that would make it harder to run Mir, or anything. They've simply declined to take on the burden of maintainership for a patch that a) goes against their interests and b) that only benefits Canonical/Ubuntu, no one else. If they also disagree with Canonical's decision on a political level it is an entire other issue.

      Intel also has the right to disagree with Canonical's direction and therefore refrain from supporting it. Doesn't make them any less "open" or anything either. Open source is not about others being obligated to support every idiotic move you make.

      If distros choose wayland or mir that's their choice. As with anything, Mir can only bring benefits to those that choose to use it.Canonical have made it very clear that their intention is to have Mir eventually work on all distros. So if a USER , god forbid, made a choice and wished to install Mir on their current distro they could and more importantly should be able to .Of course you are the kind of person that will then say its only useful for one distro due to all those out of tree patches.
      Well first of all, let's face it, there's no benefit from using Mir vs. Wayland. There are no technical reasons for the existence of Mir, it's purely a me-too NIH copycat software. There's really no reason why a USER would want to install Mir on a non-Ubuntu distro. Secondly, it's also easy to say to driver maintainers, etc. that they should support Mir in case users want to use it on whatever distro, but your ignoring the fact that having to maintain the patches that provide Mir-compatibility for the graphics stack is work, it's resources that is away from other things, such as development. It makes no sense to waste limited resources for something that is a corner case at best.

      Which is more useful: Wayland, which all DE's support, or Mir, which is designed only for Unity, will never be supported by anything other than Unity? Unless some distro wants to offer Unity, there's no reason why anyone would even want to use Mir.

