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Wayland/Weston Gets Forked As "GH-Next"

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  • #71

    Originally posted by blackiwid View Post
    I just think he is a psychopath or at least he is in danger to become one.

    I'm all for trolling but you crossed the line, you must be stupid or an idiot.

    You do realize that he is using his real name here, right? You do realize that people who work in HR, before they hire someone, do all kinds of searches and many are automatic for trigger words, so they're gonna have his name +psychopath you dumb nazi piece of shit.

    I'm out, this is no longer fun because people always have to cross the line.


    • #72
      Originally posted by blackiwid View Post
      he is a principal he would rather kill his mother than answer her a question that he would think is not important.
      Bullshit. (10char)


      • #73
        Originally posted by soreau View Post
        Now, you are wrong. I am not a deliberate liar. I'm not perfect and I make mistakes. But please don't sit here and openly call me a liar outright when this is in fact the lie. I'm not going to sit here and call you a liar, I'm just asking that you please stop.
        You claimed that you didn't say something that you did, in fact, say. How is that not lying?

        Originally posted by soreau View Post
        My special interest is in the code. I don't really care too much about the site because it's something that anyone can fix. I value my personal time more than this and I don't have time to hold anyone's hand and tell them what to do for a simple html content two-second fix.
        (emphasis added)

        Originally posted by soreau View Post
        Where? I never said any such thing.
        Sorry, I am having trouble understanding how these statements mesh up. You value your personal time too much to be bothered taking the time to do a fix yourself, but you do think that someone else should do the fix for you. Doesn't this necessarily mean you value your time more than the time of the person you expect to do the fix for you? I don't understand what you are trying to say if this is not the correct intepretation.

        Originally posted by soreau View Post
        On a positive note, the other developers and community have been very nice and helpful to me. I will list some people that I have observed, often and regularly taking the time to help me and others. These are people that have been consistently helpful to the project and others and I have not noticed engaging in deliberate malicious activity against others.
        I have read at least several of these people you praise so highly state your banning was appropriate. What does that tell you?

        I've also read posts by you where you insult several of the people on the same list, and also saw where you admitted that you insulted pretty much everyone on the team. If even the people you think are great and helpful still get insulted by you, doesn't that imply that your insults might have been a bit indiscriminate?
        Last edited by TheBlackCat; 27 March 2013, 07:10 PM.


        • #74
          Originally posted by soreau View Post
          Now, you are wrong. I am not a deliberate liar. I'm not perfect and I make mistakes. But please don't sit here and openly call me a liar outright when this is in fact the lie. I'm not going to sit here and call you a liar, I'm just asking that you please stop.
          Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

          Sound similar to anybody?


          • #75
            Originally posted by Pallidus View Post
            you dumb nazi piece of shit.
            so its not ok that you say that somebody is maybe sick or is maybe in danger to get sick, but its ok to call somebody "nazi" and "piece of shit"

            I understand with his anwer and your answers even more why he got banned, I just wonder how he worked so long (how long) together. that it was even possible to work with somebody like this and his "friends" for so long...

            he is so bad, he cant even say something about my arguments he just anwers to 99% of my points that its bad english. he totaly understands it, its valid points at one point he even says that I am right:

            YES .... And you can't even take the time out to spell 'apologize' correctly.

            oh I really waste my time.

            he will only search my spelling mistakes and think because of that he made my points bad. Its even a bit xenophobic or foreigner discriminating, so you dont even take somebody seriously or think making fun of the bad english of somebody is enough to make his points not valid.

            And thats one mechanic of trolls, I run over very often, it even happens sometimes in my language.

            So I have maybe problems with this foreign language but at least I am not self centric ashole...

            Calling me nazi, maybe its funnier in your country but I am a german guy, so we its basicly the worst thing you could call me. And that after winning that I called somebody else MAYBE a psychopath.

            But go with it, maybe I should not have wrote that word... So it would be ok if I wrote he is a liar, because I can (or he did) proove it, and that would not be a problem when he searches a job, but that somebody said he is MAYBE or in DANGER TO GET a psychopath is a problem, because search engines cut out the MAYBE and other words?

            Sorry if beeing called a troll on several sites ( as example) and being a liar is not hindering you getting a job but this anonymous call to be a psychopath (MAYBE) I dont think that really hurts more.

            And btw, on Banks and even on some Manager positions are people there was just a study that are even more unsocial than psychopaths, so I think being called psychopath could open you doors to jobs, believe me many companies exactly search psychopaths.

            Warum verspielen einzelne Trader immer wieder Milliarden? Für eine Studie hat die Universität St. Gallen Aktienhändler und Psychopathen verglichen. Selbst die Experten waren vom Ergebnis überrascht. Sie bescheinigen den Börsenprofis einen immensen Hang zur Zerstörung.

            But I try to not answer here again, because it makes no sense, its no argument based discussions, its a I dont want to say something to the argument, so I instead I just point to spelling mistakes, that makes me look better.

            Just to give you material to answer to the form instead of the content, just to make me look bad I am not willing... I stay to what I said, I regret that I called you this word, I thought the maybe and beeing in danger is enough, so I did choose my words, I just dont think like a google-serrch a.i. and dont messure my words if a a.i. could understand me wrong because its to stupid.

            What makes individual stockbrokers blow billions in financial markets with criminal trading schemes? According to a new study conducted at a Swiss university, it may be because share traders behave more recklessly and are more manipulative than psychopaths.

            here a english source for the psychopath thing... just to spair you the time using google translate or soemthing like that.
            Last edited by blackiwid; 27 March 2013, 10:02 PM.


            • #76
              Originally posted by blackiwid View Post
              so its not ok that you say that somebody is maybe sick or is maybe in danger to get sick, but its ok to call somebody "nazi" and "piece of shit"

              I understand with his anwer and your answers even more why he got banned, I just wonder how he worked so long (how long) together. that it was even possible to work with somebody like this and his "friends" for so long...

              he is so bad, he cant even say something about my arguments he just anwers to 99% of my points that its bad english. he totaly understands it, its valid points at one point he even says that I am right:

              YES .... And you can't even take the time out to spell 'apologize' correctly.

              oh I really waste my time.

              he will only search my spelling mistakes and think because of that he made my points bad. Its even a bit xenophobic or foreigner discriminating, so you dont even take somebody seriously or think making fun of the bad english of somebody is enough to make his points not valid.

              And thats one mechanic of trolls, I run over very often, it even happens sometimes in my language.

              So I have maybe problems with this foreign language but at least I am not self centric ashole...

              Calling me nazi, maybe its funnier in your country but I am a german guy, so we its basicly the worst thing you could call me. And that after winning that I called somebody else MAYBE a psychopath.

              But go with it, maybe I should not have wrote that word... So it would be ok if I wrote he is a liar, because I can (or he did) proove it, and that would not be a problem when he searches a job, but that somebody said he is MAYBE or in DANGER TO GET a psychopath is a problem, because search engines cut out the MAYBE and other words?

              Sorry if beeing called a troll on several sites ( as example) and being a liar is not hindering you getting a job but this anonymous call to be a psychopath (MAYBE) I dont think that really hurts more.

              And btw, on Banks and even on some Manager positions are people there was just a study that are even more unsocial than psychopaths, so I think being called psychopath could open you doors to jobs, believe me many companies exactly search psychopaths.

              Warum verspielen einzelne Trader immer wieder Milliarden? Für eine Studie hat die Universität St. Gallen Aktienhändler und Psychopathen verglichen. Selbst die Experten waren vom Ergebnis überrascht. Sie bescheinigen den Börsenprofis einen immensen Hang zur Zerstörung.

              But I try to not answer here again, because it makes no sense, its no argument based discussions, its a I dont want to say something to the argument, so I instead I just point to spelling mistakes, that makes me look better.

              Just to give you material to answer to the form instead of the content, just to make me look bad I am not willing... I stay to what I said, I regret that I called you this word, I thought the maybe and beeing in danger is enough, so I did choose my words, I just dont think like a google-serrch a.i. and dont messure my words if a a.i. could understand my wrong because its to stupid.

              What makes individual stockbrokers blow billions in financial markets with criminal trading schemes? According to a new study conducted at a Swiss university, it may be because share traders behave more recklessly and are more manipulative than psychopaths.

              here a english source for the psychopath thing... just to spair you the time using google translate or soemthing like that.
              So what you're trying to say here is that you're an ass and that you don't have any problems in making biased and damaging remarks about a person's mental capacity?
              Well, thanks for clearing that up.


              • #77
                Originally posted by intellivision View Post
                So what you're trying to say here is that you're an ass and that you don't have any problems in making biased and damaging remarks about a person's mental capacity?
                Well, thanks for clearing that up.
                Sorry that leads me into making another call to a mental state of a person here, and because you dont use the clear name, its ok I learned.

                So whats the diagnose to somebody who halluzinates seeing stuff thats not there, it could be that you have a schizofrenie.

                Btw another interesting tactic of trolls, dont ever argue why you did something, or why you did something wrong, just attack attack and blame the other one...

                isnt there a english saying like name him, blame him, shame him.

                The only thing I said about soreau or in generall about the wayland devs was that I think I can understand why they dont want to get a very improved weston.

                What me got angre was that soreau did try to make him look with his statement that he is the victom and other people did harm him by not dealing with him accordingly. Then I saw that he did lie, and how he totaly ticked out, and was self centric. So now I am the ass because of getting angree with a good reason. And he is not a ashole, because he got angree without a good reason.

                its just to sick I wont feeding this.

                Go on insult me more I will not respont to it, have fun, If I would be a lead developer I would have banned you too, I totaly understand it, go on with your good work, wayland devs.


                • #78
                  Originally posted by blackiwid View Post
                  If I would be a lead developer I would have banned you too
                  The feeling is mutual.
                  Saying someone is a psychopath without any medical evidence to back up that claim is unprofessional and I wouldn't tolerate it in any project I would be leading.


                  • #79
                    Originally posted by intellivision View Post
                    The feeling is mutual.
                    Saying someone is a psychopath without any medical evidence to back up that claim is unprofessional and I wouldn't tolerate it in any project I would be leading.
                    Intellivision, I'm a pretty level headed person, and I just read through 4 pages of comments to get caught up on this thread.... and I gotta say: If soreau ISNT a psychopath, he's definitely got EXTREME anger issues that need to be worked out. I mean thats worse than asdx ever was, or Linus when someone breaks compatibility in the kernel.

                    Good for him for being passionate about the project, you need passion. Good for him for being experienced, ya need experience. Good for him for being willing to take the action of forking wayland/weston to get the job done, ya need to be decisive to lead. But you also need to have self control under stress, you need to be charismatic, you need to be able to keep morale up if you're going to lead... and judging from the IRC chatlogs and the way he's handled these forum posts, he severely lacks those last few qualities.

                    If Daniel or krh weren't accepting his patches, it would have been for a good reason. Now that the protocol has been stabilized, and they are promising backwards compatibility, they need to be very careful about what gets mainlined. I'm not saying the review process may not have been slow, maybe even stagnant. But there is definitely more to this than either Daniel or soreau are both saying.
                    All opinions are my own not those of my employer if you know who they are.


                    • #80
                      And now I generally agree with Ericg.

                      No, most people are not complete assholes when they are angry. The general idea is not to be angry in the first place, actually. You're supposed to stop and think about the situation, and then reply in a constructive manner. Go take a cup of tea before replying. Calling names will only get you out the door, but definitely not your point across. And you also seem to be a bit too egoistical for your own good. It may or may not be deserved, only time will tell.

                      About the whole situation, it feels like a fork is the right thing to do in the short term. In the long term they could be merged back, or one could become obsolete. But only time will tell. Also, there is no real reason for both parties to be mad at each other. What's done is done, making relations even worse will only result in the FFmpeg/libav split, and that's not optimal in the slightest. Both parties still need to cooperate and exchange ideas - the goals are the same, after all, the only difference is the review process.

