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"Vulkan Next" Is In Active Development

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  • #11
    Yeah I think they need to be convincing devs to use Vulkan, even going around to all the devs of indie parties and finding out WHY they aren't using it. I think the main reason is what people are saying, a lack of tools and help to make the transition affordable time wise.

    I've had people/devs spit in my face when suggesting Vulkan as a option... its frustrating.


    • #12
      Originally posted by theriddick View Post
      Yeah I think they need to be convincing devs to use Vulkan, even going around to all the devs of indie parties and finding out WHY they aren't using it. I think the main reason is what people are saying, a lack of tools and help to make the transition affordable time wise.

      I've had people/devs spit in my face when suggesting Vulkan as a option... its frustrating.
      Well, it depends on how harassed they're feeling at the moment. You might have been one of a long line of people asking them why they aren't using DX 12, Vulkan, Metal, or whatever the hot newest thing is.

      They probably just want to get the current version of whatever finished and done before trying to write a whole new render pipeline.


      • #13
        Originally posted by Zan Lynx View Post
        They probably just want to get the current version of whatever finished and done before trying to write a whole new render pipeline.
        Except only %30 of their player base is going to be able to use their efforts with DX12, vs 100%.... Hard to explain that any simpler.


        • #14
          "multi-GPU support, VR support, cross-API and cross-process sharing"

          WTF? How did Vulkan 1.0 get released without this stuff? People are saying Vulkan next is 'too soon' without reading that bit I'd bet. Vulkan Next needs to be out yesterday.


          • #15
            I hope they focus on world-class VR support next.

            Not because i actually care about it, but because that's the hot buzzword lately and Vulkan needs something like that to help it gain a following on Windows. If it can become the main API people are looking at for all the new VR stuff coming out, it will gain an acceptance among the general game developer scene and get a lot more attention/users than it currently is. Most devs seem pretty happy to just stick with DX12 from what I've seen so far.


            • #16
              Why are they calling it vulkan next? sounds more like vulkan 1.2 or something...


              • #17
                Personally I don't like it. Vulkan is trailing DX12 in the asynchronous compute and multi GPU departments. As a multi monitor gamer I am VERY much looking forward to what Vulkan can offer. I run a 5930k @ 4.3 GHz + 3x GTX 970. I have no problem running many games at the resolution (5760x1080) and frame rate I prefer in Windows with SLI. It's a DAMN shame I cannot run those same games it Linux because OpenGL fucking blows in that regard. It's damn time gaming on Linux can utilize the hardware I can throw at it.


                • #18
                  Originally posted by rabcor View Post
                  Why are they calling it vulkan next? sounds more like vulkan 1.2 or something...
                  Because they haven't determined the version number yet. 1.1 vs 1.2 vs 1.5 vs 2.0 - so they're going with "next" as a placeholder.


                  • #19
                    Talos get perf boost with Vulkan

                    Build 266906 for The Talos Principle is now available in beta "publicbeta", which does not require a password. To install the beta, do this: - locate the game in the Steam's "Library" panel - right click and invoke "Properties" - select the "Betas" tab - choose "publicbeta" NOTE: If you want to later change back from publicbeta to default, savegames may be lost! We test for forward upgrades, but not in the other direction.

                    Try it Michael, it seems it is now comparable or better then DX11... well and use openbox as shitty WMs do shitty things


                    • #20
                      Originally posted by dungeon View Post
                      Talos get perf boost with Vulkan
                      Now it beats OpenGL but currently only on pair with D3D11.

