"Ask ATI" dev thread

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  • disturbedsaint
    Junior Member
    • Aug 2006
    • 22

    Is there any chance there will be support for Hybrid graphics (more specifically Powerxpress) support on linux (be it in fglrx or through documentation)?


    • enzobelmont
      Phoronix Member
      • Aug 2007
      • 56

      Please DEVS; we need some help.

      hi! I am part of a group of enthusiast trying to make MacOSX work on x86 common PCs. I know; its ilegal (because apple), but there is a lot of passion and effort in a growing community. There has been a lot of reached goals (many PCs models can run mac os as fast as macs, even better).but there is a long way to go. I have no programming skills. This is the reason to my desperated call.

      there is a large fanbase owning an X200M chipsets laptops. They are cheaps, and can run MacOSX almost perfect. The problem is this: there is no such docs and specs to implement a driver to make them work at full graphic acceleration.

      some "hackintosh devs" are trying to implement a framebuffer driver for low powered ati chipsets presents in some laptops.

      I am Begging for your help here. because there is not such a a place to get answers.

      here is a question made by Slice (Hackintos Dev):

      can i get Radeon R3xx-R4xx registers description from ATI-AMD company. For example I2C registers?.

      thanks in advance. and sorry my english.

      PS. you can follow our slow progress here!! Please contribute with us.
      we need as much help as we can get.



      • Dandel
        Senior Member
        • Oct 2007
        • 316

        When will the support for xvideo on multiple monitors be fixed so that the secondary display can be used for the render output.

        edit: found another question that's good for this involving multiple monitors...

        when will different sized monitors work properly with pair modes and also be properly configurable within the control center... for example:

        CRT 1 modes: 1600x1200, 1280x1024, 1024x768, 800x600
        CRT 2 modes: 1280x1024, 1024x768, 800x600
        desired Pair Modes: 1600x1200+1280x1024, 1280x1024+1280x1024
        forced pair modes: 1024x768+1024x768 ( driver forced... not what i wanted.)

        i want to use the one that give me the largest resolution, however all i get is the 1024x768+1024x768, even though i manually add the pairmode option and it completely ignores this.
        Last edited by Dandel; 21 June 2008, 04:57 PM.


        • Maxhysteria
          Junior Member
          • Oct 2007
          • 15


          I've tested OpenSolaris and I saw that fglrx was not ported to Solaris.

          Is this scheduled and/or 'easy' to do ?



          • shishir
            Junior Member
            • Dec 2007
            • 16

            T60/T60p, X1400/Mobility FireGL v5250

            I am asking this question again to see if I am the only on facing this problem. Also, I have used AIGLX, and somehow it is not making me very happy.

            I just installed ubuntu 8.04, Hardy Heron on my T60. I have dumped the output of fglrxinfo with and without Xgl. As can be seen clearly, there is a problem in getting good performance when running Xgl.

            fglrxinfo : Xgl running
            display: :3.0  screen: 0
            OpenGL vendor string: Mesa project: www.mesa3d.org
            OpenGL renderer string: Mesa GLX Indirect
            OpenGL version string: 1.2 (2.1 Mesa 7.0.3)
            1015 frames in 5.0 seconds = 202.531 FPS
            verma@nirvana ~ $ ps -ealf | grep Xgl
            0 S sverma   10624 10523  0  80   0 -   443 -      16:44 ?        00:00:00 /bin/sh /usr/share/xserver-xgl/Xgl-lockfile-wrapper :3 -accel xv:pbuffer -accel glx:pbuffer -nolisten tcp -fullscreen -br +xinerama
            0 S sverma   10631 10624 11  80   0 - 22177 -      16:44 ?        00:00:14 Xgl :3 -accel xv:pbuffer -accel glx:pbuffer -nolisten tcp -fullscreen -br +xinerama
            AIGLX enabled, Xgl disabled:
            Xgl disabled, AIGLX enabled:
            sverma@nirvana ~ $ ps -ealf | grep Xgl
            0 S sverma   11580 11561  0  80   0 -   751 -      16:47 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=tty -d skip Xgl
            sverma@nirvana ~ $ fglrxinfo
            display: :0.0  screen: 0
            OpenGL vendor string: ATI Technologies Inc.
            OpenGL renderer string: ATI Mobility Radeon X1400
            OpenGL version string: 2.1.7412 Release
            22065 frames in 5.0 seconds = 4412.956 FPS

            Also, I am going to try using an older version (0.6) of compiz to see if that could be the reason behind the problem. When I do a dmesg, I saw a segfault with compiz.real when Xgl is enabled, this is not seen when Xgl is disabled.
            dmesg -> Xgl enabled
            [ 2537.096276] [fglrx:firegl_lock] *ERROR* Process 15972 is using illegal context 0x00000006
            [ 2537.116248] compiz.real[16112]: segfault at 01c30050 eip 08055a80 esp bfe86330 error 4
            I had same problem with T60p. Also, this problem was not seen in 8.40.4 driver, but that does not install on newer distros, openSUSE 11.0 or ubuntu 8.04.

            I am sorry if the query sounds all over the place.

            Last edited by shishir; 23 June 2008, 07:53 AM.


            • wfeltmate
              Junior Member
              • Jun 2008
              • 26

              Is there a reason why you want to run both Xgl and AIGLX at the same time? I don't use either myself, but lest I recall wrong, I thought Xgl was moot now that Fglrx innately supports AIGLX.

              As well, as you'll notice in your first code box, when Xgl is enabled your system is using Mesa and not the fglrx drivers. Which would explain why you are seeing significantly less performance.
              Last edited by wfeltmate; 23 June 2008, 09:54 AM.


              • shishir
                Junior Member
                • Dec 2007
                • 16

                Originally posted by wfeltmate View Post
                Is there a reason why you want to run both Xgl and AIGLX at the same time? I don't use either myself, but lest I recall wrong, I thought Xgl was moot now that Fglrx innately supports AIGLX.

                As well, as you'll notice in your first code box, when Xgl is enabled your system is using Mesa and not the fglrx drivers. Which would explain why you are seeing significantly less performance.
                To answer your question, I am not running them both at the same time, I first ran it(X) with AIGLX only, with Xgl disabled, and then with AIGLX disabled(though not needed), and Xgl enabled.

                As for the second part, the reason I had pasted the fglrxinfo output _was_ to illustrate that with Xgl, the output is different and hence, the performance, poor. I wanted to know why that difference is there. Ideally it should not happen. This started happening only when I upgraded to, if I remember correctly 8.42 (first driver with AIGLX support).

                As for AIGLX being supported, as I said, I did not like the performance, as it was causing a lot of flickering. With Xgl, I haven't faced as many issues, not with driver version 8.40.4 for sure.

                Also, I would like to know why this is happening, as with version 8.40.4 version of the driver, I was getting great performance. So what really changed between the two versions, unless AIGLX support meant, no Xgl .
                Last edited by shishir; 23 June 2008, 03:35 PM.


                • wfeltmate
                  Junior Member
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 26

                  You can still use Xgl with fglrx, to my knowledge. However, the reason you are seeing much poorer performance is that, based on the first post I replied to, when you had Xgl enabled, your system was using Mesa for OpenGL and not fglrx.

                  As for how to fix this, I am not sure. I believe there is a file in which you need to add fglrx to the whitelist, but I am not the person to ask about that. I am sure others can help you, though.


                  • shishir
                    Junior Member
                    • Dec 2007
                    • 16

                    Originally posted by wfeltmate View Post
                    You can still use Xgl with fglrx, to my knowledge. However, the reason you are seeing much poorer performance is that, based on the first post I replied to, when you had Xgl enabled, your system was using Mesa for OpenGL and not fglrx.

                    As for how to fix this, I am not sure. I believe there is a file in which you need to add fglrx to the whitelist, but I am not the person to ask about that. I am sure others can help you, though.
                    I am sure you are trying to help, but I dont think it is working. As I said, when I posted the fglrxinfo output, I did want to point out the i am using Mesa 3d libs, hence, getting poor performance. I just want to know why that is happening. As for the whitelist, my driver is in the whitelist. The file(s) you are possibly talking about are modprobe.d/blackist or compiz-manager, openSUSE does not seem to have the whitelist file, but I am sure I am using the driver, as the module is loaded and the usage count is more than 0.

                    You are right when you say "you might not be the person to ask", well, unless you are an ATI/AMD dev, I dont think you are the person I am targetting the question at.

                    And that is exactly why I had posted such elaborate dumps so that a dev does not come out telling me things
                    I already know. Like Mesa 3D libs in use, instead of ATI libs. As I said in my previous post, I wanted to know why that was the case. I understand ati libs are not being used, but I want to know why that is the case. As I have the driver installed properly and the xorg.log does not have any significant difference for the two cases.
                    Last edited by shishir; 24 June 2008, 01:59 AM.


                    • lem79
                      Senior Member
                      • May 2008
                      • 230

                      AMD virtualisation for GPUs?

                      I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I found it to be an interesting thought. Is it possible, or does AMD/ATI have any plans on implementing virtualisation technology into GPUs? AMD does CPU virtualisation really well, would be awesome to see something similar in the GPU (no more rebooting into Windows for gaming... just load up VMware )

                      I can dream at least.

