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HOWTO implement an OpenGL extension for Mesa

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  • #31
    Originally posted by netkas View Post
    Ok, but, what about this way: map names of cards which is 100% known to have some device-id and no other name use this dev-id.

    like 4850 - 9442
    4870 - 9440
    4890 - 9460/9462
    also 4850x2, 4870x2, 4770, 5770, 5750, 5870, 5850, 5970, 2600xt, 2600pro, 2900gt, 3870

    and use r600c like method for rest of cards
    That's even more confusing.


    • #32
      >That's even more confusing.



      • #33
        When I get a warning like

        r600: unknown instruction 77
        Failed to translate vertex shader.
        that would be, from enum prog_opcode, in src/mesa/program/prog_instruction.h


        That's right? And this one, "set sign", is described here in section 2.X.8.Z, SSG?


        • #34
          already implemented:


          • #35
            Great I guess I'd better wait a couple of days before reporting any bug I find, because quite likely it gets fixed before I could report it.


            • #36
              Originally posted by nikai View Post
              Great I guess I'd better wait a couple of days before reporting any bug I find, because quite likely it gets fixed before I could report it.
              This is a wrong assumption, very wrong.


              • #37
                PLEASE report bugs when you see them. We often get this scenario:

                dev: I can't wait to get rid of <ums/ugly hack/etc.>
                user: what?! <ums/ugly hack/etc.> is going away? I need that!
                dev: why?
                user: <feature> has never worked on my card, so I need <ums/ugly hack/etc.>
                dev: Is this a recent issue?
                user: no; hasn't worked in 8 months
                dev: have you filed a bug?
                user: no

                At worst we'll just close the bug if it's already fixed. If not, it's good to get bug reports as close to possible to when a problem starts as a bug reported 6 months or a year later is much harder to track down.


                • #38
                  Oh, all right. It just had the impression that I might cause unnecessary noise given the huge number of issues that get fixed every day at the moment.

                  Like yesterday I noticed a memory leak filling the swap partition, but didn't have the time to thoroughly investigate. Today I had another look, but it appears to be already fixed.

                  With r600g there are a number of applications that I don't expect to work at the moment. I'm quite impressed that I can already play emilia-pinball, albeit at a low frame rate. However if this is useful, I'll gladly investigate and report any crashes I experience.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by nikai View Post
                    Oh, all right. It just had the impression that I might cause unnecessary noise given the huge number of issues that get fixed every day at the moment.
                    The amount of bug traffic for Mesa doesn't appear to be that high, and I don't think it's a problem to report a bug - only to discover that it has already been fixed - as long as you follow up and close your own bug reports.

                    Dunno about r600g, and I'm not a developer, but seems to be that Mesa/Xorg could probably use more people trying out the bleeding edge.


                    • #40
                      With r600g there are a number of applications that I don't expect to work at the moment. I'm quite impressed that I can already play emilia-pinball
                      emilia-pinball worked more than a year ago.

                      ATM, it should be able to run Doom3, but it apparently still has some issues with shadows, and performance.

