AMD Lands VCN 3.0 Video Encode Support For Navi 2 / Sienna Cichlid

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  • pal666
    Originally posted by sandy8925 View Post
    Yes I know not everyone streams games
    probably that's what "not the same level" means

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  • pal666
    Originally posted by sandy8925 View Post
    And please, let's stop acting like AMD is some struggling 3 person band working out of a garage. They have enough money and resources to improve things.
    even you and me have money and resources to improve things. important part is whether amd has similar amount of money and resources to their competitors

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  • pal666
    Originally posted by MadeUpName View Post
    But I do have work to get done and it needs to get done on the GPU regardless of your failure to understand what is going on in the world.
    1) your requirement of gpu is irrelevant to everyone else. everyone else have work without gpu
    2) blob requirements on amd hardware is a fantasy of nvidiots

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  • Royi
    How does the hardware encoders compare to x264?
    Can Intel hardware encoders be used on the KF line of CPUs?

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  • Laughing1
    Originally posted by sandy8925 View Post

    Yeah, AV1 decode is pretty important, but on the other hand, not aa big a problem for those buying dGPU, since those are usually paired with powerful CPUs and don't run off batteries.

    For laptops and tablets though, definitely super important, and AMD is lagging a lot in this respect.
    For people than want the best performance per watt it is a must do.

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by agd5f View Post

    The video decode hardware is arguably some of the best in the industry. Decode has a lot of well defined use cases across OSes. Encode does not have the same level of use cases at this point.
    Um, yes it does. Game streaming and recording. Super important for many gamers. Yes I know not everyone streams games, but for those who do, they all prefer NVIDIA due to better video encoding capabilities and quality.

    I tried AMD's own game streaming software built into it's driver software, it was pretty bad. Lots of bugs, vidoe cutting out, missing audio etc. It's no wonder people prefer NVIDIA, Intel iGPU or software encoding instead.

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by Laughing1 View Post

    Only has up to VCN2.0 as of yet though.

    Needs AV1 decode added.
    Yeah, AV1 decode is pretty important, but on the other hand, not aa big a problem for those buying dGPU, since those are usually paired with powerful CPUs and don't run off batteries.

    For laptops and tablets though, definitely super important, and AMD is lagging a lot in this respect.

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  • Guest
    Guest replied
    Originally posted by LoveRPi View Post
    Hiring an team to build video encoders is expensive stuff. Large companies spend $10M+ annually on their encoder optimization teams.
    Except that video encoding is very important for their target market of Windows desktop users and gamers, especially for their dGPU. Many people prefer NVIDIA due to it's superior video encoder. Sure, there are other reasons as well, but that's still an important reason.

    So, I'd say that yes it is important. And please, let's stop acting like AMD is some struggling 3 person band working out of a garage. They have enough money and resources to improve things.

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  • MadeUpName
    Originally posted by TemplarGR View Post

    Not many people get work done on gpus. Contrary to popular belief fueled by the media, gpgpu, whether CUDA or OpenCL, is not so widespread, even though most tech sites make machine learning look like it is so widespread even your grandma is using it. Also, most people don't encode videos all day either. So AMD is fine. Stop whining.
    If I sat around in my underwear playing games all day like you I would think the same way. But I do have work to get done and it needs to get done on the GPU regardless of your failure to understand what is going on in the world.

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  • agd5f
    Originally posted by Danny3 View Post
    or that this card doesn't support decoding high quality movies because it's mainly a gaming GPU.
    The video decode hardware is arguably some of the best in the industry. Decode has a lot of well defined use cases across OSes. Encode does not have the same level of use cases at this point.

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