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NVIDIA Appears To Be Readying Their Vulkan Drivers

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  • smitty3268
    Originally posted by efikkan View Post
    And there you just proved your incompetence. Vulkan is built around SPIR-V which uses GLSL and more. Claiming that one is based off the other just because a handful basic functions have similar names is just as cluless as claiming ARM is based off X86 because they have similar arithmetics.
    Sorry, but you're the one showing ignorance here.

    The Vulkan API was built around Mantle, and tweaked from there. SPIR-V is a completely different topic that doesn't even come into play - which you can see by the fact that the SPIR-V spec has already been released, while the Vulkan spec has not been released.

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  • computerquip
    Originally posted by efikkan View Post
    And there you just proved your incompetence. Vulkan is built around SPIR-V which uses GLSL and more. Claiming that one is based off the other just because a handful basic functions have similar names is just as cluless as claiming ARM is based off X86 because they have similar arithmetics.

    For the last 6 OpenGL versions, everyone but Nvidia has been years behind.
    Actually, Vulkan is heavily based on Mantle, to the point a good portion of the Mantle Guide released by AMD will be usable for Vulkan. I wouldn't be surprised if they released a similar guide with Vulkan with names changed around. Without Mantle, Vulkan would not have been possible this year and possibly a few years to come. This is said in virtually every presentation concerning Vulkan as far as I've seen.

    Vulkan does consume Spir-V but to claim it's built around Spir-V isn't really saying much. There's nothing special about Spir-V other than it's a generic shader intermediary.

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  • efikkan
    Originally posted by Daktyl198 View Post
    Yes, that's why Vulkan, the next-gen graphics API is based off of Mantle.
    And there you just proved your incompetence. Vulkan is built around SPIR-V which uses GLSL and more. Claiming that one is based off the other just because a handful basic functions have similar names is just as cluless as claiming ARM is based off X86 because they have similar arithmetics.

    Originally posted by Daktyl198 View Post
    Oh yeah, AMD. But they're "lagging years behind". Oh man, so many years behind...
    For the last 6 OpenGL versions, everyone but Nvidia has been years behind.

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  • DarkFoss
    Originally posted by efikkan View Post
    Then why is AMD and Intel lagging years behind?
    Hmm perhaps it's because they are actually contributing code to mesa and actively developing their open source drivers,unlike Nvidia.
    Originally posted by efikkan View Post
    OpenGL would be in a sad state today without the leadership of Nvidia. Sadly enough, the others are slowing down the process.
    What!?? How so ? Show me their commits to Mesa,OpenGL ES,EGL outside of tacking on Tegra support. Nouveau could use some love too.
    Unless you think the future of Linux is Closed source and Proprietary ? In that case they are indeed Leading by example

    Originally posted by efikkan View Post
    Conspiracy theories don't deserve a response.
    Your right I should have said I fear sure they are busy tweaking Vulkan to run as poorly on AMD hardware as they can get away with. Maybe to the extent that AMD's driver will have to be delayed by a month or more depending on how much damage is done.
    My hope is that Vulkan/DX12 will provide a sandbox for drivers so that neither sides drivers/extensions can in anyway interfere with the others in any way

    Originally posted by efikkan View Post
    Please don't spread this nonsense.
    Guess you missed all the issues surrounding The Witcher 3 release as one example

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  • Daktyl198
    Originally posted by efikkan View Post
    Then why is AMD and Intel lagging years behind?
    OpenGL would be in a sad state today without the leadership of Nvidia. Sadly enough, the others are slowing down the process.
    Yes, that's why Vulkan, the next-gen graphics API is based off of Mantle. Who developed Mantle? Oh yeah, AMD. But they're "lagging years behind". Oh man, so many years behind...

    Originally posted by efikkan View Post
    Please don't spread this nonsense.
    How do you know it's nonsense? Do you work as an Ark dev? NVidia employee perhaps? Do you have any more info on this than I do because everybody has been pretty fucking silent about the whole situation and afaik UE4, AMD drivers, and NVidia drivers all have at least "OK" DX12 support, so "game-destroying driver bugs" is hard to believe. "Inconvenient bugs"? sure, but that wouldn't stop such a hyped release literally the night before it was supposed to be out. The devs were even hyping it less than 8 hours before it was "delayed".

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  • efikkan
    Originally posted by DarkFoss View Post
    Isn't the president of the Khronos group a Nvidia employee ? Of course Nvidia will have day 1 support, Vulkan will not be released before they are ready.
    Then why is AMD and Intel lagging years behind?
    OpenGL would be in a sad state today without the leadership of Nvidia. Sadly enough, the others are slowing down the process.

    Originally posted by DarkFoss View Post
    I'm sure they are busy tweaking Vulkan to run as poorly on AMD hardware as they can get away with. Maybe to the extent that AMD's driver will have to be delayed by a month or more depending on how much damage is done.
    Conspiracy theories don't deserve a response.

    Originally posted by Daktyl198 View Post
    Nothing about Khronos, but there's been MANY cases where Nvidia will go so far to hurt AMD, they'll even hurt themselves in the process. This is especially true with GameWorks games, which is why I'm probably going to stop playing Ark: SE soon. NVidia won't let them release the DX12 port because it looks good on AMD systems and not NVidia ones...
    Please don't spread this nonsense.

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  • computerquip
    Originally posted by Daktyl198 View Post

    Nothing about Khronos, but there's been MANY cases where Nvidia will go so far to hurt AMD, they'll even hurt themselves in the process. This is especially true with GameWorks games, which is why I'm probably going to stop playing Ark: SE soon. NVidia won't let them release the DX12 port because it looks good on AMD systems and not NVidia ones...

    How about a source?

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  • Ancurio
    Looking at the exported symbols, it seems like a bare-bones "bootstrap device, get a swapchain running and throw images at the screen" arsenal, no meaty Vulkan-internals yet. But it's really cool to see that they stuck with the OpenGL convention for naming extensions and ext function names, that should make it relatively easy for GL folks to get used to.

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  • Daktyl198
    Originally posted by sabun View Post
    There is no sign that the Khronos Group is trying to impair AMD, considering once again it's AMD's specification!
    Nothing about Khronos, but there's been MANY cases where Nvidia will go so far to hurt AMD, they'll even hurt themselves in the process. This is especially true with GameWorks games, which is why I'm probably going to stop playing Ark: SE soon. NVidia won't let them release the DX12 port because it looks good on AMD systems and not NVidia ones...

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  • bug77
    Originally posted by dungeon View Post

    I have zero interest in this nvidia article too, because what is this article about - isn't it just another rumor for VK? Nothing is ready on nVidia side too, there are also articles in same sense about nvidia wayland support but still nothing, etc...
    Absolutely. I'll believe Vulkan and Wayland support when I see them, too. It's just that nvidia's track record makes it very likely they'll ship Vulkan drivers upon release.

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