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NVIDIA GeForce GT 220

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  • #51
    Originally posted by GT220 View Post
    So why do you still use Nvidia then? Since you want to be an ATI fanboi so much, go and buy their DX11 card now. I'm sure you'll enjoy using their Linux drivers.

    Failing GPUs are only the old 80nm parts like 8600(G84) and 8400(G86) which are long discontinued, and you believe what the biggest ATI asskisser Charlie writes? LOLOL, dumber than dumb indeed you are. Most of Charlie's BS lies were debunked at Beyond3d forums.

    Loss of chipset market is irrelevant, Nvidia is replacing that with revenue from the Tegra SoC, which will be far better. Intel is well known to be greedy, wanting the chipset market cake and eating it too. VIA should know that, they got driven out by Intel's greed.
    Charlies has the numbers on his site. He started talking about bumpgate before the laptop makers started to take it seriously. And Nvidia lied to all and everybody.

    Go back and look at the lawsuit nvidia's insurer has started against nvidia. The whole mess goes back as far as nv40.

    So lets see:
    chipset business? 30% of the company? gone
    no new chip in years? yes
    problems with 40nm? yes
    Fermi a year late, going later, huge and expensive? yes
    3 different lawsuits because of Bumpgate? yes
    1 lawsuit against Intel because of licencing? yes
    Apple bought two complete month of production from AMD? yes

    You see, if Fermi does not rock the markt next year, Nvidia will be gone 2012.

    And AMD is thanks to certain investors in a pretty good position. They rule the GPU market, their CPUs are doing better than 12 month ago, and Bulldozer is on time. They can wait for 2011 without breaking a sweat.


    • #52
      Mass market is still with simple cards, GT220 or even G210 will be enough when you have got 1 GB vram on it to place the amount of vram good in an add. Funnly many ppl buy systems with more vram than with a faster gfx chip Gamers will replace it or just don't buy, others will be fine and can even play bluray if they want to. DX11 on lowend cards is useless too - currently only faster cards are available not the slowest ones. Of course you could enable those effects but with very slow framerates. So in the low price range it does not really matter if dx10/10.1 or 11 and how fast demanding games will run.


      • #53
        NVIDIA GeForce GT 220

        ? ????-?? ?? ???????, ????????? ?????? ???:
        9600pro Saphire ????? 175, a GeForce 5600 110, ??:
        ?? ixtb ??? ????????? ??????????? ?? Intel ?????????, ? ??? ???? ??? AMD, a ???? ?????? ??? NVidia ???????? ??????? ????? ? Intel, a c AMD ?????? ????? ???? ????????


        • #54
          Originally posted by energyman View Post
          So lets see:
          chipset business? 30% of the company? gone
          Still there, chipsets still in production for ion/ion2
          no new chip in years? yes
          June 2008 GTX family
          August 2009 GT2x0 family appears in OEM's mainstream later on
          problems with 40nm? yes
          Same issue plagues ATI, TSMC issue not nvidia's

          Fermi a year late, going later, huge and expensive? yes
          Fermi is not even close to being a year late. In fact Fermi speculations of what the next chip didn't even start developing until this past summer.

          1 lawsuit against Intel because of licencing? yes
          So Intel playing it's usual monopoly game equals death, I don't think so. If anything AMD's latest settlement strengthened nVidia's lawsuit against intel on licensing. Intel couldn't win against Via, they couldn't win against AMD and they will lose against Nvidia as well

          Apple bought two complete month of production from AMD? yes
          They also chose nvidia chipsets for pretty much their entire line and still is the chipset that Apple uses for any non-i series cpu product? Guess which deal was bigger? Who do you think co-developed openCL with apple?

          You see, if Fermi does not rock the markt next year, Nvidia will be gone 2012.
          Extremely doubtful, Nvidia has nothing for debtload. Creativelabs for example has even a higher debtload then Nvidia and it truely is in a more or less dead market but still continue to live. Not to mention Via as well.

          And AMD is thanks to certain investors in a pretty good position. They rule the GPU market, their CPUs are doing better than 12 month ago, and Bulldozer is on time. They can wait for 2011 without breaking a sweat.

          Bulldozer is sorry late. It was originally supposed to appear mid 2010 but got pushed back.

          Then there is also AMD's fusion designs which the latest roadmap shows then being 2 years behind schedule and the SB800 series chipset which is at least 6 months behind.

          Myth busted.


          • #55
            *sigh* wrong. Everything wrong. The GT2XX series is not new. And several planned members have been canned.

            FERMI is late. The first leaks about it were early 2008. Since then it was a constant slipfest.

            40nm - TSMC has a problem and AMD does not get as much ychips as wanted. But Nvidia got 7. You see the difference?

            And who cares that nvidia produces chipsets for ION (which nobody buys anyway)? When was the lat chipset for AMD released? And there is no chipset at all for Nehalem. In short, chipset are dead.

            Bulldozer on the other hand is perfectly in time. It just taped out and it does even better than planned. Just as John Fruehe. Where do you find him? His blog or semi-accurate-forum.


            • #56
              Well the TSMC problem is bad, but ATI was faster however so no good xmas for NV. My guess is january for the first GT300 cards on the market. Most systems will be fine with onboard vga, the masses of netbooks for example - dedicated cards are only for gamers as even standard solutions will be enough for bluray accelleration which will be a big thing next year. This year it is affordable but not really cheap.


              • #57
                yeah, except that Nvidia themselves have said, no January. If there is anything prior to March than press samples.


                • #58
                  Can you read Energyman? GT series. GT 210 etc. DX 10.1. Show me speculation about Fermi in 2008. You have NOTHING but pure speculation created by you. Put some proof behind your bullshit. BTW Ion is doing very well, show me any netbook market that AMD is present in.


                  • #59
                    yeah, and 10.1 is such a big step forward, right?

                    And please ,show me the millions of netbooks sold with nvidia chipsets. What was it? there is only one or two?

                    Bulldozer had taped out. That is a FACT. Tapeout now means, it is eactly where it should be according to plan. Evergreen came out exactly like planned.

                    Nvidia had planned to put out 212, 214, 216, 218 month ago. Look those up, if you want to.

                    Oh and Fermi?

                    Latest NVIDIA news, search archive, download multimedia, download executive bios, get media contact information, subscribe to email alerts and RSS.

                    so, read that. And maybe you might understand a thing.

                    Oh, and compare Fermi's planned performance with the 5870 and the 5970 and you might see why nvidia is completly f*cked.


                    • #60
                      Slow system with fglrx + xvba-video wrapper for mplayer vaapi is certainly what you want to play hd videos - i can give you a 1 mb file that will crash the system immediately. Some will be still happy enough with software decode but the slower the system is the more it will hurt when there is no accelleration. Hopefully flash will get support for vdpau or vaapi soon. For that ion is an intersting option, however it is a bit expensive. fglrx users are usually forced to use opengl output as xv sucks too much, bad luck when you want to use commercial apps like LinDVD that only support xv...

