Adobe Flash Player 10.1 To Support VDPAU?

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  • phoronix
    • Jan 2007
    • 67426

    Adobe Flash Player 10.1 To Support VDPAU?

    Phoronix: Adobe Flash Player 10.1 To Support VDPAU?

    Adobe announced this week from their worldwide developer conference that Flash Player 10.1 would receive GPU-acceleration for video playback on netbooks and mobile devices when using a NVIDIA GeForce, ION, or Tegra graphics processor. This move is to allow SD and HD video content to be played through Flash on low-end, low-power hardware devices that are powered by NVIDIA GPUs...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite
  • oyvind
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2007
    • 153

    I hope VDPAU isn't the only new thing in the Linux version of FlashPlayer 10.1. A proper "non-lab" x86-64-release and general performance improvements comes to mind. As long as the performance stays at the current level on Linux, I will continue to consider it crap and a major nuisance on web pages. Nothing I hate more than a web page that consists entirely of one or more big Flash-objects (makes me leave instantly).

    I couldn't care less if it Now Plays Big Shiny HD-movies (iff you have nvidia), I still have to use Flashblock to control how much CPU the browser burns on rendering ordinary Flash stuff. And it's way too much on even modern multicore-machines.

    The only positive thing I have to say about the latest Linux FlashPlayer-release is that at least it doesn't crash the browser (your results may vary).



    • sp82
      Phoronix Member
      • Oct 2009
      • 64

      I think that the worst piece of software of my fedora 11 linux boxes is the flash player plugin.
      The browser (Firefox in my case) is the major used application, 4-8 hour/day and 250-300 day/year is a running application.
      Flash Crash so frequently.
      I think that firefox use one single instance of flash plugin for all the tabs of the browser, in fact when the plugin crash, crash in all the tabs.
      This is a good news because if multiple instance of the plugin was used multiple core of your cpu was infected with this piece of inglorious software!
      In some case, es. when reading the news, the flash plugin is the major case of waste of power (and the lost of battery life of the notebooks) because one core of my cpu is under heavy load with stupid animations and annoying advice banners. The flash plugin generate noise. Yes this is true, the fan of the computers must spin much faster and this generate noise and stress.
      The video decoding acceleration is the last problem, the plugin need much more 2D acceleration, less flickering, more integration with the browser and Video Resizing Acceleration for fullscreen playback.
      Sorry for my bad english.
      Last edited by sp82; 10 October 2009, 08:37 AM.


      • thefirstm
        Senior Member
        • May 2009
        • 238

        I really hope that they implement some form of V-sync in the flash player. Tearing drives me completely nuts, and there currently is not any way to play YouTube (and the like) videos on Linux without tearing.


        • Apopas
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2009
          • 1292

          Originally posted by thefirstm View Post
          ...Tearing drives me completely nuts, and there currently is not any way to play YouTube (and the like) videos on Linux without tearing.
          I have not such an experience.


          • thefirstm
            Senior Member
            • May 2009
            • 238

            Originally posted by Apopas View Post
            I have not such an experience.
            Good for you. Are you using 32-bit with OpenGL acceleration?


            • Apopas
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2009
              • 1292

              Originally posted by thefirstm View Post
              Good for you. Are you using 32-bit with OpenGL acceleration?
              I use the 64 bit version with OpenGL acceleration.


              • thefirstm
                Senior Member
                • May 2009
                • 238

                How did you manage to pull that off? I have been trying and trying.


                • Apopas
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 1292

                  I dunno, I just never had that problem. Well with the previous version of flash 10+something, I experienced many crashes and I had to use the 32 bit version of Firefox. Now with flash- I get zero crashes as well and totally uninstalled the 32 bit version. I have not tearing and my sister keeps playing every day these annoying flash games in facebook. I don't assume they run as fast as in Windows but the are fairly stable and in youtube I play tearing free even the HQ videos.
                  I have Nvidia 8500GT and Compiz on but without it's "indirect rendering" option enabled.


                  • thefirstm
                    Senior Member
                    • May 2009
                    • 238

                    It is probably because you are using Compiz. I wish I could use compiz, but it causes display tearing in all applications.

