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Rust 1.32 Released With New Debugger Macro, Jemalloc Disabled By Default

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  • moltonel
    Originally posted by tildearrow View Post
    Hopefully the removal of jemalloc results in the Hello World application being smaller.
    191K vs 415K for a stripped release build (so no fancy size-reduction technique) of an unmodified `cargo new helloworld`, on my Linux amd64 system.

    While it's still a big hello-world, a 54% size reduction is impressive. But hello world isn't a realistic usecase, rust programs quickly get much bigger than that. My pet rust log-parsing program 'emlop' already weighs 2140k, making jemalloc's 220K less significant.

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  • moltonel
    Originally posted by wswartzendruber View Post
    Rust is starting get a lot of deprecated stuff in it. This is all stuff that's not included unless your code uses it, right?
    Jemalloc isn't getting deprecated, it's just become much easier to opt in/out, and the default for rust now matches the default of your OS. There will always be programs where jemalloc performs better than libc malloc and vice-versa, it's good to have options.

    There *are* things that get deprecated, usually in libraries, like with any healthy living language. One that has been brewing for years is the whole futures/async story, it's going to be a significant change to how concurrent code is written, but it's also likely to be the last disrupting change in Rust for a looong time, judging from the #rust2019 blog posts.

    Rust is very good at zero-cost abstractions (doing thing the fancy way is as fast as doing them the low-level way) and at only paying for what you use.

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  • bug77
    Originally posted by Redfoxmoon View Post

    Just gonna point to this thing here...
    The fresh perspective would be marrying memory safety with a systems programming language

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  • Lizintacer
    Originally posted by smitty3268 View Post

    What's wrong with having multiple languages, each good at various different things? I never understood the mentality that 1 solution has to be the perfect answer to every problem and everything else should go f off and die.
    Learning multiple languages takes more time than arguing on the internet that the one language you know is best for everything.

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  • smitty3268
    Originally posted by ihatemichael

    I'm not saying that, I like some of the aspects about Rust, I merely asked why one would want to start learning/writing Rust and cl333r started attacking me, so I got defensive and attacked back.

    I've been programming for 20 years now, heck, I even contributed code to the Linux kernel, you might be running my code and not know it. I don't need to know your opinion to learn or use something. Speaking without knowing is so easy.
    I feel like the tradeoffs and design decisions with rust are fairly well known at this point. The people on here who say everything should be converted into rust are annoying, but your post really smelled like you were trying to start a fight with them.

    My apologies if that wasn't your intention. I think sometimes i see your forum name and assume certain things about what you are trying to say that might not be entirely fair.
    Last edited by smitty3268; 18 January 2019, 12:05 AM.

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  • smitty3268
    Originally posted by ihatemichael
    Rust is a fad language and won't even touch C/C++
    What's wrong with having multiple languages, each good at various different things? I never understood the mentality that 1 solution has to be the perfect answer to every problem and everything else should go f off and die.

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  • cl333r
    Originally posted by ihatemichael

    You are the lazy loser and a cunt. Speak about yourself.

    If the community is full of assholes like yourself then I'm sure it's a good community, Rust is a fad language and won't even touch C/C++.

    I asked you because you keep acting like a snake oil salesman with your fad language, so if it's so cool like you say then tell me the reasons, but no, instead you use ad hominem because you are a liar and a fucking moron.

    I don't need your opinion because you have none. So fuck off.
    Thanks for confirming my assumptions.

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  • cl333r
    Originally posted by ihatemichael

    You don't have to hope anything. Clearly the only thing you can do is attack others because you don't know of any reasons to recommend the language.
    Great stay away, I like the Rust community and don't want lazy losers in there who want to learn the language by begging someone in some forum to "convince" them to learn it.

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  • cl333r
    Originally posted by bug77 View Post

    There's no silver bullet in Rust. There's just memory safety in exchange of having to deal with ownership.
    Seeing how C/C++ programs fail to protect memory at the drop of a hat, I'd say trying to look at things for a fresh perspective would have been in order.
    Yeah, ownership and what comes with it - lifetimes, cheating all the time with Rc<Refcell<>>, but Rust has a ton of good features, println! is much better than printf or std::cout, no headers, cargo, common sense default imports (prelude), literally forces you not to forget to process data that can be null appropriately with Option and a ton more. But because of the ownership the source code is (much) harder to read and understand and being its biggest selling point is also its greatest weakness imo.
    Personally I'd switch to Swift if it was properly supported on Linux and Windows.

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  • Redfoxmoon
    Originally posted by bug77 View Post

    There's no silver bullet in Rust. There's just memory safety in exchange of having to deal with ownership.
    Seeing how C/C++ programs fail to protect memory at the drop of a hat, I'd say trying to look at things for a fresh perspective would have been in order.
    Just gonna point to this thing here...

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