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Qt 6.5 Beta Released With New Modules

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  • #11
    Originally posted by rafanelli View Post
    I was more pointing at the fractional scaling support. That's the blurriness KDE users complain about right? Great that it's fixed.
    Wayland didn't even have (standard) fractional scaling until one month ago. Your point makes absolutely no sense at all then.


    • #12
      Is it possible to set the window position in my code using Qt 6.x on Wayland yet? That is one of the most irritating missing features for me in Qt 5.15 with Wayland. Some (non-Qt) programs manage to do it, so don't try to tell me this can't be done on Wayland.

      Also would be really nice if the memory leaks in Qt WebEngine were solved.


      • #13
        Originally posted by ed31337 View Post
        Is it possible to set the window position in my code using Qt 6.x on Wayland yet? That is one of the most irritating missing features for me in Qt 5.15 with Wayland. Some (non-Qt) programs manage to do it, so don't try to tell me this can't be done on Wayland.
        Wayland sets absolutely no restrictions on what can be done. Anything is possible but you might have to roll your own private protocol extension for the features (and write the code implementing them) if there is no standard protocol defined yet. But obviously no-one else will support that private feature then and it's pointless to whine if no-one else therefore has that feature.

        App-configured window position was frowned upon even on Xorg and it was described as "optional", even if most toolkits and WMs allowed it. Window position is meant to be managed by the WM alone.

        By the way, how do you dare to say that it is *irritating to you* that you cannot control window position based on your whims? You're trying to force some stupid shit down the throats of your users, LOL! Let your users call it irritating instead.
        Last edited by curfew; 23 December 2022, 12:35 AM.


        • #14
          Originally posted by curfew View Post
          App-configured window position was frowned upon even on Xorg and it was described as "optional", even if most toolkits and WMs allowed it. Window position is meant to be managed by the WM alone.
          Restoring my app's window position upon restart is frowned upon? By whom? Some "way smarter than thee committee?" It's my computer and my app -- it should do what I want, not some "stupid shit" forced on me by the "way smarter than thee committee."

          Originally posted by curfew View Post
          By the way, how do you dare to say that it is *irritating to you* that you cannot control window position based on your whims? You're trying to force some stupid shit down the throats of your users, LOL! Let your users call it irritating instead.
          I *am* the user. These are apps I write for myself to use.


          • #15
            Originally posted by ed31337 View Post

            Restoring my app's window position upon restart is frowned upon? By whom? Some "way smarter than thee committee?" It's my computer and my app -- it should do what I want, not some "stupid shit" forced on me by the "way smarter than thee committee."

            I *am* the user. These are apps I write for myself to use.
            By the designers of Wayland. They want an ideal world where apps know nothing about where they are, and have no impact on it. It is on of the flaws of the initial idea, we are slowly getting workarounds for the millions issues that decision caused.

