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Mobile Optimizations Coming For Phoronix

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  • Michael
    Was hoping to get more mobile work done today but alas, didn't get to it, but hopefully tomorrow....

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  • lexa2
    As of the time of this posting Phoronix main page and article display pages both are totally unreadable on iPad 2 in Safari browser with landscape orientation. Fonts are extremely large, logo and site menu took about two thirds of the screen space space at the top, other fonts are too big to be comfortable for reading. And yet another regression is that now it is impossible to turn on "reader" mode (built-in function in Safari for iPad) that was available with old design for ages. Now I have to use ultrabook to read phoronix as it became a painful experience on iPad. Hope you would fix this ASAP, reading phoronix in bed before falling asleep became a good habit I don't want to get rid of.
    Last edited by lexa2; 04 May 2015, 03:47 PM. Reason: fix spelling

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  • zman0900
    Originally posted by randomizer View Post
    The main site isn't great but it's usable. It's the forum that needs the most attention. vBulletin is just awful on a mobile. Actually, it's just awful.
    Yeah. The https is broken in the forum too since it tries to load scripts from unauthenticated sources.

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  • profoundWHALE
    Originally posted by randomizer View Post
    The main site isn't great but it's usable. It's the forum that needs the most attention. vBulletin is just awful on a mobile. Actually, it's just awful.
    It could be worse: Disquis

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  • Nth_man
    Originally posted by randomizer View Post
    The main site isn't great but it's usable. It's the forum that needs the most attention. vBulletin is just awful on a mobile. Actually, it's just awful.

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  • randomizer
    The main site isn't great but it's usable. It's the forum that needs the most attention. vBulletin is just awful on a mobile. Actually, it's just awful.

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  • Isedonde
    Originally posted by Michael View Post
    Somehow I missed this one when posted before or didn't look quite closely, but actually rather like it a lot when looking at it today
    I agree! Although the current phoronix layout appears to work on mobile and desktop chrome (i.e. line breaks fixed), that template looks pretty cool ? simple and clean look, not cluttered, etc. I thought it was mobile-only when I opened it on my mobile, but it looks quite nice on desktops, too.

    May be interested in hiring you to tweak out that design. You could email me at michael at phoronix.
    I hope this works out, and is not too expensive. The layout might need a few more ads.

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  • profoundWHALE
    Originally posted by Pepec9124
    I'd like to report that when your site is displaying "Microsoft Cloud - This cloud helps accelerate a cure for cancer" it tries to download a file to my WP 8.1 device. It's probably .apk because it tells me it's unsupported format. It's quite annyoing though.
    It's a .js that IE tries to download (I use IE when I'm at work).

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  • chrisb
    Originally posted by Nille_kungen View Post
    It does on my devices
    Responsive web design.
    But that template suffers from the modern lack of contrasts in the colors that makes it hard to read especially on some screens.
    Yes, the header backgrounds are too light. Suggest something like #headerwrap #111, #menuwrap #006050, article #222 etc.
    Last edited by chrisb; 03 May 2015, 06:28 PM.

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  • Michael
    Originally posted by alazar View Post
    Does this one looks good for you?
    Somehow I missed this one when posted before or didn't look quite closely, but actually rather like it a lot when looking at it today and seems to display okay when trying on a mobile device. Are you a web designer by trade? May be interested in hiring you to tweak out that design. You could email me at michael at phoronix.

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