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What Else Would You Like To See On Phoronix This Spring?

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  • h**2
    Originally posted by Spittie View Post
    Guess I can write my opinion too?

    First, let me take a moment to thanks you Michael. It doesn't matter how much I/we complain, we're here because Phoronix is a one-of-a-kind that's not replaceable by other sites.
    I really appreciate your vast coverage of everything linux-related and more.

    Then for the complains and stuff, I'd love to see more quality and less quantity, mostly when talking about reviews and such "big" articles (I'm fine with tons of short news posts where I can just read the headline and decide if I'm interested. Maybe add a "source" link to the bottom, so finding the original blog is not a pain?).
    You do some good reviews, but others really feel just like a dump of PTS tests. I'm even fine with dumps like those, but treat them as a dump. I don't need to read the same as I've just saw in a graph. So maybe just post one/more pages with those, a link to OpenBenchmarking and call it a day? This way you should have more time for good reviews, but still put out the same amount of stuff.

    I'd like to see you explore new ways to monetize other than having annoying ads everywhere and begging for a premium account every other post (In fact, please stop. You want to beg for premium accounts? Add a box at the bottom of every article saying "want to support Phoronix? Buy a premium account!", I'd like it more than the current solution).
    You're always benchmarking gpu and cpu, so I wouldn't mind a link to Amazon/Newegg with your referrer when you're talking about those. But just a link please, let's not start with whole paragraphs like "If you're enjoying this article, you can always buy X card over Amazon with this link, and over Newegg with this other link".
    Also, for premium accounts, you can think about a pay-what-you-want model with a minimum price and different tiers. I don't know what you could offer for the various tiers, but it could be something like "$2 or more - Access to the premium forum, $5 or more - Read articles in a single page, $10 or more - No ads". One of my favorite site ( is doing something like this, and it seems to be working out somewhat decently for them.

    As for actual content, I'd love to see more BSD stuff. I'm not an huge fan of it, in fact I'm just a newcomer with no real opinion (yet), but it's interesting to see more platforms compared than just Linux and Windows.
    I also love the open driver benchmarks, but only when done "right". I have no need for benchmarks of 13 gpus if I can't compare them to a previous release, catalyst on linux and/or catalyst on windows. I'd much rather see benchmarks of less gpus, but with more data.

    Oh, as an addendum to the site suggestions, if you can, try to "standardize" a testbed. Having different hardware every time makes it hard to compare old benchmarks with newer, and so I'm much less likely to search/open old articles to compare (= less page view).
    Oh x2, also tweak a bit the PTS graphs. Sometimes they just need a bit of manual love, for example when comparing older/newer releases of some gpu, place the old/new result of the same gpu near.
    Fully agree on all points.

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  • artsci2
    I'd like to see some stellar functioning system builds. Something to copy that is exceptionally bug and crash free.

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  • Azrael5
    Dear Michael I would like to see statistics about market trend of linux systems periodically.

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  • uid313
    Originally posted by Michael View Post
    I don't have the resources until the ad blocking is disabled. I've already shown that when there's very fruitful ad campaigns I write more interesting content.
    AdBlock Plus does not block all ads. It blocks annoying ads but has a whitelist that shows non-obtrusive ads.

    Adblock Plus introduces the Acceptable Ads initiative: Support websites that rely on advertising but choose to do it in a nonintrusive way.

    Originally posted by chrisb View Post
    Have you considered making the articles premium-only for several hours? Publish the links, but non-premium readers get a page "premium only, public in x hours y minutes".
    Yes, this is the model LWN uses.

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  • chrisb
    Originally posted by Spittie View Post
    Check this:
    But I agree, it would be an interesting article.

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  • chrisb
    Originally posted by Michael View Post
    Again, that isn't possible to write less articles and just put more polishing into articles... Not until there's less AdBlockers, more high quality Linux advertisements available, more premium subscribers, etc.
    Have you considered making the articles premium-only for several hours? Publish the links, but non-premium readers get a page "premium only, public in x hours y minutes".

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  • krach
    Re: heat+battery tests for normal usage scenario

    Originally posted by chrisb View Post
    heat+battery tests for normal usage scenario eg "surf the web over wifi with regular coffee breaks and 60m pause for lunch until the battery dies or uses some fixed power", "power while watching YouTube and using Skype" etc. Something like an updated Power & Memory Usage Of GNOME, KDE, LXDE & Xfce.
    I'd also like to see something along these lines!

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  • alazar
    Sorry but what mark_ pointed out is the truth about this site. The website looks unpolished and the quality of articles are going down each day. Less articles, better quality.

    I've got the feeling you spend so many hours at phoronix just looking up how to increase the word count of your articles. If you earn money per impression don't make us tired just by reading crap, go the point and stop advertising yourself.

    Just learn from the younger linux sites like or Nice design, rich content, full articles with media included.
    Last edited by alazar; 24 April 2014, 12:46 PM.

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  • Spittie
    Originally posted by L0rdK View Post
    Hello Michael,
    You, as a person which is interested in graphics stack on GNU/Linux and so has a solid knowledge about it, could you write a article (treatise) which would explain this system in some logical manner? Because there is a lot of abbreviation in labelling and other stuff and for beginner in this area it is quite difficult to follow. That would be nice supporting educational material for insight into the problem for novice in this very interesting area.

    Thank You.
    Check this:
    But I agree, it would be an interesting article.

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  • L0rdK
    Description of graphic system

    Hello Michael,
    You, as a person which is interested in graphics stack on GNU/Linux and so has a solid knowledge about it, could you write a article (treatise) which would explain this system in some logical manner? Because there is a lot of abbreviation in labelling and other stuff and for beginner in this area it is quite difficult to follow. That would be nice supporting educational material for insight into the problem for novice in this very interesting area.

    Thank You.

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