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Forum moderation features

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  • Forum moderation features

    On a narrow number of topics there seems to be contention in the forums:
    * systemd is supported by a bunch of morons that are desktop or small business focused
    * Red Hat is oppressing / infiltrating Debian... (this may actually be connected to systemd)
    * KDE is bloated or for Windows users / does not do X, Y
    * Gnome 3 / ...4 is a blunder

    Any / some / all of these statements may or may not be true, but the fact that 3-4 posters hijack the discussion and play ping pong between each other leaves little room for others to contribute. It's like a tug war in the mud, no one will win. It's like we did not learn anything deeper from the vim-emacs flame wars, despite the fact that I haven't seen this conflict to resurface.

    So what options are there to reduce this contention, as it seems obvious that neither part will see the other's position?

  • #2
    Just ignore those people, usually most forums have a blacklist feature that allows you to hide all posts from a particular person.

    I don't quite understand what the problem is with systemd, previously I used "service start" and now I use "systemctl start"... all quite irrelevant since both systems work fine. I had fun learning the new service layout and I created my own service files under /etc/systemd/system/ and managed to get everything working with ansible. So no complaints there.

    I haven't used KDE in several decades, so I have no real opinion about it.

    I found Gnome 3 horrible and unusable. Someones interpretation of an Apple+Microsoft interface, too restrictive. I completely disliked the fact that I was being forced to work on a UI thats horrible for the power user. I switched to MATE and eventually stayed with Cinnamon (Fedora spin).

    In all honesty, I don't quite understand why Gnome 3 is a default in Fedora, when it clearly failed to capture its audience. Fedora installations fell across the board due to Gnome 3 but for some reason Red Hat kept pushing it as the default. Eventually the outcry was too big to ignore, thus the famous spins that almost everybody uses these days (Yey for the Cinnamon spin).

    What are your thoughts?


    • #3
      There’s an “Ignore List” under Account settings, but either I’m misunderstanding it’s purpose or it’s not working. I have a few individuals listed in there but I’m still seeing their posts and comments.



      • #4
        Originally posted by debianxfce View Post
        " So what options are there to reduce this contention, as it seems obvious that neither part will see the other's position?"

        People should learn this:
        The internet is full of bad behaving people always and nothing helps.
        Banning "debianxfce" will reduce trolling and bad content on this board by 95%.


        • #5
          Originally posted by debianxfce View Post

          Trump should ban IBM, it will reduce trolling and bad content on this site by 99%.
          You are a mentally ill schizo


          • #6
            Originally posted by debianxfce View Post

            IBM software triggers mental problems.
            You are mentally ill. 4500 posts of mentally ill garbage.


            • #7
              Originally posted by debianxfce View Post

              IBM can not stop making software that triggers mental problems. Then the Linux desktop use would be 100% and that is not the plan of IBM-Microsoft conspiracy.
              Your schizo voices in your head are whispering again. You should do something about your mental health problems.


              • #8
                Originally posted by debianxfce View Post
                The situation is so bad with IBM and users that 111 800 IBM workers will be gone.
                Ironic comment from an unemployed looser who sits all day at home in his mothers basement playing video games.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by debianxfce View Post

                  Gnome3 developers and users are mentally disorder people who sits all day wondering gnome3 bugs.
                  Xfeces users just like their desktop are mentally ill and very poor thats why they use RX460 on a 1368*768 monitor


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by debianxfce View Post

                    23 Xfce bugs and most are solved versus 527 gnome3 open bugs. Gnome3 users are simply mad.retardxfce is a good example.
                    XFCE has much more than 23 bugs, it has thousands of bugs.
                    Source: XFCE bug tracker

