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Features of Phoronix Test Suite 1.6 "Tydal"

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  • Michael
    Originally posted by skeetre View Post
    I thought this release of the test-suite was going to have a graphical frontend? When is this feature planned? I think for many users, this will be a big factor in running Phoronix-test-suite. I prefer to do some things by cli, but I think with the multitude of tests/suites available now, it would be nice to have a front end to select which ones to install, which ones to benchmark, like radio check boxes or something. I think something similar to how 3dmark/pcmark on windows works, except phoronix-test-suite essentially combines all tests into one application.
    This is being worked on for Phoronix Test Suite 2.0. We have something VERY cool being worked on for that

    Originally posted by skeetre View Post
    As you said above, Phoronix global is being improved... I'd take a deep look at the Online Result Browser that has. I really like how it keeps all your own results in a profile and you can select yours and compare against similar systems, and how it rates your system in a chart against similar systems, and the overall scores.

    Anyway, just some things to keep in mind for those improvements.
    Being worked on as well for part of the 2.0 efforts. Though since PTS is open-source and someone could easily submit falsified results, I don't know about having an overalll scoring system, but yes there will definitely be the comparison feature. Plus some other features that should smoke away whatever Futuremark has to offer

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  • skeetre
    I'm pretty sure it's been said somewhere before, but to keep from searching all over the place...

    I thought this release of the test-suite was going to have a graphical frontend? When is this feature planned? I think for many users, this will be a big factor in running Phoronix-test-suite. I prefer to do some things by cli, but I think with the multitude of tests/suites available now, it would be nice to have a front end to select which ones to install, which ones to benchmark, like radio check boxes or something. I think something similar to how 3dmark/pcmark on windows works, except phoronix-test-suite essentially combines all tests into one application.

    As you said above, Phoronix global is being improved... I'd take a deep look at the Online Result Browser that has. I really like how it keeps all your own results in a profile and you can select yours and compare against similar systems, and how it rates your system in a chart against similar systems, and the overall scores.

    Anyway, just some things to keep in mind for those improvements.

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  • Michael
    Originally posted by sabriah View Post

    I tried to find the results in an easy-to-read form, e.g. per benchmark. All I found at was results on a per submission basis. I think the number of submissions would increase is it was easier to see the results. Or, maybe I didn't know how or where to look.

    For example, how do I find all results of the super-pi test version 1.4.2 without having to open each link in the list at

    Anyhow, thanks for providing the tests!
    Improvements for Phoronix Global are being worked on

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  • sabriah
    Originally posted by phoronix View Post
    Phoronix: Features of Phoronix Test Suite 1.6 "Tydal"

    We are preparing to release Phoronix Test Suite 1.6 "Tydal" later this month, which is our largest and most significant update to date. Phoronix Test Suite 1.6 has quite a few changes internally as well as a number of new features and added tests. While there are over 200 changes making up this release codenamed Tydal, in this article we are sharing some of the most significant work in this forthcoming release.

    I tried to find the results in an easy-to-read form, e.g. per benchmark. All I found at was results on a per submission basis. I think the number of submissions would increase is it was easier to see the results. Or, maybe I didn't know how or where to look.

    For example, how do I find all results of the super-pi test version 1.4.2 without having to open each link in the list at

    Anyhow, thanks for providing the tests!

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  • phoronix
    started a topic Features of Phoronix Test Suite 1.6 "Tydal"

    Features of Phoronix Test Suite 1.6 "Tydal"

    Phoronix: Features of Phoronix Test Suite 1.6 "Tydal"

    We are preparing to release Phoronix Test Suite 1.6 "Tydal" later this month, which is our largest and most significant update to date. Phoronix Test Suite 1.6 has quite a few changes internally as well as a number of new features and added tests. While there are over 200 changes making up this release codenamed Tydal, in this article we are sharing some of the most significant work in this forthcoming release.

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite