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All Projects Now Appear To Have A Contributor Covenant

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  • #71
    Originally posted by damonlynch View Post

    I totally agree. However in the U.S. plenty of people treat them as if they're one and the same, which makes using these terms precisely difficult. And yup there are fascinating geographic dimensions to human variation, like sickle cell disease, which I mentioned in an earlier reply.
    So there are white, black, native, mexican, etc, Americans.... I understand the concept, but I'm just American. Plain as that. I'm kinda like that heinz bottle. My direct line is very mixed ethnically. Why can't other Americans just face the facts that morphology as the basis for defining race doesn't work anymore? I'm not really white, hispanic, asian, native or black. I'm kinda like stuck in "other".


    • #72
      OT RANT:

      I read through this thread again and I have to say I largely agree with damonlynch.

      Which brings me to the American public education system... It's a fucking disaster, fo sho, fo sho. In some regions of the country it does work, but in other regions it simply doesn't. And the foundation of the reason why it doesn't work is because from the very beginning children get racial indoctrination at school, (if you aren't the majority then it's indoctrination in a style that you participate in, but aren't first class citizen in) during their most formidable years of early learning.

      We absolutely must teach our children One race, One people. And we don't. The result is a fucking crying shame.

      edit: I just happened to remember a junior high social studies teacher... I called her the indoctrinator one day and got a few days suspension from school for it. I'm sure she was doing her job as best she could, but I was such a dick about it I hurt her feelings. Remembering back on it now I think that was when I realized how bad the public education system really was.
      Last edited by duby229; 10 April 2017, 01:47 AM.


      • #73
        Originally posted by Xicronic View Post
        I don't care. Most of the 1st world is white, most programmers are male. OF COURSE there will be a low representation of women / people of color, there's way less of them that have the knowledge/skills to work on these projects! Diversity isn't a skill.

        If someone's a dick, ban them from the project - that's totally fair. However, making other people use special words to refer to you is being a dick. "assumptions of gender"? "thoughtless use of pronouns"? Are these people fucking serious?
        This is exactly the problem I have with this SJW crap.

        It is common decency to request people to be nice on a project. Normally this is self regulatory as in contributors who are not nice get pretty soon excluded in social interactions and get dialed back to business interaction level.

        But it is absolutely not nice to force a project to cater to your special snowflake attitude and reform the existing culture and language.

        Don't get me started on quotas vs. skill.


        • #74
          Originally posted by microcode View Post

          Heritability of IQ has been extensively studied, the general conclusion is that high IQ is mostly hereditary, as even adopted kids tend toward the IQ of their biological ancestors. Given what I've had the opportunity to read, I'd venture that the East Asian effect is more likely to be caused by excess intelligence, than to cause it. That said, I don't think I've read anything specifically on that effect. Take a random sampling of folks in Hong Kong, though, and you'll find an IQ distribution shifted 10-25 points above Canada (for example). Of course, I wouldn't say that IQ is a perfect assessment of fitness for most tasks, but for a wide range of tasks it is predictive.

          Anyway, I'm not a fan of talking about this stuff, because it's so silly. I would prefer to live in a world where people are treated as individuals and judged for their merits and on the contents of their character. However, as long as people are trying to distort reality to fit their narrative, I can't have that lovely world. In my mind, I've already moved on from judging people as groups.

          > I've known some people of other races that were adopted and raised by white families, and you know what? They act just like white people too. So in this case, I'm a big believer in nurture over nature.
          Of course! Race is not culture. Genes don't have your words and your myths encoded in them. There is no Christian gene, there is no gene that can teach me Chinese (I wish!).
          I live in Toronto, line up 30 East Asians and I could tell the Koreans from the Japanese from the Han, they are distinct cohorts and without a mixed recent ancestor then it's pretty easy to tell which peninsula their ancestors lived on. What I couldn't tell you is what they think, and whether they speak their ancestors' language, or maybe a second or a third.

          I don't get why this is controversial in 2017; people are mostly the same, but people are also different, and some people are different together.
          This is the attitude to have. Facts are facts and if the hurt feelings - bad luck.

          But most of the time it helps to take your ego out of it and step a bit back and look at the bigger picture.

          The most important in "race" differences is to remember hat in the end we have more in common than what separates us.
          This manifests in that all the bell curves of racial properties overlap.

          The meaning of this is that blacks could have lover IQs then the "race" I belong to but there is still a near infinite number of black people with higher IQ then me.
          There will even be an Ethiopian that sucks more then I do at running

          PS: I put race in quotes because it can mean different things depending on definition.


          • #75
            Originally posted by damonlynch View Post

            No plans to, just like I have no plans to read "The Doctrine of Fascism" by Benito Mussolini.
            So basically you adopted someone else's opinion as your own, without examining the facts. Think for yourself and feel the walls...

            I myself am a bit of a cynic -- I don't believe anything without examining the evidence. While my initial impression of Murray from watching a couple of videos is that he is probably right, I won't say that one way or the other until I've read the book. And I plan too; it's on my list of things to do, it's just not very high up on the list.


            • #76
              Originally posted by atomsymbol

              In my opinion, the idea you posted is very close to racism. Current (year 2017) employment and workforce specialization statistics shouldn't be used to give support for maintaining the status quo. It is deeply encoded in worldwide culture that pregnant women shouldn't be working in heavy industries, but the relatively young software programming industry isn't a workplace that can hurt a pregnant woman.
              So, women are racist, because they can't code like men? What comes next? 'Immigrants' working on Linux kernel? is starting to suck.


              • #77
                Originally posted by hubick View Post
                Good for! Hopefully that results in an environment less toxic than this forum.
                So much about 'toxicity' last days. Do morons use such word when they have no arguments? Do you fight against judaism/sionism/talmud as well? It's the most toxic, racist, fascist and anti-human ideology on this Earth.
                Last edited by Guest; 10 April 2017, 10:06 AM.


                • #78
                  Originally posted by atomsymbol

                  The above text looks like a set of randomly generated words with meaning I am unable to understand.
                  Blame your brain. It's just your point that makes no sense. Political correctness is the last thing that will help women or disabled people to be more respected. It will lead to even bigger hatred.


                  • #79
                    Originally posted by duby229 View Post
                    So there are white, black, native, mexican, etc, Americans.... I understand the concept, but I'm just American. Plain as that. I'm kinda like that heinz bottle. My direct line is very mixed ethnically. Why can't other Americans just face the facts that morphology as the basis for defining race doesn't work anymore? I'm not really white, hispanic, asian, native or black. I'm kinda like stuck in "other".
                    They can't let it go, because it's how they figure out who they're walking on eggshells around. If somebody gets offended and they're white, maybe you just seem offensive. If somebody gets offended and they're not white, it's a dice roll as to what people will see. Because the U.S. has chosen to focus on race as a component of judging people's actions, they look for it everywhere to assume things about what they're seeing.

                    I wouldn't have to care if it weren't enshrined in the laws and policies which affect my life on a day to day basis up here in the land of maple syrup and unresolved native american genocide (which is apparently lower on the list of priorities than black lives matter, no matter how ridiculous it is to establish that organization here).
                    Last edited by microcode; 10 April 2017, 01:00 PM.


                    • #80
                      Michael is sexist because he called attention to this which means the advertisers can be told that lol also I'm sexist because I'm stirring the pot instead of taking this seriously

