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X.Org Is Looking For Some Female Help

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  • #61
    Originally posted by axero View Post
    Concepts such as miscegenation (which is very unnatural, in nature animal species keep to themselves) and policies that press-gang large groups of people of different ethnicities into the same area is definitely a sure recipe for disaster.
    Fuck you, you racist asshole. You have no fucking right to tell me that my marriage is "a sure recipe for disaster".


    • #62
      Originally posted by monraaf View Post
      When did X.Org become an anti-equality hate group?

      I never thought I'd see the day when I'd be boycotting an open-source project due to a policy of pro-discrimination.
      Originally posted by M1kkko View Post
      That's not exactly the same as saying "open to anyone", is it?
      If you actually STFU and *read* what mupuf said, you'd see that xorg foundation also has EVoC program which is open to anyone. But, yes, I realize that reading and intellegent discussion is a bit much to expect for phoronix.

      There is no discrimination, there are more opportunities for anyone to get paid to contribute than there are qualified applicants. This is more or less making our big "help wanted" sign visible to more groups.


      • #63
        Originally posted by 89c51 View Post
        And as it seems women (the majority) don't have a happy time coding. Or are unwilling to give it away for free as many people do in FOSS.
        The majority of men don't have a happy time coding, either. Do you have any evidence that women are inherently less interested in coding than men? Do you have any evidence women "are unwilling to give it away for free as many people do in FOSS"? Ever considered the possibility that women simply don't feel as welcome in open-source communities.

        If you are wondering why, reading this thread might give you some hints. Just look at axero telling them that their proper place is in the home.


        • #64
          Originally posted by tpruzina View Post
          If you are looking to hire females, you discriminate men.
          If you pay women in their 20's the same as men, you are discriminating men.
          Ask some managers, they probably won't admit it publicly, but these guys (or women) have to factor in chance
          that female employee will get pregnant and you will have to find replacement (and in most european countries you will also have to pay her maternity leave in full for up to 2 years).
          Companies often pay women the same as men to avoid being labeled as 'sexists', but in fact, this discriminates male employees.
          Yes I have opinions, No I wouldn't complain at work (since I would be labeled as sexist and possibly fired).
          ever heard of paternity leave?


          • #65
            Originally posted by BlackStar View Post
            My comment was directed to people saying that women should be paid less because they might get pregnant. That's blatant discrimination and if you support that you are sexist and a shitty human being.

            If not then my comment is not directed at you.
            I know many business owners. Having to pay someone a year's wages without getting any work out of them during that time would kill most startups, they simply cannot afford that.

            Do you dispute that fact?


            • #66
              Originally posted by curaga View Post
              I know many business owners. Having to pay someone a year's wages without getting any work out of them during that time would kill most startups, they simply cannot afford that.

              Do you dispute that fact?
              I dispute the significance of that "fact". Startups are insignificant players in the economy. Most of them fail anyways. Making any reasonable conclusions on the question of parental leave on the fact that startups are tight with money is irrational. For what is worse, in a number of countries, the father also gets the same time as the mother. Does that mean that we should completely avoid hiring young couples with plans for children?

              Not hiring women just because they might get pregnant and have babies is by far worse than having a failed startup.


              • #67
                Originally posted by curaga View Post
                I know many business owners. Having to pay someone a year's wages without getting any work out of them during that time would kill most startups, they simply cannot afford that.

                Do you dispute that fact?
                How is that different in, say, a bakery? You make no sense at all... I hope one day you realize your mistake.

                In any case, this is irrelevant because we are talking about doing a single project for a few months. It is not long-term employment.


                • #68
                  [QUOTE=M?P?F;438148]As Michael said, everyone can apply for the EVoC for students, no matter their gender or ethnicity. Please stop seeing discrimination where there is none!

                  If something is "open to anyone who was assigned female at birth and anyone who identifies as a woman, genderqueer, genderfluid, or genderfree regardless of gender presentation or assigned sex at birth," does not sound like it's open to anyone.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by curaga View Post
                    I know many business owners. Having to pay someone a year's wages without getting any work out of them during that time would kill most startups, they simply cannot afford that.

                    Do you dispute that fact?
                    Admittedly I don't know the EU laws, but in the US I'm pretty sure the FMLA provides equal paternity and maternity leave rights for both men and women, so there's no real difference.

                    It also doesn't require that to be paid leave, it can be unpaid.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by BoTuLoX
                      You mean Zoe Quinn from Five Guys Burger And Fries with your order come get your free pussy and leave your 10/10 review on the table?

                      The one who constantly insults her target audience, imposes censorship with her pussy pass wherever she can and while claiming to be a feminist SJW tried to shut down an indie gogo campaign to get woman into the video game industry?

                      Wow, excellent representative for women you got right there.

                      Also, where's the women's outreach program for garbage collectors? Or the men's outreach program for kindergarten teachers?
                      You are a horrendous representative of men.

                      As Martin pointed out, the EVoC (essentially a self-funded extension of GSoC) is open to anyone whatsoever. The OPW is a separately-funded, independently-targeted, campaign that seeks to address the previous EVoC/GSoC participation rate of as near on as makes no difference to 100%.

                      The vicious hate, debunked libel, and outright misogyny in this thread (though, as with everything here, not in any way representative of what any actual developers feel) is exactly why the Foundation was so right to join OPW. I do hope it succeeds.

