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Richard Stallman Calls Ubuntu "Spyware"

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  • #51
    Stallman did more to advance computer sciences than all you put together and multiplied by 2093293 did.

    The choice he made with going with FSF etc .. instead of getting some high paying job at microsoft or whatever other multinational corp


    there are some people who want to help others/the world and other people who just want to make money.

    guess where stallman and that jonobacon fit


    • #52
      Originally posted by Sonadow View Post
      Originally posted by Rallos Zek View Post
      Stallman again is right as ever.
      Stallman is an idiot, full stop.
      Definition of TROLLING is:
      (a) Bashing people's persona and giving insults to people that does not share your views.
      (b) Not having an argument to share and going back to (a)
      (c) Changing the subject and talking about Off-topic things instead of sharing arguments.

      So most people just saying "Stallman is this and Stallman is that" are plain simly TROLLS.

      Stallman INVENTED Free software terms and GPL licensing long before any of this Closed source - privacy degrading fanboys were ever born.
      (Or people on public forums like this that DO NOT UNDERSTAND what GU/LINUX is actually about).

      But Discussion here is not about Stallman.
      It is About UBUNTU and UNITY and all those services from Canonical that does not inform me, let me control my data flows inside my computer,
      but making arrangements with third parties about my personal data flow, INSTEAD of MAKING ARRANGEMENTS WITH ME, the USER!

      Ubuntu went over it's own Code of conduct, Canonical betrayed it's users and at the end, "main guy" behind Canonical toes not care about being ethic anymore.
      I think that it furher prooves Ubuntu is Canonical's pet and community of users can not do a thing to make things change.
      We can just NOT USING UINTY.
      And since Unity's architecture is made out of principle: "Make cash fast" "Do not care about privacy" "Subside to power of large evil companies" "Screw users" "Who care about their needs we know better how to turn Ubuntu in Commercial cesspool" ,
      then using some OTHER GNU/Linux distribution but Ubuntu is HIGHLY ADVISABLE. (Take a look at non-Unity Xubuntu)

      No one can ever stop you from killing yourself and use non-free proprietary software.
      People just say BE AWARE - you are fucked.
      And Open source does not protect you from mistreating the Users like you and me.
      It is people that FORK from bad things and people as Stallman that make you AWARE of things that guard your freedom.
      And put attention to bad people infiltrated inside Canonical that do not want you to be aware of company working against your human rights.
      Last edited by Markore; 08 December 2012, 09:04 AM.


      • #53
        Originally posted by peperoni View Post
        If somebody claims a program is spyware he have to PROVE it! Otherwise he is only proving he is an liar!!! It doesn't work in the contrary sense!!!
        How, exactly, does it not fit the dictionary definition of spyware?

        Here it is again, in case you missed it the first time:

        noun, Computers.
        software, installed unknowingly, that gathers information about an Internet user's browsing habits or intercepts personal data, transmitting this information to a third party for commercial gain.

        What part of this does Ubuntu not match?

        "software" Ubuntu is unquestionably software

        "installed unknowingly" the spyware software incorporated into the distribution is installed without informing or asking the user. Like most apps bundled with spyware, this is only mentioned in the fine print of an agreement nobody reads. If Ubuntu isn't spyware because of this, then there is no such thing as spyware.

        "that gathers information about an Internet user's browsing habits or intercepts personal data" I have a hard time imaging a situation where search terms used on a local machine are not "personal data"

        "transmitting this information" information is transmitted over the internet

        "to a third party" this is transmitted to Canonical, which is a third party compared to the user (again, if you use this part of the definition to invalidate the definition, then there is no such thing as spyware)

        "for commercial gain" it is explicitly for commercial gain.

        So it fits word-for-word the dictionary definition. This isn't really a matter of much disagreement, I have not seen anyone come up with an argument for why it isn't spyware that doesn't also work for a large amount of commonly-accepted spyware programs.


        • #54
          I guess Microsoft's PR trolling campaign is in full swing, because I have a hard time believing that a Linux forum could be so full of people with utter disregard for the principles of open source if they aren't being paid by Microsoft. A little of Steve "Epic Fail" Ballmer's "Beating Linux at it's own game", using the tried and true Microsoft playbook of unethical and illegal business practices.

          Richard Stallman wrote GDB, among other timeless pieces of open source software that people all over the world rely on everyday. Writing GDB and porting it to every architecture and embedded system/device on earth takes a special kind of genius, that is not even in the same category of software development as any of you developing some goofy website or Qt userland application. I use GDB everyday to debug low level C code, and there still hasn't been a viable alternative to it developed, even though Stallman wrote it back in the 90s.

          He has more intelligence in one of his pubic hairs than all of you knuckleheads put together. The fact that so many anonymous trolls would try to assassinate his character for stating something that is patently true, casts suspicion upon your motives.


          • #55
            it is not spyware because

            1- it's an integral part of the system, AS IN it already comes with it, you don't install it or it is intalled

            2- it has a on/off switch

            3- you are aware of what it does and how it does what it does.

            4- it is contained in the dash searches and doesn't 'spill out' to other queries

            show me more spyware processes that let you switch them off?

            btw ars technica is now running this story and someone posted this there

            Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

            WTF lololololol



            • #56
              First, there is nothing in the standard definition of spyware that includes any of these. Further, all of your exceptions would also apply to many other programs that are commonly accepted to be bundled with spyware.

              Originally posted by Pallidus View Post
              1- it's an integral part of the system, AS IN it already comes with it, you don't install it or it is intalled
              Lots of programs with legitimate purposes come bundled with spyware. In fact it is an extremely common way of distributing spyware.

              Originally posted by Pallidus View Post
              2- it has a on/off switch
              Not very useful if you don't even know the spyware is there. And there are plenty of programs that come bundled with spyware but have some obscure configuration option somewhere to turn it off.

              Originally posted by Pallidus View Post
              3- you are aware of what it does and how it does what it does.
              Not if it is only listed on a website buried in the terms of use or something like that.

              Originally posted by Pallidus View Post
              4- it is contained in the dash searches and doesn't 'spill out' to other queries
              So, it is still spying on your searches. The fact that the spying is targeted does not mean it is not spying, lots of spyware has targeted spying.


              • #57
                More Microsoft-payed disinformants

                Originally posted by Pallidus View Post
                it is not spyware because
                1- it's an integral part of the system, AS IN it already comes with it, you don't install it or it is intalled
                Buahahahaha. Join Microsoft-funboy forum this is not one of them. If spyware is installed with the machine/OS, then it is not spyware?? Buahahahaa.
                2- it has a on/off switch
                No it does not. I tried to remove all the spyware parts from uinty and could not do it.
                And addons to it behave in even worse way then the original.
                Also it does not ASK people before install if they wat to be SPYED or not. - Also say hello to Microsoft again.
                3- you are aware of wat it does and how it does what it does.
                NO I was NOT AWARE utill I realised by my own investigation what it does. Also it should NOT do what it does.
                I it is BAD thing and against the laws of many nations to make a system that removes BASIC HUMAN RIGHT to control the flow ow my own information on my own computer. It is also bad because remove me from control of my system. Alo Microsoft is your payer here, too.
                4- it is contained in the dash searches and doesn't 'spill out' to other queries
                Buahahaha, how about Amazon KNOWING my IP and EVRY DAMN THING I WORK AND SEARCH ON MY OWN COMPUTER?
                YOU sir, are amazingly false informed.
                show me more spyware processes that let you switch them off?
                How about Whole UNITY and Whole default Ubuntu installation. How about not using it anymore because,
                WHOLE userland (all can be closed source and all fro third parties) only INCREASE my personal exposure as the user to all that greedy companies directly from my personal computer??
                I might also Never start using "Ubuntu for Android" , because they will Continue to spy me even there.


                • #58
                  Markore has nailed it.

                  It's amazing how many people allegedly don't object to a corporation collecting data on things they do on their PC, as long as it meets their ever shifting criteria of "adequate disclosure", aka, not being done completely covertly. Then in Ubuntu 13.04 when they kick the spyware up another notch, the Microsoft PR trolls will adjust their definition of "adequate disclosure", all the way until it hits the point of "yeah, Ubuntu has more spyware in it than the average download from CNET, but if you're not doing anything wrong, why should you care if big brother is watching you?"

                  I've been an advocate of Ubuntu since 2008 because it "just works" relative to other distros, but I'm going to retry all of the others and if I can at all justify dumping Ubuntu for another distro, I'm going to do it. I've even gotten them corporate support agreements in the past by influencing my employers, but I'm going to be content letting employers use RedHat from now on if they don't change their ways, despite my feelings that RedHat has massively incomplete package repositories based on antiquated versions of everything...


                  • #59
                    I'm not an ubuntu user but I have been using ubuntu a1 13.04 since it came out...

                    " No it does not. I tried to remove all the spyware parts from uinty and could not do it. "


                    I will make and upload a video right now just to prove you wrong:

                    online search one = shows amazon items

                    online search off = doesn't

                    right click taskbar and delete the amazon icon


                    SO DO TELL ME WHAT OTHER 'SPYWARE' IS THERE, because I have been monitoring network and with ONLINE SEARCH OFF IT IS SILENT SO STOP LYING.

                    "3- you are aware of wat it does and how it does what it does.
                    NO I was NOT AWARE utill I realised by my own investigation what it does."

                    well this must be your first time here in this forum, or ars technica or distrowatch or basically any tech site BECAUSE THE FREAKING AMAZON THING IS ALL THAT IS TALKED ABOUT FUCKING EVERYWHERE.


                    IT IS AMAZON ADWARE, pure and simple


                    Don't want to deal with it, pick one:

                    a- turn it off

                    b- use other distro

                    but this grabbing pitchforks and getting on the first page of ars telling people not to use ubuntu or asking them not to recommend to others

                    fuck you.

                    everybody has gotta eat and everybody has gotta make a little money

                    and this is coming from someone who HATES AMAZON (sold me headphones refused to cover warranty)

                    canonical's contribution to linux has not been small and some of their ideas like the software center have been BRILLIANT.

                    in linux you can pretty much setup arch or compile gentoo AND YOU WILL KNOW EXACTLY BYTE BY BYTE what is there

                    why the fuck is there a need to damage canonical or ubuntu as a distro???????????????????????'''


                    • #60
                      Originally posted by asdx
                      Why "deluded" if what he says is true?
                      Here's our Nouveau hero at it once again. I guess we all have to understand and express our deepest condolences towards your brain that's just not advanced enough to process the matter in hand.

                      Well, please, let me know what do you think of the fact that I absolutely despise Nouveau and would rather see it burn and then spit on the ashes... because, you see, you believe it's an actual person that will hurt it's feelings once you start talking bad sh*t behind it's back.

                      Also please let me know what he thinks!

                      Originally posted by Loafers View Post
                      An old, but always funny and relevant joke: How do you know someone uses Arch Linux? They'll tell you.
                      Well, my dear friend, as if it were any of your business the one I wanted was taken and I'm not very good at coming up with names for the internets so I just went with the distro I wanted to show my appreciation to. For your ass, my previous nick name has been "Intrepid Ibex" for quite some time.

                      So you see it has nothing at all to do with me being some elitist wannabe may it be your beautiful logic that would inevitably come to such conclusion or not, because, you know, you're a moron.

                      And your "joke" that you're so pleased to be praising here is not only _not_ funny and irrelevant but even goes so far as to tell me that your sense of humor is actually so worthless that it's invalid.

                      Maybe one day you'll see what I'm talking about and be able to fully appreciate this brain-deadiness you seem to pack in this somewhat stupidly malformed object that you call your own head.
                      Last edited by ArchLinux; 08 December 2012, 01:11 PM.

