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Data Suggests CoC + Outreachy Hasn't Helped Increase Female Participation In Debian

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  • qarium
    Originally posted by lyamc View Post
    No, there most certainly is. I’ve worked a few years in mental health

    watch this 2 videos. in the videos you will see hoe CRISPR gene editing is done to manupilate the brain.

    and for sure they can edit the nicotine receptor on chromosome 15 CHRNA5 gen to what cause psychosis and schitzophrenia.

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  • qarium
    Originally posted by lyamc View Post
    Uh, what? Ahaha
    if you know the truth about this you will never ever laugh on this topic again.
    all you know about Psychosis/Schitzophrenia is a made up lie. and i can proof to you what the real truth behind it.

    It is a nicotine receptor defect on the chromosome 15 on the CHRNA5

    you can fix this problem by consume nicotine.

    but this is also only the low level info about this topic.

    do you know what gene editing is ? the "Elites" have CRISPR gene editing weapons like "Vaccines"

    this means if you are a perfectly healthy person and the elites want to use the psychatric system to eliminate you
    then they use Gen editing technology like CRISPR to manipulate your nicotine receptor on chromosome 15 CHRNA5 gen.

    by this you become crazy and the Psychatric system do the rest to inprison you.

    does this sound funny to you ? for me this does not sound funny at all.

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  • qarium
    Originally posted by lyamc View Post
    I understand USA spends more money on healthcare and has worse health outcomes, but that’s not something cause by “grassroots elements” but rather, companies, or, bad actors, using a few passionate people to convince the rest of the country that Universal Healthcare is communism, or it takes away your rights, or some other stupid reason.
    it is a fact that Universal Healthcare incrases the cost of health that is because without it the companies can only sell stuff if it is cheap instead if you have Universal Healthcare the companies can increase the price to the max.

    so yes because of this Universal Healthcare is in fact communism. it takes away the freedom of choice to use whatever threadment you want to buy and gives the Universal Healthcare organisation the power to choose what kind of medicine they pay and what they don't pay.

    in states with Universal Healthcare the price for medicine increase every year and in states without Universal Healthcare the price of the health products decrease every year because of price competition.

    Originally posted by lyamc View Post
    Another problem is you already defined “grassroots elements” as uneducated people.
    Uneducated people are really easy to manipulate or whip up into a riot.
    And it’s not like I’m saying that people shouldn’t ever organize as a community to work towards something. I said your idea of a grassroots democratic judge is stupid because you need educated people in charge
    they are not uneducated people.
    there is only a difference between REAL education and FAKE education.
    Real education exists outside of the current political system. and Fake education exists only because of the Law of a country is so currupted that only special knowelege gives you benefit by fraudulent abuse the law system.

    for example: a person who has degree in computer science has REAL education and a Tax Laywer only has Fake Education.
    this is because if the system change from complete FRAUD system into a SANE system no one needs a TAX Laywer anymore.

    Originally posted by lyamc View Post
    Another issue that you ignore is the sheer size of the USA. It is unable to foster an identity as the Swiss have because there is so much multiculturalism.
    yes you are right multiculturalism is bad. multiculturalism is nothing more than war against native people who just want to life in peace. so you make sure that you pump criminal immigrants into the system to force peacefull people into molecular zivil war
    against the criminals who are mostly immigrants for sure.

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  • lyamc
    Originally posted by Qaridarium View Post

    not only his claims where true. also the claims of the people who managed to bring him in the psychatric system where complete HOAX and made up.
    Yes, his ex-wife was the major reason for that. Do you have a brilliant solution to solve people from lying?

    Originally posted by Qaridarium View Post
    believe it or not but this is how the anti-populist elites operate. if they want you out of the way they use the psychatric system to perform this task.
    Uh, what? Ahaha

    I’m going to introduce you to Occam’s Razor:

    Occam's razor, Ockham's razor, Ocham's razor (Latin: novacula Occami), or law of parsimony (Latin: lex parsimoniae) is the problem-solving principle that "entities should not be multiplied without necessity",[1][2] or more simply, the simplest explanation is usually the right one.

    What’s a simple way to have someone shut up about your corruption? Make everyone believe he is insane. Have his ex-wife make a bunch of accusations and provide your own falsified reports that make it appear as though he was crazy. There will be a mountain of evidence against him and he’ll have nothing.

    If he were smart he would have collected some damning evidence before blowing the whistle.

    He was no genius, just a man with a conscience.

    Simplest explanation, he blew the whistle without believing that they would have anything on him, when they did. He was totally unprepared and got destroyed in the court.

    In the end, justice still prevailed.

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  • qarium
    Originally posted by duby229 View Post
    OT: I'm just saying that's not quite true. In a political system where 3 or more parties have voting power then a 33% -can- win elections. That's why political systems with -only- 2 parties work fairly. That's why everybody needs to pick a side... Picking a side is the -only- fair thing you can do. Voting for a 3rd party like Independent or Socialist or Libertarian is literally retarded.
    i just said it is complete different political system. hitlers party never hit the 51% but the politicians from other parties who voted for him did make sure he hit the 51%.

    thats why he never overthrow the government as many people claim. in the german system he did come in power rightfully.

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  • qarium
    Originally posted by duby229 View Post
    First let me just say, I have no clue at all what I'm talking about when I talk about politics...
    So I think it is proof beyond doubt that mobs will always be influenced by the elite... Just look at the Trump supporter retards that stormed the U.S. Capitol a few weeks ago... They did it strictly because -TRUMP- organized it and told them to!!! The mob did what they did, but it was Trump who influenced them to do it!!
    my sources proof this wrong. most people who stormed the capitol where AntiFA people who made up false flag dressed as donald trump supporters.

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  • qarium
    Originally posted by lyamc View Post
    Well look at that, when they investigated his claims they found out that he was telling the truth.
    not only his claims where true. also the claims of the people who managed to bring him in the psychatric system where complete HOAX and made up.

    believe it or not but this is how the anti-populist elites operate. if they want you out of the way they use the psychatric system to perform this task.

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  • qarium
    Originally posted by lyamc View Post
    Well for starters this is clearly wrong.
    Source1: Switzerland Annual Household Income per Capita reached 57,361.582 USD in Dec 2018
    Source2: United States Annual Household Income per Capita reached 33,140.800 USD in Dec 2019

    I understand that the difference in income is offset by the cost of living and the increased tax rates to support the social programs.
    First, we compare the unemployment rates:
    Switzerland = 4.8%
    USA = 4.3%
    So the two unemployment rates are about the same

    The above link shows that 18.7% of USA GDP and 16.7% is social spending
    Correcting for unemployment rates I'll increase Swiss percentage by the unemployment difference: 10.4% --> 1.104 * 16.7% = 18.43%
    So, close enough that we can say that the USA spends basically the same amount as the Swiss, per capita. We can also ignore the differences in income due to the differences in the cost of living.
    do you know people from switzerland ? I do. and i can proof to you that their cost of living is low.
    and i can explain to you why.
    a Nurse earns ~8000€ per month in switzerland and in germany the same nurse gets 2300€
    so why is the 8000 compared to the 2300 so much ? very simple: most citizens of switzerland go to germany to shop in the supermarket at very low german prices.
    and its easy to detect why: 1L MIlk costs 4-6€ in Switzerland and 0.70€ in Germany.

    so it is a fact that the differences is not eaten by the cost of living. Switzerland is a Gated Community for the superrich and controlled by the Octagon group/priority of Sion. they run the complete world for example china is managed by the Octagon group in Switzerland. and thats why the wellfare is so high in Switzerland they need to maintain their Gated Community to be peacefull because of this poor people get so much wellfare (sure they go shopping in germany to get cheap prices) it is all only to keep switzerland peacefull so the super rich in switzerland is not hit by a angry mob.

    the point is they for sure run the class war all around the world against the "poor" they just don't do it in switzerland to have a safe haven for your operations.

    and also thats why they have grassroot democratic elements in switzerland to keep it peacefull. the super rich who operate from switzerland just don't need peace in the rest of the world because of this the war against the poor is hot outside of switzerland.

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  • lyamc
    Originally posted by Qaridarium View Post

    Gustl Mollath was such an example in germany he was 7 years in the psychatry and he was 100% innocent.
    Well look at that, when they investigated his claims they found out that he was telling the truth.

    Originally posted by Qaridarium View Post
    so yes we know how your so loved anti-populist Elites operate.
    Disagreeing with your crazy ideas doesn't make me love corrupt corporations.

    This is what I mean by your inability to use logic in your statements. That's evidence that you're not very intelligent.

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  • lyamc
    yes and as always you are the only one in this world who knows this for sure.
    and for sure any other person who reads this and did not agree to you is an idiot to.
    "Switzerland - average income is 86,79 US-Dollar"
    "USA - average income is 70.846,95 US-Dollar"
    Well for starters this is clearly wrong.
    Source1: Switzerland Annual Household Income per Capita reached 57,361.582 USD in Dec 2018
    Source2: United States Annual Household Income per Capita reached 33,140.800 USD in Dec 2019

    I understand that the difference in income is offset by the cost of living and the increased tax rates to support the social programs.

    wellfare in Switzerland: A single person receives 3.114,23 US-Dollar in social assistance
    wellfare in the USA: 156,56 US-Dollar in social welfare + vouchers for an additional 180,65 US-Dollar
    First, we compare the unemployment rates:
    Switzerland = 4.8%
    USA = 4.3%

    So the two unemployment rates are about the same

    The above link shows that 18.7% of USA GDP and 16.7% is social spending

    Correcting for unemployment rates I'll increase Swiss percentage by the unemployment difference: 10.4% --> 1.104 * 16.7% = 18.43%

    So, close enough that we can say that the USA spends basically the same amount as the Swiss, per capita. We can also ignore the differences in income due to the differences in the cost of living.

    So why the difference? USA has inefficiency in the healthcare system. There is a lot of repeated work in regards to healthcare that could be eliminated if they moved to a public model. They're too stubborn and will probably only accept it if it is thrust upon them, but the medical lobby is powerful, so chances of them rolling over and letting someone like Bernie Sanders get through the nomination process is not acceptable to them.

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