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Debian + radeonsi

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  • lorenzoz
    Originally posted by dungeon View Post
    Well that one can explain some performance problems.

    There is a bug i hitting too with 32bit apps, is it dota2 32bit?

    Workaround i found is to compile at least 32bit mesa with -mtune=native . That happens when you use 3.17+ kernel in combination with mesa 10.3+.
    Hell yeah!! this do the trick.
    However I have used -march=pentium3 like in oibaf repository.
    FPS now are back to 60 fps with my self compiled kernel and mesa stack.

    I'll try to dig more and find out wich is the better option between -march=pentium3 and -mtune=native.
    Sounds like your choice is better.

    EDIT: about drm warning/error.
    My GPU temperature with che custom 3.17 is always at 39?. Probably this drm fail disable dpm.
    Last edited by lorenzoz; 25 September 2014, 12:39 PM.

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  • dungeon
    Originally posted by lorenzoz View Post
    The only hint I've found is this error/warning in dmesg.
    drm:si_dpm_set_power_state failed
    Well that one can explain some performance problems.

    Originally posted by lorenzoz
    But I don't know if it's related since graphics on 64bit run always flawlessly. I mean unigine benchmarks.
    There is a bug i hitting too with 32bit apps, is it dota2 32bit?

    Workaround i found is to compile at least 32bit mesa with -mtune=native . That happens when you use 3.17+ kernel in combination with mesa 10.3+.
    Last edited by dungeon; 25 September 2014, 02:54 AM.

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  • lorenzoz
    Originally posted by dungeon View Post
    Well, kernel command what happens in userspace - eg. in mesa there is a code which depends how it will behave depending on what kernel you run. So it always depends what particular versions of software and drivers you run, some combinations works perfect, and some may bahave much worse or have bugs...

    But at first look at the logs and outputs of some commands: Xorg.0.log, glxinfo, dmesg... those usually can say something. If not, look at the output of the game you run...
    You mean running steam with MESA_DEBUG=1 variable and so on?
    Running steam from terminal doesn't print out errors.
    The only hint I've found is this error/warning in dmesg.
    drm:si_dpm_set_power_state failed
    But I don't know if it's related since graphics on 64bit run always flawlessly. I mean unigine benchmarks.
    Last edited by lorenzoz; 25 September 2014, 02:38 AM.

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  • dungeon
    Originally posted by lorenzoz View Post
    I'm sorry for re-use this 3d but I think it's related with my current problem.

    My building script is working like a charme (again thanks dungeon), but I tried to compile my own kernel and I run into trouble.
    Long story short :
    - self compiled kernel+stock mesa/ddx/xserver/libdrm dota2 runs at ~60fps
    - stock Debian kernel (from sid)+ self compiled mesa/ddx/xserver/libdrm dota2 runs at ~60fps
    - self compiled kernel+self compiled mesa stack dota2 runs at 2fps.

    Well, kernel command what happens in userspace - eg. in mesa there is a code which depends how it will behave depending on what kernel you run. So it always depends what particular versions of software and drivers you run, some combinations works perfect, and some may bahave much worse or have bugs...

    But at first look at the logs and outputs of some commands: Xorg.0.log, glxinfo, dmesg... those usually can say something. If not, look at the output of the game you run...

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  • lorenzoz
    I'm sorry for re-use this 3d but I think it's related with my current problem.

    My building script is working like a charme (again thanks dungeon), but I tried to compile my own kernel and I run into trouble.
    Long story short :
    - self compiled kernel+stock mesa/ddx/xserver/libdrm dota2 runs at ~60fps
    - stock Debian kernel (from sid)+ self compiled mesa/ddx/xserver/libdrm dota2 runs at ~60fps
    - self compiled kernel+self compiled mesa stack dota2 runs at 2fps.


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  • lorenzoz
    Originally posted by dungeon View Post
    I am not here every day . As i see drm libs goes to wrong dir, which is actually fine for upstream but not for debian, so you need to adjust that with something like --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

    BTW, why don't you build proper packages when they are there as i see
    Thank you very much dungeon
    Now it works without any issue. Here it is my script:

    ./ || exit $?
    aptitude update && aptitude upgrade || exit $?
    mv -- /completed/*.deb /backup &&
    rm -r /completed
    mkdir /completed
    cd /build/drm/drm &&
    git reset --hard &&
    git clean -xdf &&
    git pull &&
    ./ --prefix=/usr --enable-radeon --enable-udev --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu &&
    pkgversion=$(git describe --tags) &&
    pkgversion=${pkgversion#libdrm-} &&
    fakeroot checkinstall --install=no --replaces=libdrm-radeon1,libdrm-dev,libdrm2,libdrm-intel1,libdrm-radeon1,libdrm-nouveau2 --pkgname=libdrm --pkgversion="${pkgversion}" --pkgarch=amd64 --backup=no --default &&
    mv -- ./*.deb /completed &&
    dpkg -i /completed/libdrm*.deb || exit $?
    cd /build/xf86-video-ati/xf86-video-ati &&
    git reset --hard &&
    git clean -xdf &&
    git pull &&
    ./ --prefix=/usr &&
    pkgversion=$(git describe --tags) &&
    pkgversion=${pkgversion#xf86-video-ati-} &&
    fakeroot checkinstall --install=no --replaces=xserver-xorg-video-ati,xserver-xorg-video-radeon --pkgname=xserver-radeon --pkgversion=1:"${pkgversion}" --pkgarch=amd64 --backup=no --default &&
    mv -- ./*.deb /completed &&
    dpkg -i /completed/xserver-radeon*.deb || exit $?
    cd /build/mesa/mesa &&
    git reset --hard &&
    git clean -xdf &&
    git pull &&
    ./ --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr --enable-debug CPPFLAGS="-m64" CXXFLAGS="-m64" --with-llvm-prefix=/usr/lib/llvm-3.5 --enable-64-bit --disable-32-bit --enable-texture-float --enable-gles1 --enable-gles2 --with-gallium-drivers="swrast,radeonsi" --with-dri-drivers="" --enable-vdpau --enable-gallium-egl --enable-glx-tls --with-egl-platforms="drm,x11" --enable-gbm --enable-gallium-egl --enable-osmesa --enable-shared-glapi --enable-llvm-shared-libs --disable-dri3 --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu &&
    pkgversion=$(git describe --tags) &&
    pkgversion=${pkgversion#mesa-} &&
    fakeroot checkinstall --install=no --replaces libgbm-dev,libgles1-mesa:amd64,libgl1-mesa-dev,libglapi-mesa:amd64,libgles2-mesa:amd64,libgbm1:amd64,libegl1-mesa-dev,libgl1-mesa-dri:amd64,libgl1-mesa-glx:amd64,libegl1-mesa:amd64,libegl1-mesa-drivers:amd64,libosmesa6:amd64,libosmesa6-dev,mesa-common-dev --pkgname=mesa --pkgversion="${pkgversion}" --pkgarch=amd64 --backup=no --default &&
    mv -- ./*.deb /completed &&
    dpkg -i /completed/mesa*.deb || exit $?
    cd /build/xserver/xserver &&
    git reset --hard &&
    git clean -xdf &&
    git pull &&
    ./ --prefix=/usr --with-xkb-output=/var/lib/xkb --enable-glamor &&
    pkgversion=$(git describe --tags) &&
    pkgversion=${pkgversion#xorg-server-} &&
    fakeroot checkinstall --install=no --replaces xserver-xorg-core,xserver-common,xserver-xorg-dev,xserver-xorg,xorg --pkgname=xserver --pkgversion="${pkgversion}" --pkgarch=amd64 --backup=no --default &&
    mv -- ./*.deb /completed &&
    dpkg -i /completed/xserver*.deb || exit $?
    exit 0

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  • dungeon
    Originally posted by lorenzoz View Post
    None can help?
    I am not here every day . As i see drm libs goes to wrong dir, which is actually fine for upstream but not for debian, so you need to adjust that with something like --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu

    BTW, why don't you build proper packages when they are there as i see

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  • lorenzoz
    Originally posted by lorenzoz View Post
    I'm really sorry for these noob problems, but I don't know how to solve them.

    Today I've compiled mesa from git. It fails because now requires libdrm=>2.4.56 and I have only 2.4.55.
    So I've compiled and installed libdrm from git (2.4.56), but mesa continues to complain about libdrm lower than 2.4.56. Why?

    This is my lidrm deb builder:
    pkgversion=$(git describe --tags) &&
    pkgversion=${pkgversion#libdrm-} &&
    fakeroot checkinstall --install=no --replaces libdrm-intel1,libdrm-nouveau2,libdrm-radeon1,libdrm-dev --pkgname=libdrm --pkgversion="${pkgversion}" --pkgarch=amd64 --backup=no --default && ...
    what's wrong?
    None can help?

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  • lorenzoz
    I'm really sorry for these noob problems, but I don't know how to solve them.

    Today I've compiled mesa from git. It fails because now requires libdrm=>2.4.56 and I have only 2.4.55.
    So I've compiled and installed libdrm from git (2.4.56), but mesa continues to complain about libdrm lower than 2.4.56. Why?

    This is my lidrm deb builder:
    pkgversion=$(git describe --tags) &&
    pkgversion=${pkgversion#libdrm-} &&
    fakeroot checkinstall --install=no --replaces libdrm-intel1,libdrm-nouveau2,libdrm-radeon1,libdrm-dev --pkgname=libdrm --pkgversion="${pkgversion}" --pkgarch=amd64 --backup=no --default && ...
    what's wrong?

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  • lorenzoz
    Sorry for double post, this is the entire script.

    cd /drm/drm
    git fetch git://
    ./ --prefix=/usr
    fakeroot checkinstall --install=no --replaces libdrm2,libdrm-intel1,libdrm-nouveau2,libdrm-radeon1 --pkgname=libdrm --pkgversion=2.4.55-git --pkgarch=amd64 --backup=no --default
    cd /xserver/xserver
    git fetch git://
    ./ --prefix=/usr --enable-xorg --enable-glamor --disable-dmx --disable-xvfb --disable-xnest --disable-xwin
    fakeroot checkinstall --install=no --replaces xserver-xorg,xserver-xorg-core,xserver-common,xserver-xorg-dev --pkgname=xserver --pkgversion=1.16-git --pkgarch=amd64 --backup=no --default
    cd /mesa/mesa
    git fetch git://
    PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/pkgconfig:/usr/lib/pkgconfig:/usr/local/share/pkgconfig ./ --sysconfdir=/etc --prefix=/usr --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-debug \
    CPPFLAGS="-m64" \
    CXXFLAGS="-m64" \
    --with-llvm-prefix=/usr/lib/llvm-3.5 \
    --enable-64-bit --disable-32-bit \
    --enable-texture-float \
    --with-gallium-drivers=swrast,radeonsi \
    --with-dri-drivers="" \
    --enable-vdpau \
    --enable-egl --enable-gles1 --enable-gles2 \
    --enable-glx-tls \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             
    --with-egl-platforms=x11,drm \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
    --enable-gbm \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
    --enable-gallium-egl \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         
    --enable-gallium-osmesa \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      
    --with-osmesa-bits=32 \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    --enable-gallium-llvm \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    --disable-dri3 \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               
    --enable-shared-glapi \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        
    --enable-llvm-shared-libs \                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
    fakeroot checkinstall --install=no --replaces libgles1-mesa:amd64,libgl1-mesa-dev,libglapi-mesa:amd64,libgles2-mesa:amd64,libgbm1:amd64,libegl1-mesa-dev,libgl1-mesa-dri:i386,libgl1-mesa-dri:amd64,libgl1-mesa-glx:amd64,libegl1-mesa:amd64,libgl1-mesa-swx11:amd64,libegl1-mesa-drivers:amd64,libosmesa6-dev:amd64,mesa-common-dev,libgbm-dev,libosmesa6 --pkgname=mesa --pkgversion=10.3-git --pkgarch=amd64 --backup=no --default                                                                                                                         
    cd /xf86-video-ati/xf86-video-ati                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              
    git fetch git://                                                                                                                                                                                                             
    ./ --prefix=/usr --enable-glamor                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     
    fakeroot checkinstall --install=no --pkgarch=amd64 --backup=no --pkgname=xf86-video-ati --pkgversion=7.4-git --replaces=xserver-xorg-video-radeon,xserver-xorg-video-ati --default                                                                                             
    * only check I have needed packages to build correctly.

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