Originally posted by Panix
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HD4770 is slower than HD4850 up to 20%. But, HD4850 eats up to double wattage 140W(almost as nv8800GT) vs 80W for that 20%. You can overclock HD4770 to match 4850(but not in linux yet, unless you want to reflash VGA Bios, which is risky). Also HD4770 idles 20W - 4850 40W.
Check this out(powerdrain for just gfx card): http://ht4u.net/reviews/2009/amd_rad...70/index11.php
So if thats not you who is paying electricity bill and you have no problem with heat of HD4850 go for it, its decent card.
Otherwise the obviously smarter choice is HD4770, performing a bit less without overclock, yet draining much less and being no furnace.
For 100 vs 140 its like christmas. In my country HD4770(95?) was more expensive than HD4850(85?), and pretty hard to find.
And if you want strictly perfomance that would be HD4870 and up. Lots of heat, lots of drain and lots of 3D.
HD5770 is awesome chip too, HD4770 taken to OpenGL4.0, but of course your only default choice for 3D and accelerated 2D would be buggy fglrx.
I have chosen 4770 with intention to upgrade to 5770 once it will be supported by opensource driver(accel 2D and 3D, powermanagement).