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AMD Announces The Radeon RX 6700 XT For $479

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  • John_Samuel128
    So cool stuff you know. thanks, administartor!!!

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  • John_Samuel128
    The AMD Radeon RX 6700 XT has landed — or at least, it will land tomorrow at retail, and sell out 0.67 seconds later. (For a bot, that's practically an eternity!) This also marks the debut of AMD's smaller Navi 22 GPU, which we'll call Little Big Navi or Medium Navi or something. Officially priced at $479, AMD pits the RX 6700 XT against both the RTX 3060 Ti and the RTX 3070, targeting the sweet spot for price and performance among the best graphic cards and landing in the upper ranks of our GPU benchmarks hierarchy.

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  • artivision
    Originally posted by Qaridarium View Post

    ... believe it or not i know Low IQ people without any school degree and on wellfare they only have playstation 5 and smartphone.
    and this is a lot of people.

    someone like us who still have outdated tech like PC are more and more rare.
    the companies like AMD and DELL and so one co not count PC people as consumers anymore they count them as workstation class customers who do "Work" because no privat person buy PC anymore only people who do work with it.

    ""NORMAL""" people today have: smartphone, Smart-TV and maybe playstation5 (but only if they are gamers)
    they do no longer have PC most people also do not have notebook anymore they just go for smartphone

    if you read all i wrote to you about the future of "cheap" computers and modern tech
    then you realize that i did give you the complete and full overview of all tech what will transform the future of computing.

    and now if AMD does a backport of the RDNA2 architectur to 12nm and GDDR5 with 512bit interface and 4608 shaders
    you will see some cheap GPU to. ~500€ at ~14TFLOPS with raytracing and 16GB vram with 512GB/s memory

    OpenPOWER will lower the costs on the same performance you save transitors compared to 386_64
    with the rise of power based opensource GPU you will see a price drop in the gpu market.
    NVRAM Non-volatile_random-access_memory will for the most comsumers make SSD and RAM obsolete.
    My friends who have a pc and PS5 for them or their kids are not low iq. You are a very rude person with people you don't know, please grow up. If there where not people with both PC and consoles and to a good degree then why consoles have exclusive games, do they want to lose money? This was rhetorical question, don't fabricate an answer ,Sony already answered this in the past.

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  • artivision
    Originally posted by pal666 View Post
    did you give them enough money 5-10 years ago to invest enough?
    previous wafers are used for previous hardware
    you believe in conspiracy when reality is: average clueless imbecile like you is buying all available videocards at any price to join crypto craze out of greed
    You don't know me, i only have one middle class Gpu. You also fabricating facts, mining hardware is less than 10%. The only fact here is that we have price inflation because of unavailability for a second time. They think that their hardware is priceless and we pay server silicon that should never be there, like Fpu for color that should be Asic.

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  • lyamc
    What are you talking about, and what does it have to do with anything I just said?

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  • lyamc
    Originally posted by Qaridarium

    read the article. they use coal to produce solar power plants.
    That’s not why we’re going to have coal stick around.

    Coal is going to stick around because it’s super cheap and third world countries need heating, and power generation:

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  • phoronix_is_awesome
    Originally posted by Qaridarium

    congratulations you nailed it... thats why the AMD 16GB vram models are better than nvidias 10/12gb modells
    even if the FPS on nvidiaimplemenation of raytracing is lower.
    because in future game they have higher textures and need more vram. even if a nvidia with only 8/10gb is now faster wait 1-2 years and the same card will be slower as soon as the game hit the 8/10gb vram limit.

    yes only the 3090 with 24gb vram is a competition to the AMD 16gb vram cards.. the 8/10gb or even 12gb models are not.
    Except the fact that AMD 16GB VRAM can't run ROCm. So it is not better than Nvidia's 10/12GB models. Last 16GB VRAM card AMD pushed out that can run ROCm is the Radeon Vii. Look at its current insane price, and it runs about the speed of Pascal class hardware with ROCm.

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  • phoronix_is_awesome
    Originally posted by brunosalezze View Post

    What determines price is not specs but performance alone. Miners care a lot about memory bandwidth, but for games, the very fast 96mb cache does the job, just like the cpu caches.
    In the current environment, what determines the price is not specs but human stupidity alone.

    There are 3 ways of valuing a GPU, the amateur way is to measure Teraflops per dollar. Gamers love to value GPUs by fps per dollar, but it requires games to fit in VRAM, which in my mind is the lowest value proposition to use a GPU. The semi-professional way is to measure GB per second per dollar. And as you get even more professional, the only way to value a GPU is by GB per dollar(DGX-2 is close to $800 per GB HBM. That's why Nvidia is so hell bent on not giving 16GB on the GA104). Both semi-professional and professional GPU valuation method is a function of GPU "bitness", so stop telling me that RDNA2 192bit performs the same as GA104 256bit when your 1440P max settings is forcing GA104 8GB to swap about 1.5GB-2GB of game data over the PCI-e bus, and even under this handicap, performs the same as your 12GB version.

    Guess what? I am not an Nvidia fanboy. I just hate cheating, and I don't like people who don't understand jack about GPU valuation to judge why a 192Bit GPU price hike is justified over competitor's superior 256bit GPU by a cached FPS number while forcing the competitor to swap at 1440P.
    Last edited by phoronix_is_awesome; 07 March 2021, 11:27 AM.

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  • lyamc
    Originally posted by zephyrhawk View Post

    Agreed on the price. This is a major disappointment. I paid $350 USD for my 5700XT and the replacement mid-range is now 20-25% higher cost? F that.
    Sell that 5700XT for 3x what you paid and buy a 6700XT

    Win win

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  • lyamc
    Originally posted by Qaridarium

    the end of use of coal will be very hard because even solar power use coal...
    wtf are you talking about

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