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Radeon ROCm 3.7 Release Enables OpenMP 5.0 By Default In AOMP

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  • Radeon ROCm 3.7 Release Enables OpenMP 5.0 By Default In AOMP

    Phoronix: Radeon ROCm 3.7 Release Enables OpenMP 5.0 By Default In AOMP

    AMD's software team has released version 3.7 of ROCm, the Radeon Open Compute stack as their alternative to NVIDIA's closed-source CUDA compute environment...

    Phoronix, Linux Hardware Reviews, Linux hardware benchmarks, Linux server benchmarks, Linux benchmarking, Desktop Linux, Linux performance, Open Source graphics, Linux How To, Ubuntu benchmarks, Ubuntu hardware, Phoronix Test Suite

  • #2
    ROCm 3.7 still doesn't mention any official support for Navi/GFX10 but I have heard that the code should be working albeit unofficially.


    • #3
      It would seem that only kernel 5.3 is supported officially. I know that 5.4 (LTS) still works with their dkms module. That being said, I just tried AchLinux's current kernel, which is 5.8.1, at the moment. While 5.7 didn't work for me (but did for others), it would seem 5.8 has enough things upstreamed that I can run their tensorflow/docker image on Arch without any kernel changes and train a model on my Radeon RX 580X!

      sudo docker run -it \
            --device=/dev/kfd --device=/dev/dri --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
            --group-add video  --volume $PWD:/data rocm/tensorflow
      It is really nice that the pieces are coming together.


      • #4
        oleid this is the power of open source !!!


        • #5
          For easy installation on Arch:


          • #6
            Still no Navi support ?
            I don't know WTF is AMD still waiting for, that we all switch to Nvidia ?
            Really awful software support!


            • #7
              Does anyone else pronounce "ROCm" like "Rock Em" from "Rock Em Sock Em Robots"?


              • #8
                Originally posted by Danny3 View Post
                Still no Navi support ?
                I don't know WTF is AMD still waiting for, that we all switch to Nvidia ?
                Really awful software support!
                compare this to one of your lasts posts in a different thread:

                Originally posted by Danny3 View Post
                When it comes to Nvidia they can drop whatever they want to, I have dropped them a long time ago.
                Anything that is proprietary it will eventually be dropped and nobody can do anything about it.
                If you wouldn't talk (rant) in extremes all the time, often stating kind of opposites of what you said before, your opinion on things might have more worth and impact.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Hibbelharry View Post

                  compare this to one of your lasts posts in a different thread:

                  If you wouldn't talk (rant) in extremes all the time, often stating kind of opposites of what you said before, your opinion on things might have more worth and impact.
                  I don't see the contradiction in those statements. In one he complains about AMD software support, in another he complains about the fact that NVIDIA driver is proprietary and they can drop whatever they want whenever they want.

                  I'm also an AMD user and I'm not that happy about their GPU support as of right now.


                  • #10
                    I'm also wondering what AMD is up to with Navi support. At this point an official statement from AMD is in order.

