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Adblock Plus betraying its users with so-called Acceptable Ads

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  • locovaca
    Originally posted by energyman View Post
    and you think that reading and posting in a forum does not create costs? Are you living in happy-dream-land? Is the sugar plum fairy dancing on your bed?

    You have no moral stance to complain. In fact, everybody else has good reasons to tell you and people like you:

    you are parasites killing free content.

    You are the cancer that kills the internet.

    Once again, the Internet existed long before people got the idea of advertising on websites. Advertising does not provide life to the Internet, it provides life to the corporate entities which utilize the internet.

    Should these forums go away, as well as every other HTTP based forum, the Internet would simply revert to NNTP discussions, on servers either hosted by your ISP (of which you have already paid for in your monthly fee) or on a third party server that may charge you for an account. The Internet will not die, the corporate (ab)use of the Internet would die.

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  • AnonymousCoward
    Originally posted by energyman View Post
    You don't see? Do I need it to spell it out AGAIN?

    Running a site creates costs.
    Running a forum creates costs.

    You have to cover them.

    a) pay
    b) ads

    People who block ads create costs but act to prevent creating income.

    You actively(!), willfully(!) harm the site.
    You are just wrong. I post in this forum, so effectively I'm generating content for phoronix. Phoronix will display my content along with ads, so phoronix is getting ad revenue from my content! This is called user generated content in the industry, and it's big business. So quit your whining already.

    You don't want to pay nor ads? You are free to go AND NOT USE THE INTERNET.
    Or I can just continue using the Internet THE WAY I LIKE IT. And you can stick your petty morals someplace where the sun don't shine

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  • XorEaxEax
    Originally posted by energyman View Post
    You don't see? Do I need it to spell it out AGAIN?
    People who block ads create costs but act to prevent creating income.
    While it's true that forums cost, it's important to understand that having them adds value and that this is a value created by the users who post there. Having a forum where users conduct (hopefully) interesting discussions is likely to draw more users to the site which would increase the number of possible adclicks. So while users cost they also add value and in that respect, even a user who never clicks on ads can still prove valuable to a site. Whether or not this is true for Phoronix userbase is another matter.

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  • Michael
    Originally posted by DaemonFC View Post
    I could comment further, but you can probably make more money strip searching the couch than continuing to complain about people who don't want to buy Microsoft Windows products from a "Linux" site.
    I don't even have a couch... I spend all my extra time working or in other productive ways.
    Last edited by Michael; 14 December 2011, 01:52 PM.

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  • energyman
    Originally posted by AnonymousCoward View Post
    Of course he doesn't force anybody to pay. Because as soon as he tries (e.g. by means of a paywall) most of his readers will disappear like snow for the sun. So he has no choice but to use the ad-funded business model. That there are some people who are not interested in seeing ads, and subsequently block them, is all in the game.
    Apparently he gets enough money from ads to keep this site running, so his business model is working and I don't see why you're getting so worked up about all this.

    You don't see? Do I need it to spell it out AGAIN?

    Running a site creates costs.
    Running a forum creates costs.

    You have to cover them.

    a) pay
    b) ads

    People who block ads create costs but act to prevent creating income.

    You actively(!), willfully(!) harm the site.

    You don't want to pay nor ads? You are free to go AND NOT USE THE INTERNET. I am sure there will be many, many free, big sites left if everybody acts like you. Exactly one:

    a site made by a parasite whining around that only paysites are left.

    There is no such thing as a free meal.

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  • energyman
    Originally posted by yotambien View Post
    That's correct, I don't want to pay for reading what's available
    on this site. As stated above:

    It's really that simple. I don't think you want to try to convince us of
    the contrary. If you find it worth paying for, do it. Because I
    don't, I won't. And again: I won't artificially keep the advertising
    industry profitable. If the model doesn't work, that's just too
    bad. I'd be more sympathetic to Phoronix cause if I actually liked
    what's being done over here and I saw more value to the original
    contents it offers.

    You don't have to agree, but actually I think my posts, as well as yours
    and those of the grey mass of Phoronix readers, enrich this site and provide
    most of its value.
    and you think that reading and posting in a forum does not create costs? Are you living in happy-dream-land? Is the sugar plum fairy dancing on your bed?

    You have no moral stance to complain. In fact, everybody else has good reasons to tell you and people like you:

    you are parasites killing free content.

    You are the cancer that kills the internet.


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  • DaemonFC
    From when Danny Carlton made that hilarious Why Firefox Is Blocked site.

    So, where does the money come from? Basically, there are two possibilities. One is purchases done on the Internet. The other is investments by companies who usually hope that these investments will help their products sell better. Advertisements are only a mechanism to distribute this money (one of many mechanisms). And usually, the idea is to distribute the money depending on how much revenue a particular site generated for the advertiser. That’s right, it is not important how many ads have been squeezed into each single web page, it is not important how many times they have been viewed, it is not even important how many users have been distracted from what they were doing. It is only important how many people actually decided to click through to advertiser’s site and to buy something, thus justifying this ad (I admit, this is a very simplified view but that’s the general idea).
    Get up and go to work for 8 hours a day like most people do instead of posting false stories like Steam on Linux, or uninteresting ones about video drivers that don't change radically that often. You managed to milk that Linux power "bug" for a long time even though it was never a bug. Bugs are unintentional and the "Linux power bug" was intentional. Some computers crashed when flipping on ASPM and flipping it off caused a minor power usage increase. What do you do? Tell your users that they should accept that Linux doesn't boot on 5% of systems because it should use 1% more power for everyone else?

    Other than misrepresentations and what I can only gather are exagerations and lies, I'm not exactly 100% on what you could be doing for 100 hours per week. You seem to manage OK if you can buy hundreds of graphics cards, at least several computers (some of them are Macs, which cost 2-3 times more than a comparable non-Apple PC), and pay all your living expenses off a low quality website. If you do ever figure out a way to block people who don't want spyware ads that your site serves up, I don't think your site is valuable enough to even bother subscribing to or flipping my ad blocker off. If I don't make exceptions for sites that matter a lot more, I'm sure as hell not going to bend over backwards so you don't have to find gainful employment. (But as said earlier, you manage somehow). I think you're just greedy and are trying to suck up that last 1-2%. Get over it. You sound like a broken record every time you spread malicious lies about people who don't want to view bandwidth sucking spyware ads.

    I could comment further, but you can probably make more money strip searching the couch than continuing to complain about people who don't want to buy Microsoft Windows products from a "Linux" site.
    Last edited by DaemonFC; 14 December 2011, 11:41 AM.

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  • XorEaxEax
    Originally posted by AnonymousCoward View Post
    To be honest I don't think the content offered by phoronix is worth paying for.
    I'm very much in this camp aswell, I came to Phoronix due to my interest in compilers and found that it had regular compiler comparisons. Having regular compiler tests done on a wide range of applications using a wide range of compilers with standard flags like -O2 and -O3 is something I would pay a subscription for.

    Sadly as it stands the compiler tests are worthless, Micheal doesn't understand the impact of flags, he doesn't understand how pointless it is to benchmark applications where everything performant is done using hand-optimized assembly, he doesn't even examine the default flags and update them when they are totally whack like -O1, -O0, tuned for ancient architectures etc. I'm not interested in which compiler does the best job at -O1, or with no optimizations, or with NOTHING to optimize.

    That said, I do click on the ads periodically (except for the swedish dating ads) since I do spend time here using his bandwidth.

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  • Kivada
    Originally posted by gururise View Post
    I don't see anything intrinsically wrong with that article you linked. Of course, there is a bit of sensationalism in there, but most other review sites do the same. I am grateful that Michael provides us with these reviews, as I do not have the ability, time and funds to test hardware and make sure it works on Linux.
    You see nothing wrong with him taking the word of a lowest level script reading phone support monkey as the stance of a company that is backing the Coreboot project?

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  • gururise
    Originally posted by Kivada View Post
    Now that doesn't mean people like me wont pay, I would, but I refuse to pay for shit like this I posted at length about how far less then amateurish that was.

    So since I value journalistic integrity and my own privacy you can see how I see only one "parasite" here and it's name is Michael Larabel.
    I don't see anything intrinsically wrong with that article you linked. Of course, there is a bit of sensationalism in there, but most other review sites do the same. I am grateful that Michael provides us with these reviews, as I do not have the ability, time and funds to test hardware and make sure it works on Linux.

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