The Best Features Of GNOME In 2012

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 19 December 2012 at 03:08 PM EST. Page 8 of 15. 5 Comments.

701: Functionality in general, stability,

702: the interface that is awesome from gnome 2, simple enough for a beginner to use, yet sophisticated enough for a veteran; there are a few unpolished edges (like elevating something like nautlius to rename a protected directory, but otherwise a great DE I will continue to use for the foreseeable future)

703: exposé with windows key, and the search option when you press windows key

704: main menu, applets. icons on desktop

705: Hot corner

706: Gnome 3 Virtual Desktop

707: Alt + `

708: IM Notifications

709: icons on the desktop!

710: speed, simplicity

711: nautilus tree, nautilus dual panel

712: Extensions, Workspaces,

713: automatic resize of windows when going up or left

714: system monitor in panel

715: integrated chat!

716: Nothing I can remember.

717: I love the activities/overview screen for switching apps, and the super key shortcut for opening it

718: nautilus tab,

719: dual panel nautilus

720: pressing backspace to go back a directory in nautilus, split view in nautilus, being able to create blank files in nautilus

721: sound tools, totem, network manager, integrated chat in the shell notification area, time tracker, evince

722: The Overview

723: Any kind of feature removal for the sake of "simplicity"

724: GTK3, Nautilus, Rhythmbox , Gnome-Terminal

725: i did leave gnome because its too bad to use

726: non 3d unaccellerated environment

727: Traditional desktop with file manager

728: classic panel with shortcut buttons and tools

729: Hot corner

730: App Launcher

731: Fallback mode for older video cards (ATI 92xx)

732: Power Manager

733: Easly configured panels with usefull launchers and applets. Straitforward and logical menu/naviagtion.

734: Honestly, I read this question and had to ask how much more they could possibly take away. Just... no.

735: Don't know

736: Better compatibility for GTK2+

737: controlling multiple machines with multiple gnome-session toolbars

738: See: GNOME 2

739: Nautilus is perfect as it is.

740: All kinds of keyboard-shortcuts

741: fallback session

742: panels, desktop icons

743: second monitor different workspace

744: Notifications. Program icons near the notifications area.

745: Gone has gui for controlling wifi while lxde has not.

746: gvfs, gnome-online-accounts

747: fall back for my old system. But new system, text on side for files

748: exposé mode, with Meta key

749: Classic menu

750: focus follows mouse

751: window switcher extension sort of Talika (was for Gnome 2)

752: traditional desktop

753: Activities menu just moving mouse button on top of screen

754: a system without sistemd dependency and other silly dependencies

755: The traditional 2.x interface

756: Various removed features from Nautilus (hello Nemo fork)

757: Whatever Cinnamon uses

758: gnome apps : disks, nautilus etc

759: new gnome search is good

760: Stability of UI

761: As it stands, I would like most features to remain in GNOME 3

762: Gnome settings in general and the dash search itself.

763: a good taskbar + apps there. evolution

764: why would they go away?

765: easy of use

766: a menu of applications, lack of white‐space, system configuration preflets that have more than 2 tick boxes

767: Dynamic desktop feature

768: Ability to easily switch virtual desktops

769: fallback mode

770: no 3D acceleration required

771: window overview

772: gnome-settings-daemon & gnome-control-center

773: A damn fine question...

774: gdm, gtk

775: The customisability of the shell.

776: nautilus tree side pane

777: The paltry bits of configurability and customizability that remain from Gnome2.

778: If changes are to something better, anything can be changed.

779: zaphod multi monitor support

780: Nautilus dual-panel

781: Tree view in Nautilus, Multimonitor

782: nautilus multi views/panels, taskbars, simple accessible applications menu.

783: Shell search, Nautilus

784: Fallback mode

785: Terminal, multiple desktops

786: Keyboard shortcuts. Focus follows mouse.

787: the gnome-shell overlay

788: "I know better than you", stop dumbing down everything

789: shell search

790: Window positioning: edge-snap; virtual desktops

791: Practical, fast and nice UI

792: Activities Overwiev, ease of use, configuration options, online accounts integration

793: Infinite workspaces

794: Nautilus, EOG, Evince, Gedit

795: finding terminal windows

796: Shell & Activities

797: traditional interface (GNOME 2)

798: new alt+tab bevhavior, workspace behavior, themeing extension

799: Instant search, activities, hot corner, instant reply via empathy

800: keyboard shortcuts

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