The Best Features Of GNOME In 2012

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 19 December 2012 at 03:08 PM EST. Page 7 of 15. 5 Comments.

601: Gnome classic (fallback mode)

602: search function in overview

603: panels, desktop icons, sane alt-tab behavior, etc

604: multi-monitors; spacial nautilus

605: Over view mode and the work space switcher.

606: GNOME Shell

607: Focused design

608: nautilus create fucking file

609: It being a desktop manager, not a tablet app manager

610: the gnome terminal

611: window resize handles

612: chat integration,

613: Different keyboard layout for every window

614: Hot corner

615: Panel applets, taskbar, themes

616: workspaces, notifications, message tray, activities button

617: integrated chat

618: Virtual desktops

619: Configurability. Phone interfaces will NEVER be the same as desktop interfaces.

620: good file browser

621: dual pane nautilus

622: gnome panel from 2

623: gnome 3.4 layout

624: Clock in Gnome, I need to check time in Tokyo, Seattle, and Italy. I can check that in really quick in GNOME, not in KDE or other!

625: evolution MAILDIR and adress book +calendar integration

626: activities view

627: The Applications/Windows Overlay


629: Don't touch my GEDIT or Rhythmbox or die!

630: fallback mode

631: gnome session fallback

632: find apps by typing its name

633: I love gnome. I wish it was more flexible. please give us an alternative to mutter that uses the same gnome-panel.

634: empathy messaging integration

635: Multiple workspaces

636: None. Can't use it until you fix Bug 648156

637: GNOME shell

638: I rely on GNOME to look beyond the narrow nitpicks on the list above (e.g. the shutdown options or minimize buttons) to focus on making something that's tightly integrated and truly pleasing to use.

639: fallback mode

640: virtual screens, quick start, menu

641: traditional desktop

642: gnome-shell extensions

643: A launcher

644: The shell

645: magic corner

646: the multi desktops

647: Dynamic Multi Desktops,

648: The Shell, simply, with all its extensions, its stylized windows changing and its search fonctionnalities

649: the categoriea in the overview

650: Simplicity. (Simplicity IS NOT EQUIVALENT TO obfuscation. Someone VERY STUPID has clearly confused the two)

651: activities screen

652: Activities "button"

653: gnome-terminal, split pane nautilus

654: integrated email/chat/social networking/calendars/contacts

655: multimonitor support

656: search functionality

657: Beauty :)

658: Rely on: left bar favorites without scroll,

659: integrated messaging through notifications

660: gnome shell itself

661: Notification muting. I'm easily distracted, one icon changing color is enought for it to happend.

662: buttons on title bar, GS extensions

663: "Keyboard > Shortcuts" config within System Settings

664: Nothing. It has no features.

665: Device configuration (wacom etc.)

666: Online accounts. Please add owncloud! :-)

667: chat notification

668: I do not rely on any GNOME-specific features.

669: Inline Notification Replies

670: keep me in control

671: ability to display a pixel on a screen

672: activities overview, new alt-tab

673: visualy none

674: Keyboard shortcuts

675: easy apps access, search

676: extensions, particularly their access to the top bar. i reinstate the minimize button and use the Window List extension -- bringing back the old desktop paradigm for workspaces on which i have 3 or 4 overlapping windows. i also use system-monitor and cpu-temp indicators, as the work i do often grinds the system and having these indicators always available is a must for my work.

677: extensions, particularly their access to the top bar. i reinstate the minimize button and use the Window List extension -- bringing back the old desktop paradigm for workspaces on which i have 3 or 4 overlapping windows. i also use system-monitor and cpu-temp indicators, as the work i do often grinds the system and having these indicators always available is a must for my work.

678: I liked the taskbar in Gnome 2. In Gnome3 i added one as a extension but it is worse

679: gnome-shell, but with faster rendering

680: Bottom bar with application windows

681: File Notes, Emblems and split pane view in Nautilus

682: I use gnome mostly for a group of core apps. The rest, shell/WM, other tie-ins and dependancies don't mean much, but do offer polish. It's hard to have both flexibility and polish, but removing features without exposing them as options to enable is making me consider moving away from gnome as the over-simplification is getting to the point where it's a deal breaker for me.

683: mashing the meta key to switch apps

684: Workspace switcher!!!

685: 2d support.

686: traditional desktop

687: configuration options

688: Desktop managment, not a fucking tablet

689: I really like the new interface which heavily encourages the use of virtual desktops.

690: Clean desktop, GTK+ apps

691: speed and concept

692: Fallback mode

693: Integrated instant messaging, dynamic workspaces, extensions, overall awesomeness.

694: simply "desktop" interface as opposed to the new "tablet/mobile" interface.... would be nice if I was strictly working on a tablet... but I'm not. :P

695: The Shell way of managing open apps

696: multiple desktops

697: nautilus two panel mode

698: GNOME shell, extensions

699: keyboard shortcuts

700: epiphany web apps, gdk-broadway, Synapse support, Gnote, network connection GUI (old way), GPaste

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