AMD Radeon HD 4770 On Linux

Written by Michael Larabel in Graphics Cards on 11 May 2009 at 06:00 AM EDT. Page 6 of 12. 6 Comments.

Before delivering our gaming test results on Linux with the Radeon HD 4770, we first took some GPU thermal readings. This was done by running MONITOR=all phoronix-test-suite benchmark idle unigine-tropics idle, in order to monitor the temperature while the system idled for two minutes, ran three loops of the Unigine Tropics tech demo at 2560 x 1600, and then idled for three minutes. Below are the line graphics generated by the Phoronix Test Suite that shows not only the GPU temperature but also what the GPU core usage was at while Unigine Tropics was running.

As you can see from the graph, when the system was idling before being stressed by Unigine Tropics its GPU die was running at just under 48°C. When firing up the Unigine Tropics test in the Phoronix Test Suite, the GPU temperature quickly jumped to around 64°C and remained within a few degrees of that position for the duration of the testing. Once the OpenGL testing was done, the RV740 GPU returned to around 48°C. As would be expected, during the Unigine Tropics testing the GPU core was maxed out at roughly 100% usage.

At this time there are no noise level tests within the Phoronix Test Suite, but this Sapphire Radeon HD 4770 512MB graphics card was very quiet during testing. It could be barely heard above the other fans in the system, so let us continue to the main results.

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