Wine 3.10 vs. Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Windows 10 Desktop Performance

Written by Michael Larabel in Operating Systems on 22 June 2018 at 08:18 AM EDT. Page 3 of 4. 57 Comments.
Wine vs. Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Windows 10 Pro Benchmarks
Wine vs. Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Windows 10 Pro Benchmarks
Wine vs. Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Windows 10 Pro Benchmarks

While Cinebench has no native Linux build, I included this benchmark here given the popularity of Cinebench as a Windows benchmark. The single/multi-core CPU tests were on-par between Windows and Wine while the OpenGL test had very noticeable overhead under Wine.

Wine vs. Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Windows 10 Pro Benchmarks

With the Stockfish chess benchmark, the Wine performance was a little bit slower than Windows 10 while Ubuntu 18.04 was the fastest.

Wine vs. Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Windows 10 Pro Benchmarks

The Primesieve prime number benchmark seems to have a big performance issue under Wine compared to the near similar performance on Windows 10 and Ubuntu 18.04.

Wine vs. Ubuntu 18.04 vs. Windows 10 Pro Benchmarks

The FLAC audio encoding performance on Wine also took a noticeable hit compared to the competing Windows and Linux performance numbers.

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