Windows 10 WSL CPU Scaling Performance vs. Linux

Written by Michael Larabel in Operating Systems on 1 August 2017 at 11:00 AM EDT. Page 3 of 4. 18 Comments.
Intel Core i9 Scaling Linux vs. Windows 10 WSL Benchmarks

Windows 10 WSL was scaling well except when hitting 10 threads is where it seemed to slow down but then recovering back up at 20 threads.

Intel Core i9 Scaling Linux vs. Windows 10 WSL Benchmarks

Windows 10 WSL also wasn't scaling quite as well with some GraphicsMagick tests. With these later results there aren't 1 thread results as the Windows 10 system ended up locking up during the tests.

Intel Core i9 Scaling Linux vs. Windows 10 WSL Benchmarks
Intel Core i9 Scaling Linux vs. Windows 10 WSL Benchmarks

Windows 10 WSL remains much slower in compilation benchmarks due to its slower I/O due to the overhead of this Linux compatibility layer running over NTFS.

Intel Core i9 Scaling Linux vs. Windows 10 WSL Benchmarks

With the timed Linux kernel compilation test there appeared to be some heavy contention causing the process at 20 threads to end up running very slow.

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