Windows 10 vs. Linux OpenGL Performance On Kabylake - Summer 2017

Written by Michael Larabel in Operating Systems on 14 June 2017 at 09:13 AM EDT. Page 3 of 4. 16 Comments.
Windows 10 vs. Clear Fedora Ubuntu Linux Intel Graphics

Xonotic with low quality settings at 1080p showed Windows running faster than the Linux distributions. The fastest Linux distribution tested in this test profile was Clear Linux while Windows 10 maintained a 6% lead over it or a 15% lead over Ubuntu.

Windows 10 vs. Clear Fedora Ubuntu Linux Intel Graphics

But when moving to higher visual settings where the game becomes more GPU bound, the Clear Linux and Windows 10 performance about evens out while the other Linux distributions are within frames of that.

Windows 10 vs. Clear Fedora Ubuntu Linux Intel Graphics
Windows 10 vs. Clear Fedora Ubuntu Linux Intel Graphics

When maxing out Xonotic's visual capabilities, the Windows vs. Linux OpenGL performance is nearly identical.

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