Ubuntu 16.04 vs. 18.04 Performance On Six Systems

Written by Michael Larabel in Operating Systems on 2 May 2018 at 12:00 PM EDT. Page 3 of 7. 6 Comments.
Ubuntu 18.04 vs. 16.04 LTS - 6-Way Linux System Benchmarks

On many of the systems, the Botan crypto program was running much faster on Ubuntu 18.04.

Ubuntu 18.04 vs. 16.04 LTS - 6-Way Linux System Benchmarks

The x264 performance wound up being faster for the AMD EPYC/Ryzen boxes while on the Intel hardware was the same speed.

Ubuntu 18.04 vs. 16.04 LTS - 6-Way Linux System Benchmarks

While in the AVX-heavy Himeno pressure solver test, the Intel CPUs saw a small but measurable performance improvement that didn't carry over to the AMD Zen-based systems.

Ubuntu 18.04 vs. 16.04 LTS - 6-Way Linux System Benchmarks

The ebizzy test that tries to resemble server workload performance saw very significant performance improvements with the move to Ubuntu 18.04.

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