Scaleway's EPYC Powered Cloud Is Delivering Competitive Performance & Incredible Value

Written by Michael Larabel in Software on 15 March 2019 at 05:41 PM EDT. Page 2 of 4. 22 Comments.
Scaleway Benchmarks

First up was the Stockfish chess engine for these 4/8 core cloud VM instances being tested. The GP1-S general purpose Scaleway instance was the fastest off the EPYC 7401P processor cores. In this benchmark, the GP1-S EPYC instance was faster than Amazon's 8 vCPU m5.2xlarge instance backed by Xeon Platinum 8175M cores.

Scaleway Benchmarks

Not only was the EPYC instance beating out Amazon's popular m5.2xlarge instance type, it is much cheaper at about 18 cents per hour compared to 38 cents per hour. It's also worth noting that Scaleway's EPYC instances were performing ahead of the EC2 instances on the EPYC 7571 processors while also being cheaper than EC2. As for Scaleway's C2 series instances based on Atom, while they are cheap, they aren't that fast. (Note: the START1-M pricing wasn't shown for some of the benchmarks due to the duration of the run and given the pricing, it was hard to accurately provide an estimate without being too influenced by rounding.)

Scaleway Benchmarks

With the TTSIOD renderer is a case where Amazon's m5.2xlarge Xeon instance came out ahead of Scaleway's GP1-S and also where the EC2 m5a.2xlarge EPYC instance edged out slightly while the GP1-XS vs. m5a.xlarge performance was similar.

Scaleway Benchmarks

Scaleway's performance-per-dollar is much better than the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud with the current on-demand pricing.

Scaleway Benchmarks

The m5.2xlarge Xeon instance did pull out slightly ahead of Scaleway's GP1-S for code compilation speed...

Scaleway Benchmarks

Unless talking about value, in which case both of the tested AMD EPYC cloud instances on Scaleway were delivering better value than EC2.

Scaleway Benchmarks
Scaleway Benchmarks

It was a similar story with the build performance of LLVM.

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