Samsung NC10 Netbook

Written by Michael Larabel in Computers on 4 January 2009 at 03:38 PM EST. Page 3 of 11. 26 Comments.

Linux Compatibility:

Samsung makes no Linux operating system available with the NC10 at this time. While the netbook arrived with Microsoft Windows XP SP3, it was quickly wiped in favor of Ubuntu Linux.

Unfortunately, using Ubuntu 8.10 with the Samsung NC10 is not a flawless experience. The most significant problem is the 802.11g WiFi not working by default. The Atheros wireless adapter is detected, but the driver loaded by default doesn't work. To get wireless working with Ubuntu on the Samsung NC10 we had built MadWiFi from source.

There were also audio problems present with using the internal microphone. The wireless, brightness, and other keyboard hot-keys don't work by default but will work once setting the appropriate key-codes and applying patches available from the Ubuntu Wiki. Other minor details regarding the Samsung NC10 Ubuntu support can be found on the Wiki page as well.

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