Samsung 870 EVO Linux Performance Benchmarks
The IOR storage benchmark making use of MPI and focused on HPC minded I/O tasks saw ever so slightly better performance with the Samsung 870 EVO over the 860 EVO.
For those wanting to see how your own Linux storage performance compares against the data found in this article, simply install the Phoronix Test Suite and run phoronix-test-suite benchmark 2101288-HA-SAMSUNG8717 for your own fully-automated, side-by-side performance comparison. Dig into the Samsung 870 EVO benchmarks in more detail over on The Samsung 870 EVO is available from retailers like Amazon (affiliate link) with the 1TB version for $129 USD or the 500GB version as tested for $69.99 -- they are nice drives if still reliant on SATA.
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