Windows 10 vs. Ubuntu Linux Performance On A $199 AMD Ryzen Laptop
One area where Ubuntu 20.04 with its default EXT4 file-system is much faster than Windows 10 was when running the SQLite embedded database library test off the solid-state storage.
When running the open-source Xonotic game that is OpenGL-powered and well supported on each operating system, with low quality settings Ubuntu 20.04 daily was much faster than Windows 10 with the Vega 3 graphics.
But when increasing the visual intensity of Xonotic, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS then fell behind the Windows 10 performance for the Motile 14 laptop. Xonotic is one of the few games running nicely off the Vega 3 graphics and cross-platform friendly. Don't expect to do too much out of gaming on a $199 laptop.
Java text rendering performance did come out much faster on Ubuntu 20.04 with this Ryzen 3 3200U laptop.