Radeon RX 580: AMDGPU-PRO vs. DRM-Next + Mesa 17.2-dev

Written by Michael Larabel in Display Drivers on 26 April 2017 at 07:27 AM EDT. Page 2 of 3. 20 Comments.
Benchmark Result
Benchmark Result

While Deus Ex: Mankind Divided started out as unplayable with RadeonSI Gallium3D when it was released, thanks to continued optimization work by AMD and Valve developers, it's now in much better shape. In fact, with this bleeding-edge open-source driver stack, the RX 580 is faster with the open code than AMDGPU-PRO 17.10 -- and with correct rendering.

Benchmark Result

The Dota 2 OpenGL performance was similar between AMDGPU-PRO and the latest DRM-Next + Mesa 17.2-dev code.

Benchmark Result

The RX 580 Polaris card out-of-the-box on Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS was much slower than AMDGPU-PRO, but once pulling in the newer AMDGPU DRM code and Mesa 17.2-dev, it's now faster than this hybrid proprietary driver.

Benchmark Result

Recent advancements in AMDGPU and RadeonSI also now allow the open-source code to outperform AMDGPU-PRO for the demanding Metro Last Light Redux game.

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