RadeonSI OpenGL vs. RADV Vulkan Performance For Mad Max

Written by Michael Larabel in Linux Gaming on 30 March 2017 at 03:05 PM EDT. Page 2 of 4. 103 Comments.
Radeon Mad Max OpenGL Vulkan

The Mad Max benchmark is split into four difference scenes. With the first scene, Camp Hollow Point, the OpenGL vs. Vulkan performance was close to the same... But keep in mind this is testing with RADV. RADV is proven to be less performant compared to the mature RadeonSI OpenGL driver in tests like Serious Sam 2017 and Dota 2, so seeing close to the same in this scene is actually impressive.

Radeon Mad Max OpenGL Vulkan

But with the stronghold scene is where Vulkan really comes to light. The RADV Vulkan results are much faster than the RadeonSI OpenGL results on both the RX 480 and R9 Fury.

Radeon Mad Max OpenGL Vulkan

With the next scene, OpenGL was faster with RadeonSI than RADV.

Radeon Mad Max OpenGL Vulkan

Similarly, with the landmover cut scene too.

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