$10 Orange Pi One Linux Benchmarks Against The Raspberry Pi & Other ARM Boards
With the Himeno scientific workload, the Orange Pi One even came out ahead of the Raspberry Pi 2.
Not bad for $10, but if you can afford more and want greater performance, the ODROID-C2, PINE 64+, and others will offer you greater performance for your buck.
That's that for the Orange Pi One performance benchmarks so far. The performance is certainly much better than the Raspberry Pi Zero and also much easier to find. If you are interested in the Orange Pi One or the other ARM SBCs benchmarked, visit the the LoveRPi Amazon.com store.
Explore more via this OpenBenchmarking.org result file or by installing the Phoronix Test Suite and running phoronix-test-suite benchmark 1603312-GA-1603277GA73.
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