Nouveau Linux 4.14 + Mesa 17.4-dev vs. NVIDIA
Tesseract also runs fairly well due to this game being mostly CPU limited on modern hardware.
Xonotic was also running fairly well with Nouveau on the tested GPUs except for stability issues with the GTX 750.
The GpuTest Triangle micro-test that is mostly a function of video memory performance shows good performance out of the GTX 760 and GTX 780 Ti but the GTX 750 performance is severely limited with the current Nouveau driver.
That's the state of things with Linux 4.14 and Mesa 17.4-devel for Nouveau. Unfortunately, I wished there was better news to report at this time: the community Nouveau contributors to the open-source driver continue doing the best job they can with their limited resources but sadly there hasn't been much support from NVIDIA and for newer GPUs are severely restricted by NVIDIA until releasing more of the signed firmware images.
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