Shadow of Mordor Performance: Windows 10 vs. Ubuntu Linux
At 4K, the Linux gaming experience for Shadow of Mordor still came up short of Windows 10 for this NVIDIA graphics comparison.
For reference. Shadow of Mordor on Windows has a minimum system requirement of a GeForce GTX 460 or AMD Radeon HD 5850, with a recommended level of a GTX 660 or HD 7950. Under Linux, Feral currently lists the minimum requirement as a GeForce GT 640 while the recommended configuration is using NVIDIA GeForce GTX 900 series graphics cards with 4GB of video memory.
Hopefully Feral Games will be able to further improve the performance of Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor with forthcoming updates on Steam for Linux. Additionally, hopefully they will add command-line switches for controlling the benchmark mode for this game so that we'll be able to deliver more performance test results in the future with Phoronix Test Suite integration. Meanwhile, hopefully AMD will work on a prompt Catalyst Linux driver update to correct the incredibly poor performance and issues with this game, as I outlined in last week's results.
If you appreciate this Ubuntu Linux vs. Windows 10 comparison of this AAA game, please consider subscribing to Phoronix Premium or making a PayPal tip to help support future interesting Linux tests. While Windows 10 was on this system, I did run some other OpenGL PTS tests of Windows 10 vs. Ubuntu 15.04 for NVIDIA that will be published in the coming days. If you missed it last week I also published some Intel Iris Pro Windows 10 vs. Linux benchmarks.
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