CompuLab Intense-PC2: An Excellent, Fanless, Mini PC Powered By Intel's i7 Haswell
For the tests shown on the earlier pages and other tests run, the Intense-PC2's Core i7 4600U had an average operating temperature under load of 67C and a peak of 79C. This is rather high but not damagingly high and somewhat expected given that the Intense-PC line-up is fanless. The Intense-PC2 was running about 10C lower than the Ivy Bridge based Intense-PC.
The Intense-PC2 had an average total AC system power draw under load of about 30 Watts with a peak of 38 Watts.
Overall, CompuLab remains one of the very interesting Linux-friendly PC vendors out there doing interesting designs. The Intense-PC2 is fanless, built within a ruggedized metal shell, and is easy to upgrade / swap out RAM and storage. The Intense-PC2 has been running strong at Phoronix over the past month without any problems. The Intense-PC has been running now for over two years and also without problems.
The only downside to the Intense-PC2 is that the ruggedized, industrial-ready system won't come cheap compared to other low-power, mini PCs you'll find at the consumer level. You can find more information about the Intense-PC2 via their web-site but for the configuration our review sample was sent over for testing, it will set you back more than $1100 USD. Besides the Intense-PC2 there's also many other interesting CompuLab products too for Linux users.
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