Does Compiz Still Slow Down Your System?
With the last game for today, the Radeon X1950PRO and Radeon HD 4670 both had higher frame-rates with Compiz while the HD 5670 had the same frame-rates under Gallium3D. The Catalyst driver continued running the same.
Like in all other tests, the Nouveau Gallium3D driver had a lower frame-rate when Compiz was enabled. With Urban Terror, the NVIDIA driver was minimally affected.
The Catalyst driver was the least affected by running Compiz (its performance was unchanged) while the open-source Radeon Gallium3D driver actually had a higher frame-rate, but this may be partially due to some syncing possibly going on when Metacity is active.
The Nouveau driver's performance was certainly lower when Compiz was running. With the NVIDIA driver, its performance varied from being nearly unchanged to dropping a fair amount when Compiz 0.9.4 was running with these full-screen OpenGL games at the monitor's native resolution.
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